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The classics of Chinese drama, one of the significant carriers of the literary andcultural values of Chinese traditional theatre, has always occupied an important positionin the history of cross-cultural communication between China and the Western world.Owing to its beautiful language, complicated plots, magnificent structure, vividcharacterization, and meaningful themes of aspiring for freedom, happiness, liberation ofpersonality against feudal ethical code, The Peony Pavilion has successfully movedthousands of readers at home and abroad, becoming the symbolic ones translated bySinologists and ethnic Chinese scholars living abroad in the Anglo-American culturalsystem such as Harold Action, Cyril Birch, Stephen Owen, H. C. Chang, and Ch’u Chai&Winberg Chai in the more than280years history of classical Chinese dramas’spreading into the western world. In China, after the implementation of reform andopening-up policy, sponsored by Chinese government’s projects for translation andpublication of Chinese cultural works, the classics of Chinese drama as a whole hasexperienced its golden season of translating and spreading into foreign countries, so hasbeen the case of The Peony Pavilion. Many Chinese publishers have subsequently issuednew English translations of this drama by Zhang Guangqian, Wang Rongpei, XuYuanchong&Xu Ming. Up until now, the variety of English translation of The PeonyPavilion has numbered20or even more. However, in contrast to the flourishingtranslation situation of The Peony Pavilion, the researches about classical Chinese dramatranslation and circulation, including The Peony Pavilion, have always been marginalizedwith the salient features of “oneness”,“prescriptiveness” and “dispersivity”. Researcherswho start from the philological angel usually assert that the classical Chinese drama“should” be translated in certain ways but neglect the controlling factors of institution,market, repertoire, consumer etc. and the circulation and reception of dramas in the targetlanguage system in particular. This not only contradicts with the true nature of classicalChinese drama translation as a means of cross-cultural communication, but also departsfrom the initial intention of Chinese Culture “Going-out” Strategy, and the flourishingtranslation situation of The Peony Pavilion at present. Therefore, in light of the theoriesof translation studies, media-translatology, and “The Making of Culture” advanced byItamar Even-Zohar, this paper intends to describe objectively the translating anddisseminating process of The Peony Pavilion in the Chinese and English cultural contextrespectively with translation norms, creative treason, patronage, poetics and ideology asthe key points. Some suggestions and proposals are to be drawn to enhance the theoretical researches and actual translation practice of classical Chinese drama and othercultural projects at present.
     This research shows that two different translation models have come into being inthe process of The Peony Pavilion’s translation and spreading into the western world,namely, the “in-coming” translation model adopted by sinologists and ethnic Chinesescholars living abroad and “out-going” translation model adopted by domestic Chinesetranslators, which lead to wholly different results of text reception. The former is carriedout actively by the Anglo-American cultural systems according to their own demands inthe process of cultural development, while the latter, after the integration of individualtranslator’s endeavor with state’s will, is initiated to revive its culture and change China’simage in the Anglo-American cultural systems.
     In the first mode, the translators can co-ordinate the complicated relationshipsbetween translation activities, target language institution, readers and market, and useflexible translation strategies to meet the demand of ideology, poetics and culturalrepertoire adjustments in the system. The translation norms they used has graduallyshifted from target-language-oriented acceptability to source-language-oriented adequacy,and stopped finally at the translator-oriented one with the combination of acceptabilityand adequacy. Though the translation styles of sinologists and ethnic Chinese scholarsliving abroad are slightly different, but they have reached a tacit agreement on thetranslation of intoned verses and arias, the language games such as puns, innuendos,personalized language and cultural images etc. in The Peony Pavilion, to wit, theyrespect the rhymes and forms of the intoned verses and arias in the original language, butnever intends to transplant them at the sacrifice of meaning. Instead, they translatepreferably the content and spirit of those verses and arias with free English verse featuredwith flexible lines and similar rhythms. If necessary, concise notes are frequently used toexplain the meaning of these peculiar Chinese expressions and cultural items. Whendealing with puns, innuendos, and extremely personalized dialogues, translators chooseto recreate the expressive effect within the original semantic frames and to differentiatevarious characters’ registers in idiomatic English. In terms of cultural stance, they respectChinese cultural elements instead of cleansing them. The audience, accordingly, hasshifted from the general public to the professional who has received Chinese languageand literature education. Owing to different translation strategies and verified externalcontrolling factors, the disseminaltion effects of all translations are quitely different inthe distribution channels and the field of symbolic capital reproduction. Harold Actonand the Chais’ versions are gradually marginalized, whereas Cyril Birch, Stephen Owenand H. C. Chang’s versions are favored by readers and professionals alike. It isnoticeable that, urged by the target language market, institutions and readers etc, Cyril Birch’s English translation of The Peony Pavilion, the most typical one, has graduallyintegrated into the Anglo-American education system of Chinese language and literature,changing finally the construct of Chinese drama repertoire in the target language, andfulfilling the canonization by entering into the anthology of Chinese literature and historyof Chinese literature which are frequently read by college students. Its canonization, inturn, not only propels the further dissemination of The Peony Pavilion and literarycreation in Aglo-American system, but also exerts a continous influence upon the futuretranslation and circulation mode of this drama.
