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There are many ill-defined and unstructured problems existing in enterprises’decision making, which are named the ill-structured problem. The solving of this kind of problems is important to the survival and development of the enterprises. However, the components and solution space of the problems are unknown which results in several ways or no certain way at all to solve the problems, therefore the ultimate solving method is unforeseeable and emanative and this is complicated for decision makers’knowledge. People usually use brain-storming to solve the ill-structured problem, but the information and knowledge used in the solving process as well as the consequent new knowledge are not summarized and managed, i.e. the knowledge disperse in the individual’s brain. Consequently, how to manage the knowledge in the ill-structured problem solving process efficiently and support the communion of the knowledge to assist the solving are critical to the enterprises. The dissertation studies the ill-structured problem as well as the knowledge management in the solving process, and the main points are as follows:
     First, the dissertation defines the ill-structured problem including its concept, range, characteristic and taxonomy. Basing on the analysis of activity in solving process, a solving model toward the ill-structured problem is proposed and the general solving process is formalized. The given example in specific enterprise suggests that the model can not only reduce the complexity of ill-structured problem solving but also standardize the solving process.
     Second, the dissertation analyzes the characteristics and expression of the knowledge demand, proposes a uniform expression of the knowledge and investigates the acquirements of the dominant. According to knowledge demand in solving process and the folksonomy characteristics, it is suggested that the folksonomy is feasible to classify the knowledge. The folksonomy can satisfy the demand of knowledge classification in ill-structured problem solving as well as promote the share and innovation of knowledge. A Tag folksonomy technology is represented in detail.
     Third, the methods for expert recommendation are discussed. Considering the problems in application and the demand characteristic of solving, an expert recommendation strategic basing on knowledge folksonomy is proposed. The data mining on knowledge folksonomy information can solve the expert recommendation in ill-structured problem solving process. An expert recommendation arithmetic extricating from expert warehouse and expert map is presented and the key points in appliance is also analyzed.
     Forth, the advantages and limitations as well as applicability of the common recommendation arithmetic are discussed. A knowledge recommendation strategic used in ill-structured problem solving process is proposed to meet the demand of knowledge recommendation. An improved association rules arithmetic basing on tag technology is proposed to solve the knowledge recommendation problem in knowledge study. The 3-D collaborative filtering is extended to recommend knowledge and the experiment using the real data in enterprises is carried out. The results show that the quality and performance of the 3-D arithmetic is better than the traditional arithmetic’s.
     Fifth, the system structure toward ill-structured problem solving is represented. Further, the system’s functions and mechanism are described in detail. An active working model basing on agent is proposed and the prototype of knowledge management system toward ill-structured problem solving is also designed and developed.
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