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    20多年,着重研究线性问题(Bishop & Price,1979;Wu,1984;杜双兴,1996;王大
     门)浮式箱梁二阶水弹性分析的和频和差频主坐标与一阶主坐标类似,在各波向 学-
     瞩)浮体的垂向位移、弯矩和剪力受H阶力的影响都比较大,在波向角p司35 f
     门)锚链力在波向角p=135”和p叫旷 时,二阶非线性效应不可忽略,其分析
Hydroelasticity theories of ships and floating marine structures, which embody the full
     complexities of the dynamics of the structure concerned and the fluid around it, provide more
     consistent and more rational approaches for the assessment of the overall behavior of a
     flexible marine structure. The existing theories have been developed for more than 20 years,
     however mainly focus on linear problems (Bishop and Price, 1979; Wu, 1984; Du, 1996;
     Wang, 1996). The linear theories are suitable for investigating a floating body with small
     amplitude of motion or an elastic structure in waves with resonant frequencies within or
     higher than the range of the wave frequencies. When responding to high waves with large
     amplitude, the floating structure may apparently suffer from non-linear responses due to the
     second order hydrodynamic forces induced by the rigid body rotations of motion and the
     effect of the instantaneous wetted surface. For a marine structure with the scale much larger
     than a conventional ship, its resonant frequencies in water will be very low, and its behavior
     in waves will be quite different than a usual vessel. In these circumstances it is obviously
     necessary to investigate the influence of the second and higher order hydrodynamic actions
     on the hydroelastic responses of a floating structure. The first objective of the present thesis
     is therefore to establish a second order hydroelasticity theory and the corresponding
     numerical method for investigating the effect of the above mentioned second order wave
     forces on the structural behavior of the floating body.
     Most of the floating marine structures are kept stationary by a mooring system.
     However there has still been a lack of deepening study about the interaction between a
     慺lexible?structure in waves and its mooring system. The second objective of the present
     thesis is to develop the second order hydroelastic analysis method and the corresponding
     computer program for predicting the responses of a moored flexible floating structure to
     To achieve these two objectives, the following efforts have been made and the results are
     presented in the present thesis. These include:
     (1) The existing two and three dimensional hydroelasticity theories and the analysis
     methods for the second order wave forces are briefly reviewed.
     (2) The fundamental contents and the analysis methods of three-dimensional
     hydroelasticity theories are briefly introduced.
     (3) Under the condition that only the contributions of the first order velocity potentials
     and responses to the second order hydrodynamic forces are considered in the analysis, a
     frequency domain non-linear three-dimensional hydroelasticity theory for a floating body
     either traveling or stationary in waves is presented. The general formulations of the second
     order hydrodynamic coefficients appearing in the non-linear three-dimensional hydroelastic
     equations of motion of the floating body are also included.
     (4) The non-linear characteristics of the mooring system are discussed. The linearized
     representations of the mooring effects, together with the stiffness matrices respectively for
     symmetrically disposed tensional and gravitational mooring systems are introduced.
     (5) The linear and non-linear three-dimensional hydroelastic equations of motion of the
     moored floating system in frequency domain are presented. Based on the computer
     program suite of linear three-dimens
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