     The second textual production model is actually a kind of “planning” or“interference”, started by the need of cultural construction in the source language, ofcultural repertoire in the target language system. After the combination of individual’sendeavors with the government’s will in two ways, under the direct and indirect influenceof political and cultural demands of Chinese government, Chinese domestic translatorshas also completed the translation and dissemination of The Peony Pavilion in the modeof selective translation, editing translation, and full-translation. The translation normshave similarly shifted from target-language-oriented acceptability tosource-language-oriented adequacy, and stopped at translator-oriented norms mainlyconstrained by the source language system, which are actually employed to fulfillscholars’ translating ideas---“vivid in description and faithful in meaning” and “the art ofbeautification and creative competition” etc. In the earlier translation stage of The PeonyPavilion, Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang takes the target reader into consideration andsimplifies the original drama’s content, form, literary images and some peculiar Chineseexpressions such as puns and idioms with few notes. When translating intoned verses andarias, they are not confined by the rhymes and forms, but resorts to free verse for theexpression of the meaning. In1990s when Zhang Guangqian retranslates The PeonyPavilion, he delivers great respect to the cultural meaning of the drama with adequatenotes, and even tries to retain the intoned verses and arias’ rhythms, prosody and theline-dividing way by blank verse. While in the translations of Wang Rongpei, XuYuanchong and Xu Ming published in the2000s, translators pay more attentions to theoriginal drama’s poetic forms according to their own translation ideas, which areenthusiastically embodied by the recreation of intoned verses and arias’ charms of soundand forms. But this kind of pursuit is achieved at the sacrifices of semantic meanings andcultural images with the translation method of abstraction, generalization and omission.Further more, there is not any English note in the long and heavy translation of55partsto explain the historical and cultural items concerned. This is, in fact, a type of culturalcleansing and filtration, forming a sharp contrast to the prevalent translation norms ofThe Peony Pavilion in Anglo-American cultural system. When these versions enter into the Anglo-American cultural systems with the patronage of Chinese government, they aretreated indifferently by the target language readers both in the channels of distribution,reception and symbolic production. Cyril Birch’s translation, the typical one produced bythe Anglo-American cultural system, still occupies the dominant position in thepolysystem of translated Chinese literature, whereas translations produced by domesticChinese scholars are trapped helplessly in the state of marginalization
     The sharp contrast between “canonization” and “marginalization” depicts the failureof the translation model of The Peony Pavilion under the patronage of ChineseGovernment. The main reasons are the initiators and organizers’ inadequate cognition ofthe true nature of literature translation and dissemination, and the current translation andreception situation of The Peony Pavilion in the Anglo-American cultural system, theunreasonable translation strategies of the domestic Chinese scholars, and dislocatedaudience of the target language system. For the benefits of translation anddissemination of Chinese classical drama and other translation projects related to ChineseLiterature “Going-out” at present, it is suggested that an impartial concept of literaturetranslation and dissemination should be established before the initiation of certaintranslation project; adequate advice and suggestion before translation planning should becollected from the English readers, especially the professionals represented by sinologistsso as to get a clear idea about “what to translate” and “for whom to translate”. As for theissue “who to translate”, the case of The Peony Pavilion proves again that it isinadvisable to rely solely on domestic Chinese translators. Full plays are stronglysuggested to give to sinologists and ethnic Chinese scholars living abroad, andSino-foreign cooperation is the effective way for Chinese literature “Going-out”. On thequestion of “how to translate”, translators are recommended to research carefully aboutthe translation and reception situation of certain work before actual translating, and totranscend the dichotomy of naturalization and foreignization in the process of translatingChinese literature into Anglo-American cultural systems, which will be followed bysome flexible and practical methods such as selective translation, editing translation andfull translation etc. to meet the needs of intended audience in the target language system.Of course, to facilitate Chinese literature “Going-out”, measures in the circulationchannels are also needed, for instance, broadening the old circulation channels andexploring new ones, the strict implementation of “localization Strategy” in the productionand promotion process etc.
    5Richard Strassberg, Review of The Peony Pavilion by Tang Xianzu, translated by Cyril Birch, The Romance of theJade Bracelet and Other Chinese Operas by Lisa Lu, Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews, Vol.4, No.2,(Ju.,1982):278.
    1Daniel S. Burt, The Drama100: A Ranking of the Greatest Plays of All Time (New York: Facts On File, Inc.,2008),
    2包括《牡丹亭》戏剧在国外的成功演出。到目前为止,至少有四个《牡丹亭》演出版本在海外产生了广泛影响力,它们是彼特塞拉斯“先锋派”《牡丹亭》、陈士争“传奇”版《牡丹亭》、上海昆剧团《牡丹亭》、白先勇“青春版”《牡丹亭》。美国《亚洲戏剧杂志》(Asian Theatre Journal)(2002年19卷第1期开辟《牡丹亭》论坛)、《戏剧杂志》(Theatre Journal)(2000年第52卷第1期)等重要期刊上曾刊文给予过深入研究。
    4Martin Esslin, An Anatomy of Drama (London:Maruice Temple Smith Ltd,1976),57.
    1Robert Cohen, Theatre: Brief Version (California: Mayfield Publishing Company,1997),10.
    3Susan Bassnett, Translation Studies(Third Edtion)(Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2004),119.
    4Susan Bassnett&Andre Lefevere, Constructing Cultures (Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001),90.
    5Alet Kruger, Lexical Cohesion and Register Variation in Translation (Pretoria: University of South Africa,2000),20.
    2Janet Garton,“Translating Isben: From Page to Page---to Stage?” in Drama Translation and Theatre Practice, eds.Sabine Coelsch-Foisner&Holger Klein (Frankfourt am Main. Berlin. Bern. Bruxelles. New York. Oxfod. Wien: PeterLang GmbH,2004),89.
    3Patrice Pavis,“Problems of Translation for the Stage: Intercultural and Post-modern Theatre,” in The Play Out ofContext: Transferring Plays from Culture to Culture, eds. H. Scolnicov&P. Holland (Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press,1989),27-39.
    4Ortrun Zuber-Skerritt,“Toward a Typology of Literary Translation: Drama Translation Science,” Meta,33(4),(1988):
    6Mary Snell-Hornby,“Theatre and Opera Translation,” in A Companion to Translation Studies, eds. Piotr Kuhiwczakand Karin Littau (Clevedon. Buffalo. Toronto: Multilingual Matters Ltd,2007),106.
