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The Jiaodong gold concentrated mineralization zone is the largest gold productionbase in China. Last century,over70percent of gold mines in Jiaodong Peninsula haveserious situation that their golden resources is exhaustion, and there also have someSocial hidden trouble because of this situation. Considering that the shallow gold hasbeen exploration and development, the most important thing is finding a way of deepperipheral forecasting to solve resource crisis. In Jiaodong, Mesozoic magmatichydrothermal alteration has a very close relationship with the gold mineralization, andit is also an important symbol of deep prospection. However, the research of regionalrock band which has been impacted by structure and altered Mesozoic magmatichydrothermal is very weak and it really needs to be enhanced. Because of theguidance from my academic advisor, Dr. WuGanguo, I choose the title of my masterthesis as “The study of geologic characteristics of regional tectonic altered rock beltand regulation of metallogenic fluid in Jiaodong Peninsula”
     When I was an undergraduate student, I had participated a research program inJiaodong. As a graduate student, I have participated National Science FoundationProject “Fluidic geochemistry and tectonic metallogenesis research of gold deposit inNorthwest of Jiongdong Peninsula”, Shandong gold research projects “Scalemetallogenic prediction positioning east area of Jiuqu in Dongshan mine in Linglong”.To write this thesis and get some first hand information, I have done numerous offield work, underground observation, and systematic indoor research and testinganalysis. On the base of reading lots of domestic and overseas related articles, I havefinished my Master thesis on time, and gotten some achievements:
     1. First time group the granite rock mass in Luanjiahe, Biguo and Guojiadian intoLuanjiahe-Weideshan granite unit, and try formation the distribution map of Mesozoicintrusive rocks. This granite unit also is considered that has the closest relationshipwith the hydrothermal solution which contain gold mineralization element.
     2. The strain ratio of Potassium stage in the fracture alteration zone in west ofJiaodong is larger than the east, but the strain ratio of Sericitization stage in thefracture alteration zone in west of Jiaodong is smaller than the east. The structuralanalysis shows the reason should be the pressure came from Tan-Lu fault zone; andthe pressure which impacted the strain ratio of Sericitization stage should be causedby Luanjiahe-Weideshan granite unit invasion.
     3. Calculation tectonic additional hydrostatic pressure of tectonic altered rock belt,and the conclusion shows that the pressure in west of Jiaodong is higher than the east.This conclusion provides quantitative evidence for the inference which thinks theTan-Lu fault zone is the source of driving force for the ore-forming fluid.
     4. The data of Ore forming fluid shows that the homogenization temperature ofPotassium stage in the fracture alteration zone in west of Jiaodong is higher than theeast; and the homogenization temperature of Sericitization stage in the west ofJiaodong is lower than the east. This variation tendency is opposite with the strainratio, and it shows that the metallogenic environment in the west of Jiaodong is Highpressure but low temperature, and the east is low pressure but high temperature.
     5. From west to east in Jiaodong, the gold deposits from the altered rock type to thequartz vein type, and the mines’ scale also are getting smaller. The research in thisthesis use the method of combines the characteristics of alterated rocks with fluidproperties to show the principle of ore-forming fluid mineralization. And through thisprinciple, the thesis finds the reason of larger altered rock type of gold mines are inthe west of Jiaodong area, but smaller quartz vein type in the east.
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