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    模式是基于 GFDL的 MOM2 模式建立的, 模式覆盖全球大洋, 在 20 S 到 60 N。
    98 E 到 156 E 的区域模式水平分辨率为 1/6 ×1/6, 往外分辨率逐渐变粗至 2°,
    垂向分为 18 层, 模式的东西边界取循环边界, 南北边界为闭边界。 模式在合理
    模拟东南亚边缘海环流季节变化的基础上, 模拟了 1994-2000 年的环流变异。 结
    果表明, 南海上层环流存在明显的年际变化其主要特征为: 厄尔尼诺年夏季, 南
    海环流变异不明显; 拉尼娜年夏季, 南海南部的反气旋式环流被削弱, 北部的气
    旋式环流也被削弱; 厄尔尼诺年冬季, 南海南部和北部均产生反气旋式环流异常
    即南海气旋式环流被削弱; 拉尼娜年冬季, 南海气旋式环流被加强。 1998 年 8
    月南海上层环流变异非常显著, 南部的反气旋式环流几乎消失, 而北部的气旋式
    环流则被一个反气旋式环流所代替, 越南沿岸的离岸流也消失了。 越南沿岸离岸
    流的消失对 1998 年南海暖事件起到加强作用 。通过台湾-西表岛水道黑潮流量存
    在明显的年际变化, 厄尔尼诺年黑潮流量偏低, 拉尼娜年黑潮流量偏高。 吕宋海
    峡上 35m 的流量年际变化主要受吕宋海峡附近纬向风应力年际变化的影响,
    35-427.5m 流量的年际变化则受台湾-西表岛水道黑潮流量年际变化的影响。 南
    海上 58m 平均温度年际变化和南海海面风应力大小年际变化的相关系数达到
    -0.86, 说明南海上层温度的年际变化主要是受海面风应力的影响, 海面风应力
    较强时, 潜热通量大所以上层温度低, 海面风应力较弱时, 潜热通量小所以上层
    温度高。 南海 58-209m 平均温度的年际变化与上层的变化趋势相反, 主要受次表
    层垂向运动的年际变化的影响。 模拟的通过 IX1 断面以 800m 为参考面的年平均
    流量为 11.6Sv, 夏季流量较高, 冬季流量较低。 通过龙目海峡的流量明显的以
    半年为周期变化, 通过翁拜海峡的流量有明显的年周期变化和半年周期变化, 通
    过帝汶海测流量则以年变化为主, 这样的变化周期主要是季风转换期东向的南爪
    哇流在巽它岛链南侧影响的范围导致的。 通过 IX1 断面以 800m 为参考面流量的
    变化具有明显的与 ENSO 相联系的年际变化, 其流量的年际变化与 Nino3 区指
    数的相关系数为-0.75, 说明 ITF 的流量在厄尔尼诺年偏低, 拉尼娜年偏高。
A variable-grid global ocean circulation model was established to study the
    variabilities of the Southeast Asian marginal seas circulation. The model was based
    on GFDL’s MOM2 with fine grid (1°/6) covering the area from 20°S to 60°N and
    from 98°E to 156°E and coarse grid (2°) in the rest part of the world ocean. On the
    basis of well simulating the seasonal variation of the Southeast Asian marginal seas
    circulation, the model simulated the interannual variation of the circulation from 1994
    to 2000. The computation shows that the upper layer circulation of the South China
    Sea has obvious interannual variabilities. During summer of the El Ni?o year the
    variation is not remarkable. During summer of the L Ni?a year both the southern
    anti-cyclonic and the northern cyclonic gyres are weakened. During winter of the El
    Ni?o year the cyclonic gyre is weakened. During winter of the L Ni?a year the
    cyclonic gyre is enhanced. In August of 1998, the upper layer circulation remarkably
    differed from the normal years. The southern anti-cyclonic gyre vanished and the
    northern cyclonic gyre was replaced by an anti-cyclonic circulation. The off-shore
    current southeast of Vietnam vanished, resulting in intensification of the warm event
    of 1998. The mass transport through Taiwan- Iriomote Passage has obvious
    interannual variabilities with smaller transport during El Ni?o and larger transport
    during L Ni?a. The interannual variation of upper 35m transport through the Luzon
    Strait was closely related with the zonal wind stress variabilities over the Luzon Strait,
    while the mass transport between 35-427m through Luzon Strait was closely related
    with the interannual variation of mass transport through Taiwan- Iriomote Passage.
    The correlationcoefficient between the averaged temperature of the upper 58m of the
    South China Sea and the wind stress of the South China Sea is –0.86, indicating the
    interannual variability of upper layer temperature was affected by the wind stress
    variability The interannual variation of averaged temperature between 58-209m is out
    of phase in relation with the upper layer. It is affected by the interannual variability of
    the vertical velocity through the subsurface layer. The annual mean mass transport
    related to 800m through IX1 section is 11.6Sv, with greater values in summer and
    smaller values in winter. Semi-annual variability of mass transport is apparent in the
    Lombok Strait and Ombai Strait, but does not extend to the Timor Sea. The mass
    transport of the Timor Sea has apparent annual variability while both semi-annual and
    annual variability are apparent in the Ombai Strait. These variabilities are associated
    with the variability in the extension area of the eastward South Java Current during
    two monsoon transition periods. The interannual variation of mass transport through
    IX1 section relative to 800m has a good relationship with ENSO. The correlation
    coefficient with the Ni?o3 index is –0.75 indicating smaller transport during El Ni?o
    and larger transport during L Ni?a.
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