    1Sussan Bassnett,“Tranlating Spatial Poetry: An Examination of Theatre Texts in Performance,” in Literature and
    Translation: New Perspective in Literary Studies, eds. James Holmes et al.(Leuven: Acco,1978),161.
    2Susan Bassnett, Translation Studies (Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2004),131.Mary Snell-Hornby,“Theatre and Opera Translation,” in A Companion to Translation Studies, eds. Piotr Kuhiwezak
    and Karin Littau (Clevedon. Buffalo. Toronto: Multilingual Matters Ltd,2007),107-108.
    6Patrice Pavis,“Problems of Translation for the Stage: Intercultural and Post-modern Theatre,” in.The Play Out of
    Context: Transferring Plays from Culture to Culture, eds. H. Scolnicov&P. Holland (Cambridge: Cambridge
    University Press,1989),30-31.
    7参见Sirkku Aeltonen, Time-Sharing on Stage: Drama Translation in Theatre and Society (Clevedon: Multilingual
    Matters Ltd,2000); Clifford E. Lander, Literary Translation: A Practical Guide (Clevedon: Multilingual Matters Ltd,
    2001),104-105; David Johnson,“Securing the Performablity of the Play in Translation”, in Drama Translation and
    Theatre Practice eds. Sabine Coelsch-Foisner&Holger Klein (Frankfourt am Main. Berlin. Bern. Bruxelles. New
    York. Oxfod. Wien: Peter Lang GmbH,2004),25-37; Roger Baines&Cristina Perteghella, Staging and Performing
    Translation: Text and Theatre Practice (London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan,2011).
    1Susan Bassnett,“Ways through the Labyrinth: Strategies and Methods for Translating Theatre Texts”, in The
    2Manipulation of Literature, ed. Theo Hermans,(London: Croom Helm,1985),90.Ibid.101-102.
    6Sussan Bassnett,“Translating for the Theatre---Textual Complexities,” Essays in Poetics,15.1,(1990):71-83;Sussan Bassnett,“Translating for the Theatre: the Case Agaisnt Performability,” TTR(Traduction, Termilologie,Redaction), Volume4, No.1(1991):99-111.
    1Sussan Bassnett,“Translating for the Theatre: the Case Agaisnt Performability,” TTR (Traduction, Termilologie,
    2Redaction), Volume4, No.1(1991):99-111.Ibid.111
    3Sussan Bassnett,“Still Trapped in the Labyrinth: Furth Reflctions on Translation and Theatre,” in ConstructingCultures, eds. Susan Bassnett&Andre Lefevere (Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001),
    4Sirkku Aeltonen,Time-Sharing on Stage: Drama Translation in Theatre and Society (Clevedon: Multilingual MattersLtd,2000),6-7.
    3Patrice Pavis,“Problems of Translation for the Stage: Intercultural and Post-modern Theatre,” in The Play Out ofContext: Transferring Plays from Culture to Culture, eds. H. Scolnicov&P. Holland (Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press,1989),37-39.
    4Sussan Bassnett,“Still Trapped in the Labyrinth: Furth Reflctions on Translation and Theatre,” in ConstructingCultures, eds. Susan Bassnett&Andre Lefevere (Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001),106.
    1Rudyard Kipling, Barrack-room Ballads (Oxford and New York: Wordstock Books,1993),75.该句原文为: Oh,East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,/Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's greatJudgment Seat;/译文转引自姜智芹,《文化类同与文化利用》,北京:北京大学出版社,1997年,第220页。
    1Cyril Birch,“Translating Chinese Plays: Problems&Possibilities”, Literature East&West, Vol.xiv:4,(1970):491-509.
    2Cyril Birch,“Reflection of a Working Translator”, in Translating Chinese Literature, eds., Eugene Eoyang and LinYao-fu (Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press,1995),9.
    4J. I. Crump, Chinese Theatre in the Days of Kublai Khan (Tucson: The University of Arizona Press,1980),177-196.国内学者曹广涛也曾进行过总结,见《英语世界的中国传统戏剧研究与翻译》,广州:广东高等教育出版社,2011,第285页。
    5Stephen H. West,“Translation as Research: Is There an Audience in the House?” in Translating Chinese Literature,eds., Eugene Eoyang and Lin Yao-fu (Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press,1995),131-149.
    6Hwang Wei-shu,“Peking Opera: A Study on the Art of Translating the Script with Special Reference to Structure andConventions”,(Ph. D. diss., The Florida State university,1976).
    1A. C. Scott, Tranditional Chinese Play.(Volume I)(Madison, Milwaukee and London: The University of WisconsinPress,1967).
    2Li-Li Ch’en. Master Tung’s Western Chamber Romance: A Chinese Chantefable. Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress,1976.国内学者张弘曾进行过总结,见《中国文学在国外》,广州:花城出版社,1992,第295-298页。
    5Jean M. Mulligan,“The P’i-P’a Chi and its Role in the Development of the Ch’uan-Ch’I Genre”(Ph. D. diss, TheUniversity of Chicago,1975).
    4Cyril Birch,“Reflection of a Working Translator”, in Translating Chinese Literature, eds., Eugene Eoyang and LinYao-fu (Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press,1995),5.
    5Richard Strassberg, Review of The Peony Pavilion by Tang Xianzu, translated by Cyril Birch, The Romance of theJade Bracelet and Other Chinese Operas by Lisa Lu, Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews, Vol.4, No.2,(Ju.,1982):276.
    6David T. Roy, Review of The Peony Pavilion by Tang Xianzu trans. Cyril Birch, Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies,Vol.42. No.2,(1982):702.
    7Zhang Guangqian,“Preface”, in The Peony Pavilion (Beijing: Tourism Education Press,1994),1.
    1C. T. Hsia,“Time and the Human Condition in the Plays of T’ang Hsien-tsu”, in C. T. Hsia on Chinese Literatureeds., C. T. Hsia (New York: Columbia University Press,2004),128.
