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在微生物农药中,苏云金杆菌(Bacillus thuringiensis简称Bt)因其杀虫活性高、杀虫谱较广、易于大规模生产、对人畜安全、无环境污染等特点,已被广泛应用于防治农、林和环卫害虫,并取得了显著的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益,在微生物防治害虫的实践中占有极其重要的地位。本论文以微生物学和分析化学相结合为出发点,在微生物学的基础上,辅以化学知识,着眼于苏云金杆菌杀虫剂在实际应用和制剂保存中存在的问题,重点研究了化学杀虫剂与苏云金杆菌制剂混配和抗生素类作为防腐剂时,二者对苏云金杆菌杀虫剂主要杀虫活性成分伴胞晶体蛋白及芽孢的影响。
     l-l。I 文 摘 要
    20%灭多威和 40%辛硫磷。IJ与书、云朵杆菌制剂现混现用;80%敌地畏不’1’I’与苏云
    强的抑制作用,在 0.5 u g/ml低剂量下]-I在一个月内抑制芽地的Iw发;氧氟沙星
    和麦迪霉素抑制作用稍差,在 5 u g叩l白剂量下抑制作用15ti 日问延长而减宕,96h
As one of important branch of micro-pesticide. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) are widely used in controlling pests on agriculture , forest , sanitation and so on. And notable effects in economic society and zoology were obtained. In micro-controlling, B1 has showed its unsubstitute state. On the basis of microbiology, the research work is on the problems about conservation and. application of preparation of Bt. The effects of chemistry pesticides when blended with Bt and antibiotics as antisepsis on spore and parasporal crystal of Bt were studied.
    The effects of 9 kinds of 4 species (pyrethroid compounds, organic phosporus compounds, carbamate compounds and killing-mite compounds) of chemical pesticides on spore and parasporal crystal of CH strain of Bacillus thuringiensis were studied when the two kind of pesticides were blended to control pests. The results of the present study showed that these chemical insecticides had different effects on Bt spore and insecticidal crystal protein (ICP). The analysis of SDS-PAGE showed that pyrethroid compounds and organic phosporus compounds could do good to ICP of Bt. Dichlorvos was very harmful to parasporal crystals. The reason of the latter may be: (1)the P=O configuration of the efficient content of dichlorvos may oxygenize ICP so that the activity of ICP was destroyed: (2)some reducing agent in the dichlorvos preparation would do great harm to ICP. Methomyl, dicofol and pyridaben hadn't obvious effects on ICP. Among the nine insecticides studied, deltamethrin. chlorpyrifos. dicofol and pyridaben had no harm
    ful effects and they may be mixed with Bt as composite preparation; Beta-cypermethrin. cyhalothrin. methomyl and phoxim may be temporarily mixed with Bt for use. Dichlorvos can't be mixed with Bt as composite preparation or temporarily mixed with Bt for use.
    On the contagion of preparation and the decrease of toxin in Suspension Concentrate (SC), fourteen kinds of medical antibiotics were studied about their effects on prohibiting the revegetation of spores and parasporal crystals as antisepsis. The
    results showed that these antibiotics had different effects on Bt spore and ICP. The optimal antibiotics for controlling spore revegetation were ncrythromycin and ciprofloxacin hydrochloride, both at 0.5 u g/ml. Oflixacin and ofloxacin needed higher doses, at 5 u g/ml in liquid which could control spores growth for 96h. The others were above 30 u g/ml to take effect. The spores treated with these antibiotics could bourgeon when the antibiotic was diluted or eliminated. SDS-PAGE and bioassay showed that Oflixacin , erythromycin , ofloxacin and ciprofloxacin hydrochloride did not destroyed parasporal crystal. Ofloxacin had better preservation among the four antibiotics. After the fermented liquid added with ofloxacin was stored at 45℃ for four days, the percent of the original activity remained was 96.2%. According to the laboratory research, the author thought that some kinds of antibiotics could prohibit the growth of spore and some other saprophyte when antibiotic was used as antisepsis in SC. Thus, some an
    tibiotics can replace chemical-synthesizing antisepsis which may contaminate air, water in great extent. Meanwhile. these antibiotics can also retain the stabilization of SC better.
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