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Assessment should benefit instruction, with the ultimate goal of promoting learning and improving teaching. Students' learning progress can be reflected at different stages of a lesson. If teachers want to know students' progress so as to adjust teaching strategies aiming to foster learning, they need to review students' learning from different perspectives by means of progressive assessment, that is, to cater for students' needs when planning the object of learning for the lesson; to try to figure out their ways of teaching to benefit students' learning in the teaching process; to benefit teaching and learning when summarizing experience in overall reflection. This research discussed the meaning of learning, teaching and assessment from different academic ideologies as well as overseas and local studies. Results shows that progressive assessment can really promote learning, however, most of the studies lack a systematic way of practice. Through investigating mainstream assessments reflected from schools in Hong Kong at present and criticizing the development of mainstream learning theories as well as the application of experience, this study adopted the philosophy of phenomenography to trace the origin of the nature of knowledge, and analyze the relationship between teaching and learning from the learning phenomenon by using a learning theory, namely the "Variation Theory", which was developed from phenomenography. This study agreed that the "Variation Theory", as a solid foundation for teaching and learning, is worth being used to conduct empirical research on teaching practice from the perspective of assessment. This study also discussed how assessment generated positive impact on instruction through the practice mode of Learning study and the "Variation Theory" as the theoretical framework. When making assessment, the four levels that were applied for reviewing the learning progress were addressed:1) assess students' different views on the object of learning as the teaching focus to explore the starting point of learning and students' learning difficulties;2) assess the influence of the interaction of various factors in the classroom on teaching and learning, paying attention on the details of the interaction among teachers and students to try to figure out the strategies for teaching and adjusting teaching to benefit learning;3) assess students' learning process and outcome as well as focus on students' learning experience in order to help teachers improve instruction;4) to benefit another round of teaching and learning when summarizing experience in overall reflection。In view of these arguments, this paper suggested that the key to the implementation of assessment for ensuring quality teaching and learning depends on whether teachers can make appropriate assessment in classroom practice and reflect on their own teaching in order to understand students' needs. Enhancing teachers' teaching ability should begin from classroom practice. Assessment can be used as a means to reflect on teachers' own teaching so that they can review their own strengths and weaknesses systematically and, in the long run, improving their professional teaching skills. Finally, this paper concluded that raising teachers' awareness on classroom assessment is the most pragmatic and effective training for teachers' professional development. Only teachers who keep on making assessment to reflect on their own teaching in classroom can build a solid foundation for the long-term development of education, which in turns resulting in the strengthening of the education circle.
2柏克及威廉Black, P.J. and Wiliam, D. (1998) (Assessment and Classroom Learning), Assessment in Education,5(1), 7-74.
    3保罗.柏克Paul Black(1999) 'Assessment, learning theories and testing systems' in Murphy, P(ed.)Learners, Learning and Assessment, London:Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd in association with The Open University, Milton Keynes.(181-206) Patricia Murphy/(编)冯施钰珩、陈瑞坚、陈垄/(译)(2003)。<学习者、学习与评估)。香港:香港公开大学出版社。
    5程李颖(1997)<回冲效应如何影响教学?回总效应对香港的含义>Language in Education,11 (1):页38-54。香港:香港公开大学出版社。
    6柏士俊John Biggs 1996' Assumption underlying new approaches to assessment' in Biggs, J (ed)(1996)Testing:To Educate or to Select? Education in Hong Kong at the Crossroad, Hong Kong; The Commercial Press (Hong Kong)Ltd (188-226)Philip Stimpson, Paul Morris, Yvonne Fung, Ronnie Carr/(编)冯施钰珩、陈瑞坚、陈垄/(译)(2003)。(学习者、学习与评估)。香港:香港公开大学出版社。
    10 Black, P.J. and Wiliam, D. (1998) <评估及课堂学习> (Assessment and Classroom Learning), Assessment in Education.5(1), 7-74.
    12 York University 2002 "The Assessment of Science and Technology Achievement Projecf"is a project of the York/Seneca Institute for Science, Technology and Education.
    13 Bell, B. & Cowie, B. (2001). Formative Assessment and Science Education. London:Kluwer Academic Publishers, Science and Technology Education Library.
    14 Benett,Y(1993)'The validity and reliability of assessments and self-assessments of work-based learning'. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education,18(2):83-92
    15闻富强(2005)。 <学习评价方法的改革与实践)》。《南阳师范学院学报》,2005年第4期。
    19卢敏玲李树英(2007)<课堂学习研究——一种优化教育学的评估实践> 教育科学研究2007‘9
    20 Paul Black 1999 Assessment, learning theories and testing systems' in Murphy, P(ed.) Learners, Learning and Assessment, London: Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd in association with The Open University, Milton Keynes.节录自Philip Stimpson, Paul Morris, Yvonne Fung, Ronnie Carr/编黄婉仪、陈瑞坚、冯施钰珩/译 2003《课程、学习与评估:
    23 Assessment for Learning Beyond the Black Box(?) 1999 The Assessment Reform Group节录自http://www.assessment-reform-group.org.uk/publications.html
    24 Paul Black 1999 Assessment, learning theories and testing systems' in Murphy, P(ed.) Learners, Learning and Assessment, London: Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd in association with The Open University, Milton Keynes.节录自Philip Stimpson, Paul Morris, Yvonne Fung, Ronnie Carr/编黄婉仪、陈瑞坚、冯施钰珩/译 2003《课程、学习与评估:香港的经验》
    28彭明辉(2008)。 (现象图析学与变易理论)。《教育学报》,2008第五期,33-38页。
    29 Marton, F (1981).'Phenomenography-describing conceptions of the world around us'[J]. Instructional Science,1981,10:177-200.
    30 Marton, F., & Booth, S. (1997).'Learning and awareness'[M]. Mahwah, N.J.:Lawrence Erlbaum.
    31 Marton F, Booth S. (1997).'Learning and awareness'. NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
    33 Gurwitsch, A. (1964).'The field of consciousness. Pittsburgh':Duquesne University Press
    36 Marton, F., & Tsui, A. B. (2004). Classroom discourse and the space of learning. New Jersey:Erlbaum.
    37卢敏玲李树英2007《课堂学习研究—一种优化教育学的评估实践》教育科学研究1994-2008China Academic Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved http:/www.cnki.net
    42 Bransford, J. D., Brown, A. L., & Cocking, R. R. (2000). How People Learn:Brain, Mind, Experience, and School:Expanded Edition..
    43 Marton F, Booth S. (1997). Learning and awareness. NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. p.143
    48 Paul Black (1999)'Assessment, learning theories and testing systems' in Murphy, P(ed.)Learners, Learning and Assessment, London:Paul Chapman Publishing Ltd in association with The Open University, Milton Keynes.
    49 Marton, F (1981).'Phenomenography-describing conceptions of the world around us'[J]. Instructional Science,1981, 10:177-200.
    50 Marton F, Booth S. (1997). Learning and awareness. NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
    51 Zeichner, K. (1999). Action research and the preparation of reflective practitioners during the professional practicum. International Journal of Practical Experiences in Professional Education,3(1),1-26.
    57 King & Newmann (2001). Building school capacity through professional development: conceptual and empirical considerations. The International Journal of Educational Management, p.86.
    58 James W. Stigler & James Hiebert, 1999, The Teaching Gap
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