    2参见Cheng Pei-kai,“Reality and Imagination: Li Chih and T’ang Hsien-tsu in Search ofAuthenticity”(Ph.D. diss.,Yale University,1980); Wei Hua,“The Search for Great Harmony: A Study of Tang Xianzu’s Dramatic Art”(Ph.D.diss., University of California, Berkeley,1991); Chen Jingmei,“The Dream World of Love-sick Maidens: A Study ofWomen’s Response to Peony Pavilion”(Ph.D. diss., University of California, Los Angeles,1996); Tina Lu,“Persons,Personae, Personages: Identity in Mudan ting and Taohua shan”(Ph. D. diss, Harvard Unversity,1998).
    3Christiane Nord, Translating as a Purposeful Activity (Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001).
    2Jenny Williams&Andrew Chesterman, The Map: A Beginner’s Guide to Doing Research in Translation Studies
    (Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2004),61.
    4Robert K. Yin, Case Study Research: Design and Methods (Thousand Oaks. London. New Delhi: SAGE Publications,2003),1.
    1Jenny Williams&Andrew Chesterman, The Map: A Beginner’s Guide to Doing Research in Translation Studies
    (Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2004),65.
    1Fred Nichols Kerlinger, Behavioral Research: A Conceptual Approach (New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston,1979),64.
    2John W. Creswell, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches (Thousand Oaks,London and New Delhi: SAGE Publications Inc,2003),119-120.
    3Edwin Gentzler, Contemporary Translation Theories (Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2004),77.
    6Susan Bassnett, Translation Studies (Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2004),16-18.Ibid.78.
    1Itamar Even-Zohar,“Polysystem Theory”, Poetics Today, Vol.11, No.1, Polysystem Studies,(1990):9-26.参见伊塔马·埃文—佐哈尔.多元系统论,张南峰译.《中国翻译》,2002年第四期,第19-24页。
    2Itamar Even-Zohar,“The Position of Translated Literature within the Literary Polysystem”, in Translation Studies
    Reader, ed. Lawence Venuti (London and New York: Routledge,2000),192-197.
    3Itamar Even-Zohar,“Polysystem Theory”, Poetics Today, Vol.11, No.1, Polysystem Studies,(1990),15.
    5Edwin Gentzler, Contemporary Translation Theories (Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press),106.
    6Gideon Toury, Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond (Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,
    2例如,在图里的启发之下,芬兰学者切斯特曼(Andrew Chesterman)将翻译规范的讨论进一步深化,涉及到了社会规范、伦理规范和技术规范三个层次。其中技术规范又分为产品规范或期待规范(expectancy norms)、过程规范。产品规范反映的是读者对翻译的期待。过程规范主要受资深职业译员行为的影响,在稍低层次上运行并控制这翻译过程本身。此外,赫曼斯还将规范(norms)和惯例(conventions)进行对比,对规范理论本身进行了探讨。详见Andrew Chesterman, Memes of Translation: The Spread of Ideas in Translation Theory (Amsterdam&Philadelphia: John Benjiamins,1997),175-186.
    3Theo Hermans, Translation in Systems: Descriptive and System-oriented Approaches Explained (Shanghai: ShanghaiForeign Language Education Press,2004),117-119.
    45Ibid.125.Andre Lefevere, Translation, Rewriting and the Manipulation of Literature Fame (Shanghai: Shanghai ForeignLanguage Education Press,2004),14-16.
    1Itamar Even-Zohar,“Introduction”, in Papers in Culture Research,(Electronically available from
    2Itamar Even-Zohar,“Culture as Goods, Culture as Tools”, in Papers in Culture Research (Electronically availablefrom,9-14.
    3Ibid.15.此外,佐哈尔曾在论述文学系统时发表过类似的看法,详见Itamar Even-Zohar,“The ‘Literary System’”,Poetics Today, Vol.11, No.1, Polysystem Studies(Spring,1990):27-44.
    4Itamar Even-Zohar,“Factors and Dependences in Culture”, in Papers in Culture Research (Electronically availablefrom,17.
    2Itamar Even-Zohar,“Factors and Dependences in Culture”, in Papers in Culture Research.(Electronically availablefrom,17.
    6这些因素也被称为变革中介(agents of Change).详见Gideon Toury,“Translation as a Means of Planning and thePlanning of Translation: A Theoretical Framework and an Exemplary Case”, in Translations:(Re)shaping of Literatureand Culture, ed. Saliha Paker (Istanbul: Bogazici University Press,2002),151.
    7Itamar Even-Zohar,“Culture Planning and Cultural Resistance in the Making and Maintaing of Entities,” in Papersin Culture Research (Electronically available from,98.
    1Susan Bassnett&Andre Lefevere, Constructing Cultures (Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001),4.
    2Gideon Toury, Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond (Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001),26.
    3Lawrence Venuti,“Translation and Formation of Culture Identities”, in Cultural Functions of Translation, eds.Chrisina Schaffner and Helly-Holmes (Multilingual Matters.,1995),10.
    6Winston L. Y. Yang,“Teaching Chinese Through Chinese Literature”, The Modern Language Journal, Vol.60,No.1/2(Jan-Feb.,1976),32.
    7James Rober Hightower,“Chinese Literature in the Context of World Literature”, Comparative Literature, Vol.5,No.2(Spring,1953),120-121.
    3Andre Lefevere, Translation, Rewriting and the Manipulation of Literature Fame (Shanghai: Shanghai ForeignLanguage Education Press,2004),16.
    1Harold Acton,“Ch’un-Hsiang Nao Hsueh”, T’ien Hsia Monthly, Vol.8(April,1939),359.
    2James Rober Hightower,“Chinese Literature in the Context of World Literature”, Comparative Literature, Vol.5,No.2(spring,1953):121.
    4Harry A. Domincovich,“Chinese Literature for the English Classroom,” The English Journal, Vol.32, No.1(Jan.,1943):19.
    1C. T. Hsia, Review of Chinese Literature: Popular Fiction and Drama, by H. C. Chang, Harvard Journal of AsiaticStudies, Vol.34(1974):230.
    2H.C. Chang,“Foreword”, in Chinese Literature: Popular Fiction and Drama (Edinburgh: Edinburgh UniversityPress,1973).
    3H. C. Chang, Chinese Literature: Popular Fiction and Drama (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press,1973),271.
    1Ibid. ix.
    1H. C. Chang, Chinese Literature: Popular Fiction and Drama (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press,1973), ix.
    1H. C. Chuang, Review of Chinese Literature: Popular Fiction and Drama, by H. C. Chang, The Journal of AsianStudies, Vol.34, No.2(Feb.,1975),516.
    2the evening crows应紧接第三行,由于空间限制而单独成行。张先生译文排版也是如此。详见H. C. Chang,Chinese Literature: Popular Fiction and Drama (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press,1973),285
    1C.T. Hsia, Review of Chinese Literature: Popular Fiction and Drama, by H. C. Chang, Harvard Journal of AsiaticStudies, Vol.34(1974),282.
    2H. C. Chang, Chinese Literature: Popular Fiction and Drama (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press,1973),272.
    3H. C. Chuang, Review of Chinese Literature: Popular Fiction and Drama, by H. C. Chang, The Journal of AsianStudies, Vol.34, No.2(Feb.,1975),515.
    4“National Defense Education Act”,
    5John M. H. Lindbeck, Understanding China: An Assessment of American Scholarly Resources (New York: Praeger,1971),79.
    3Winston L. Y. Yang,“Teaching Chinese Through Chinese Literature”, The Modern Language Journal, Vol.60,No.1/2(Jan.-Feb.,1976):31-35.
    4Pei-yi Wu, William Michael O'Shea, Ferng Hou-ran, and Richard Fu-Sen Yang, Selected Works of Chinese Literature
    (I-III)(New York: American Association of Teachers of Chinese Language and Culture,1963-70); Wu-Chi Liu andTien-yi Li, Readings in Contemporary Chinese Literature (New Haven: Far Eastern Publications, Yale University,1953).
    5Winston L. Y. Yang,“Teaching Chinese Through Chinese Literature”, The Modern Language Journal, Vol.60,No.1/2(Jan.-Feb.,1976),32.
    6Ch’u Chai and Winberg Chai, A Treasury of Chinese Literature: A New Prose Anthology, including Fiction andDrama (New York: Appleton-Century,1965).
    1Cyril Birch, Anthology of Chinese Literature: From Early Times to the14thCentury (New York: Grove Press, INC,1965); Cyril Birch, Anthology of Chinese Literature (Volume2): From14th Century to the Present Day (New York:Grove Press, INC,1972).
    2Ch’u Chai and Winberg Chai, A Treasury of Chinese Literature: A New Prose Anthology, including Fiction andDrama (New York: Appleton-Century,1965), viii.
    1Mona Baker, Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies (Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language EducationPress.,2004),7-8.
    2Ch’u Chai and Winberg Chai, A Treasury of Chinese Literature: A New Prose Anthology, including Fiction andDrama (New York: Appleton-Century,1965),408.
    3翟氏父子并未在文中或注释中指明曾借鉴杨译,只是在文集前言写下以下话语“Full acknowledgment is madein the footnotes of references to other authors, as well as many of the pioneers whose translations of Chinese workshave made our task easier. Their names can be found in the bibliography which has been included for the use of thosewho may wish to pursue this field more deeply”。
    1Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang,“The Peony Pavilion”, Chinese Literature Monthly, No.1,(January,1960),43.
    1C. J. Liu, Review of A Treasury of Chinese Literature, by Ch’u Chai and Winberg Chai, The Journal of Asian Studies,Vol.25, No.3(May,1966):512-513.
    2Chauncey S. Goodrich, Review of A Treasury of Chinese Literature, by Ch’u Chai and Winberg Chai, Journal of theAmerican Oriental Society, Vol.86, No.3(Jul.-Sep.,1966),326.
    3J. I. Crump, Review of An Introduction to Chinese Literature, by Liu Wu-chi; A Treasury of Chinese Literature: ANew Prose Anthology by Ch’u Chai and Winberg Chai, Pacific Affairs, Vol.40, No.3/4(Autumn,1967-Winter,1967-1968):377-378.
    2Harold Shadick, Review of Anthology of Chinese Literature: From Early Times to the14thCentury, The Journal ofAsian Studies, Vol.26, No.1(Nov.,1966):101-103.
    1Cyril Birch, Anthology of Chinese Literature Volume2: From the14thCentury to the Present Day (New York: GrovePress, INC,1972),87.
    3Cyril Birch,“Reflections of a Working Translator”, in Translating Chinese Literature, eds.,Eugen Eoyang and LinYao-fu,(Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press,1995),7.
    4Cyril Birch,“Reflections of a Working Translator”, in Translating Chinese Literature, eds. Eugen Eoyang and LinYao-fu (Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press,1995),7.
    1Hans H. Frankel, Review ofAnthology of Chinese Literature. Volume2. From the14thCentury to the Present Day byCyril Birch”, The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol.32, No.3(May,1973):510-511.
    2Li Chi, Review of Anthology of Chinese Literature. Volume2. From the14thCentury to the Present Day by CyrilBirch, Pacific Affairs, Vol.46, No.4(Winter,1973-1974):582-583.
    4Stephen H. West, Vaudeville and Narrative: Aspects of Chin Theatre (Franze Steiner Verlay Gmbh. Wiesbaden,1977).
    5Shih Chung-wen, The Golden Age of Chinese Drama: Yuan Tsachu (Princeton: Princeton University Press,1976).
    6Jean M. Mulligan, The Lute (New York: Columbia University Press,1980).
    8Jerome Thomas Cavanaugh,“The Dramatic Works of the Yuan Dynasty Playwright Pai Pu”(Ph. D. diss., StanfordUniversty,1975).
    9Elleanor Hazel Crown,“The Yuan Dynasty Lyric Suite: Its Macro-structure, Content and Some Comparisons withOther Ch’u Forms”(Ph.D. diss., The University of Michigan,1974).
    4Winston L. Y. Yang,“Teaching Chinese through Chinese Literature”, The Modern Language Journal, Vol.60, N0.1/2
    2Cyril Birch, The Peony Pavilion (Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press,1980).由于受到读者欢迎,2002年该书得以再版。
    3Ibid. IX.
    1Cyril Birch,“Introduction”, in The Peony Pavilion (Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press,2002),X.
    2Ibid. Xi.
    3Ibid. X..
    4Ibid. xii.
    5Ibid. ii-xiii.
    1Ibid. xv.
    2Hans H. Frankel, Review of Anthology of Chinese Literature. Vol.2by Cyril Birch, The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol.
    32, No.3(May,1973):511.
    2Cyril Birch, The Peony Pavilion (Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press,1980),44.
    4Cyril Birch, The Peony Pavilion (Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press,1980),45.
    1在附录部分,白之对应的标注为:Scene5,Aria i, Pattern, Huan sha xi.
    1Stephen H. West, Review of The Peony Pavilion,by Cyril Birch, The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol.42, No.4(Aug.,1983):945.
    2在原文附录部分,白之对应的标注为: Scene8,Aria iii, Pattern Pai ge.
    1国内部分学者直接把tenor of discourse翻译成参与者,见张德禄,语域理论简介,《现代外语》,1987年第4期,第24页。
    2在原文附录部分,白之对应的标注为: Scene8,Aria v, Pattern Xiao bai ge.
    1在原文附录部分,白之对应的标识为:Scene47, Aria III, Pattern Bei ye xing chuan.
    1David T. Roy, Review of The Peony Pavilion by Tang Xianzu; Cyril Birch, Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, Vol.
    42, No.2(Dec.,1982):694.
    2Richard Strassberg, Review of The Peony Pavilion, by Tang Xianzu; Cyril Birch; The Romance of the Jade Braceletand other Chinese Opera by Lisa Lu, Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR),Vol.4, No.2(Jul.,1982):
    3David T. Roy, Review of The Peony Pavilion by Tang Xianzu; Cyril Birch”, Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, Vol.
    42, No.2(Dec.,1982):692.
    4Stephen. H. West, Review of The Peony Pavilion by Tang Xianzu; Cyril Birch, The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol.42,No.4(Aug.,1983):945.
    1Richard Strassberg, Review of The Peony Pavilion by Tang Xianzu; Cyril Birch; The Romance of the Jade Braceletand other Chinese Opera by Lisa Lu”, in Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR), Vol.4, No.2(Jul.,1982):276-279.
    2例如哥伦比亚大学出版社推出的The Columbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature(1994), The ShorterColumbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature (2000)等。
    3David T. Roy, Review of The Peony Pavilion by Tang Xianzu; Cyril Birch”, Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, Vol.
    42, No.2(Dec.,1982):697-702.
    1Robert Payne, The White Pony: An Anthology of Chinese Poetry From the Earliest Times to the Present Day, NewlyTranslated (New York: John Day Company,1947),1960.
    5Stephen Owen,“Introduction”, in An Anthology of Chinese Literature, Beginnings to1911(New York and London:W. W. Norton&Company,1996), xli
    1Stephen Owen, An Anthology of Chinese Literature, Beginnings to1911(New York and London: W. W. Norton&Company,1996),727.
    2Stephen Owen,“A Note on Translation”, in An Anthology of Chinese Literature, Beginnings to1911(New York andLondon: W. W. Norton&Company,1996), xliii
    1William Dolby, Review of An Anthology of Chinese Literature: Beginning to1911, by Stephen Owen, Bulletin of theSchool of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Vol.60, No.3(1997):589.
    2Stephen Owen,“A Note on Translation”, in An Anthology of Chinese Literature, Beginnings to1911(New York andLondon: W. W. Norton&Company,1996), xliv.
    1William Dolby, Review of An Anthology of Chinese Literature: Beginning to1911, by Stephen Owen”, Bulletin ofthe School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Vol.60, No.3(1997):589.
    1Itamar Even-Zohar,“Culture as Goods, Culture as Tools”, in Papers in Culture Research (Electronically availablefrom,9-14.
    2Andre Lefevere, Translation, Rewriting and the Manipulation of Literary Fame (hanghai: Shanghai ForeignLanguage Education Press,2004),14-16.
    3转引自Michel Hockx,“Introduction”, The Literary Field of Twentieth-Century China, ed. Michel Hocks (Honolulu:University of Hawaii Press,1999),7.
    4此处参考了耿强博士论文(《文学译介与中国文学“走向世界”——“熊猫丛书”英译中国文学研究》,上海外国语大学,2010年)第72页图片及其部分思想,在此表示感谢。原图Institutions of the Literary Field inWestern-European Countries来自于Van Rees and Jeroen Vermunt,“Event History Analysis of Authors’ Reputation:Effects of Critics’ Attention on Debutants’ Careers”, Poetics, Volume23, issue5,(April,1996):317-333.
    1Itamar Even-Zahar,“Idea-makers, Culture Entrepreneurs, Maker of Life Images, and the Prospects of success”, inPapers in Culture Research (Electronically available from html/,2010),194-195.
    3Edward W. Said, The World, the Text and the Critic (Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP,1983),33.
    7S. W. B.“Review of A History of Chinese Literature by Herber A. Giles”, in Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society,
    1Theodore H. E. Chen, Review of A History of Chinese Literature, by Herbert A. Giles, The Journal of NegroEducation, Vol.28. No.4(Autumn,1959):450.
    2Joseph R. Allen, Review of A History of Chinese Literature, by Herbert A. Giles”, Journal of the American OrientalSociety, Vol.95, No.1(Jan.-Mar.,1975),122.另,翟理斯《中国文学史》刊登当年,就有学者曾善意的进行过批判,见Teitaro Suzuki,“Professor Giles’s History of Chinese Literature”, The Monist, Vol.12, No.1(October,1901):
    3Ch’en Shou-yi, Chinese Literature, A Historical Introduction (New York: Ronald Press Co.,1961); Lai Ming, AHistory of Chinese Literature (New York: The John Day Company, I964); Burton Watson, Early Chinese Literature
    (New York and London: Columbia University Press,1962); Liu Wu-chi, An Introduction to Chinese Literature
    (Bloomington and London: Indiana University Press,1966).
    4Hellmut Wilhelm, Review of Chinese Literature, A Historical Introduction, by Ch’en Shou-yi, Journal of theAmerican Oriental Society, Vol.82, No.3(Jul.-Sep.,1962):458.
    5James Hightower.“Review of Chinese Literature, A Historical Introduction by Ch’en Shou-yi”, in Harvard Journalof Asiatic Studies, Vol.23(1960-1961), pp.157-167.
    4Ch’u Chai and Winberg Chai, A Treasury of Chinese Literature: A New Prose Anthology, Including Fiction andDrama (New York: Appleton-Century,1965).
    5Cyril Birch, Anthology of Chinese Literature: From Early Times to the14thCentury (New York: Grove Press, INC,1965); Cyril Birch, Anthology of Chinese Literature: From the14thCentury to the Present (New York: Grove Press,INC,1972).
    6H. C. Chang, Chinese Literature: Popular Fiction and Drama (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press,1973).
    1Ch’u Chai and Winberg Chai, A Treasury of Chinese Literature: A New Prose Anthology, Including Fiction andDrama (New York: Appleton-Century,1965),369.
    4Chauncey S. Goodrich, Review of A Treasury of Chinese Literature, by Ch’u Chai and Winberg Chai, Journal of theAmerican Oriental Society, Vol.86, No.3(Jul.-Sep.,1966):326.
    5J. I. Crump, Review of An Introduction to Chinese Literature, by Liu Wu-chi; A Treasury of Chinese Literature: ANew Prose Anthology, by Ch’u Chai and Winberg Chai, Pacific Affairs, Vol.40, No.3/4(Autumn,1967-Winter,1967-1968):377-378; Chauncey S. Goodrich, Review of A Treasury of Chinese Literature, by Ch’u Chai and WinbergChai, Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol.86, No.3(Jul.-Sep.,1966):326.
    6Herbert Franke, Review of Anthology of Chinese Literature: From Early Times to the14thCentury,by Cyril Birch,Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol.86, No.2(Apr.-Jun.,1966):254-255.
    1Harold Shadick, Review of Anthology of Chinese Literature: From Early Times to the14thCentury, by Cyril Birch,The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol.26, No.1(Nov.,1966):101-103.
    3Hans H. Frankel, Review ofAnthology of Chinese Literature. Volume2. From the14thCentury to the Present Day, by
    4Cyril Birch, The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol.32, No.3(May,1973):510-511.Li Chi, Review of Anthology of Chinese Literature. Volume2. From the14thCentury to the Present Day, by CyrilBirch”, Pacific Affairs, Vol.46, No.4(Winter,1973-1974):582-583.
    6Wilt. L. Idema, Review of Chinese Literature: Popular Fiction and Drama by H. C. Chang, T’oung Pao, secondseries, Vol.62, Livr.1/3(1976):113-114.
    7H. C. Chuang, Review of Chinese Literature: Popular Fiction and Drama by H. C. Chang, The Journal of Asian
    3Richard Strassberg, Review of The Peony Pavilion by Tang Xianzu; Cyril Birch; The Romance of the Jade Braceletand other Chinese Opera by Lisa Lu, Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR),Vol.4, No.2(Jul.,1982):
    4Victor H. Mair, The Columbia History of Chinese Literature (New York: Columbia University Press,2001).
    1Kang-I Sun Chang and Stephen Owen, The Cambridge History of Chinese Literature (Cambridge, New York:Cambridge University Press,2010).
    2Victor H. Mair, The Columbia History of Chinese Literature (New York: Columbia University Press,2001), xi-xiii.
    3Bernhard Fuehrer, Review of The Columbia History of Chinese Literature edited by Victor Mair, The ChinaQuarterly, No.178, China’s Campaign to “Open Up the West”: National, Provincial and Local Perspective (Jun.,42004):535-536.Richard B. Mather, Review of The Columbia History of Chinese Literature edited by Victor Mair”, Journal of theAmerican Oriental Society, Vol.123, No.1(Jan-Mar.,2003):234-235.
    5Kang-I Sun Chang and Stephen Owen, The Cambridge History of Chinese Literature (Cambridge and New York:Cambridge University Press,2010), xvi.
    6William H. Nienhauser, Review of The Cambridge History of Chinese Literature, eds. Kang-I Sun Chang andStephen Owen, in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, Vol.74, No.1(Feb.,2011):157-159.
    7Victor H. Mair, The Columbia History of Chinese Literature (New York: Columbia University Press,2001),786.
    1Kang-I Sun Chang and Stephen Owen, The Cambridge History of Chinese Literature Volume1(Cambridge and New
    5Kang-I Sun Chang and Stephen Owen, The Cambridge History of Chinese Literature Volume2(Cambridge and NewYork: Cambridge University Press,2010),12.
    3Victor H. Mair, The Columbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature (New York: Columbia University Press,1994).
    4Victor H. Mair, The Shorter Columbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature (New York: Columbia UniversityPress,2000).
    5Stephen Owen, An Anthology of Chinese Literature, Beginnings to1911(New York and London: W. W. Norton&Company,1996).
    6朱徽,经典的解构与重构,《中国比较文学》,2007年第四期,第21-28页。另见Bernhard Fuehrer, Review ofThe Columbia History of Chinese Literature edited by Victor Mair, in The China Quarterly, No.178, China’sCampaign to “Open Up the West”: National, Provincial and Local Perspective (Jun.,2004):535.
    1Victor H. Mair, The Columbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature (New York: Columbia University Press,1994), xxiii.
    2Richard B. Mather, Review of The Columbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature by Victor H. Mair, ChineseLiterature: Essays, Articles, Reviews(CLEAR), Vol.19(Dec.,1997),159-165.
    3Victor. H. Mair,“Introduction”, in The Shorter Columbia Anthology of Traditional Chinese Literature (New York:Columbia University Press,2000),xvii.
    7Stephen Owen, An Anthology of Chinese Literature, Beginnings to1911(New York and London: W. W. Norton&
    1William H. Nienhauster, Jr., Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature (Bloomington: Indiana University
    2Press,1986).Daniel S. Burt, The Drama100: A Ranking of the Greatest Plays of All Time (New York: Facts On File, Inc.,2008).
    3David R. Knechtges and Taiping Chang,“Notes on a Recent Handbook for Chinese Literature---The IndianaCompanion to Traditional Chinese Literature by William H. Nienhauster”, Journal of the American Oriental Society,Vol.107, No.2(Apr.-Jun.,1987):293-304.
    4Kristina Lampe Shanton, Review of The Drama100: A Ranking of the Greatest Plays of All Time by Daniel S. Burt,Reference&User Services Quarterly, Volume48. No.1(Fall2008):89; Carol Fazioli, Review of The Drama100: ARanking of the Greatest Plays of All Time by Daniel S. Burt, School Library Journal, April,(2008):88.
    1Stephen. H. West,“Drama”, in Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature,ed. William H. Nienhauster
    (Bloomington: Indiana University Press,1986),13.
    5William H. Nienhauster, Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature (Bloomington: Indiana UniversityPress,1986),473-474.
    5Daniel S. Burt, The Drama100: A Ranking of the Greatest Plays of All Time (New York: Facts On File, Inc,2008),ix-xi.
    4Kristina Lampe Shanton, Review of The Drama100: A Ranking of the Greatest Plays of All Time by Daniel S. Burt,Reference&User Services Quarterly,Volume48. No.1(Fall2008):89
    5Daniel S. Burt, The Drama100: A Ranking of the Greatest Plays of All Time (New York: Facts On File, Inc,2008),184.
    2H. C. Chang, Chinese Literature: Popular Fiction and Drama (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press,1973),272.
    1Eugene Chen Eoyang, The Transparent Eye (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press,1993),70.
    2Catherine Swatek,“Introduction: Peony Pavilion on Stage and in the Sturdy”, in The Peony Pavilion, tran. CyrilBirch (Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press,2002), xxiv.; Cecilia J. Pang, Performance Review ofPeony Pavilion by Tang Xianzu, tran. Cyril Birch, Zellerbach Hall, University of California at Berkeley.5March1999,Theatre Journal, Vol52, No.1(Mar.,2000):131-133.
    1Xiaoping Yen, The Peony Pavilion (Paramus: Homa&Sekey Books,1999); Lisa See, Peony in Love (New York:
    2Random House,2007).
    4Lisa See,“Author’s Note”, in Peony in Love (New York: Random House,2007), xi.
    6Walter Benjamin,“The Task of Translator”, in The Translation Studies Readers, ed. Lawrence Venuti, tr. Harry Zhon
    (London and New York: Routlege,2000),16.
    1Stephen Owen, An Anthology of Chinese Literature: Beginning to1911(New York and London: W. W. Norton&Company,1996),881.
    5Eugene Eoyang and Lin Yao-fu, ed., Translating Chinese Literature (Bloomington and Indianapolis: IndianaUniversity Press,1995).
    6Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang.“The Peony Pavilion”, Chinese Literature, No.1,1960, p43.
    1Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang,“The Peony Pavilion”, Chinese Literature, No.1,(1960):90
    1Cyril Birch,“Chinese Communist Literature: the Persistence of Traditional Forms”, The China Quarterly, No.13
    3即白之选译本、杨宪益、戴乃迭选译本、张心沧选译本,参见Richard Strassberg, Review of The Peony Pavilionby Tang Xianzu; Cyril Birch; The Romance of Jade Bracelet and Other Chinese Operas by Lisa Lu, Chinese Literature:Essays, Articles, Reviews(CLEAR), Vol.4, No.2(Jul.,1982):276.
    4Yang Xianyi, Poetry and Prose of the Ming and Qing (Beijing: Chinese Literature,1986).
    1Zhang Guangqian, The Peony Pavilion (Beijing: Tourism Education Press,2001), iv
    1Zhang Guangqian, The Peony Pavilion (Beijing: Tourism Education Press,2001), v
    1Zhang Guangqian, The Peony Pavilion (Beijing: Tourism Education Press,2001), v
    2Ibid. ii.
    4当然,下场诗的翻译中存在着一些不妥之处,例如“回生女”译成“a long dead girl”有违事实和逻辑,叛将李全的夫人以Queen来对译也有待斟酌。
    2Gideon Toury, Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond (Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001),57.
    2Wang Rongpei,“Introduction”, in The Peony Pavilion (Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2000), ii-iii.
    5Wang Rongpei,“Introduction”, in The Peony Pavilion (Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2000), iv.
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    4C. T. Hsia,“Classical Chinese Literature: Its reception Today as a Product of Traditional Culture”, in C. T. Hsia onChinese Literature (New York: Columbia University Press,2004),7-8.
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