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肝性脑病(hepatic encephalopathy,HE)是严重的肝功能失调或障碍引起的、以代谢紊乱为基础的中枢神经系统失调的综合征。其主要临床表现包括神经和精神方面的异常,如意识障碍、行为失常和昏迷。HE分为A、B、C三型:A型是急性肝衰竭相关的肝性脑病(acute liver failure associated HE,ALFA-HE),B型是存在明显门体分流而无内在肝病的脑病。C型是与肝硬化及门脉高压和(或)门-体分流相关的肝性脑病。过去将无明显HE临床表现和生化异常,但精细的智力测验和/或电生理检测可发现异常的情况称为亚临床性肝性脑病(subclinical HE,SHE)或隐性HE(latent HE),现称轻微HE(minimalHE,MHE),以表是HE的一个阶段。HE是肝病患者常见的并发症和死亡原因。临床上以C型,尤其是肝硬化并发HE者最为多见,如果将亚临床HE计算在内,肝硬化患者发生HE的比例可达70%,HE是肝硬化最常见的死亡原因,其病死率约为20-30%。本文全面回顾分析了最常见的肝硬化HE的临床特点,重点阐述了影响患者预后的相关因素,指导治疗。
    胆红素高于34.2umol/L,凝学酶原时间延长超过6秒,血钠低于125mmol/L,血肌酐高于177umol/L。伴有酶胆分离者,均死亡。6、年龄、性别与预后相关性不明显。诱因、黄疸、腹水、肝性脑病分期、 child-pugh 分级、并发症与预后相关性显著。
Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a major complication of acute and chronic liver failure, defined as a disturbance in central nervous system function because of hepatic insufficiency. It is characterized by personality changes, intellectual impairment, and a depressed level of consciousness. The most commom type of HE is the encephalopathy associated with cirrhosis and portal hypertension and/or portal-systemic shunts, alternative term: type C encephalopathy. Subtle signs of hepatic encephalopathy are observed in nearly 70% of patients with cirrhosis. Approximately 20-30% of patients die of end-stage liver disease experience significant encephalopathy, approaching coma. Therefore, HE continues to be a major clinical problem of hepatology.
     Objective and methods: To study the clinical features and prognosis of patients with type C encephalopathy.74 cases with hepatic encephalopathy of cirrhosis between 1999. 1 and 2004.1, diagnosed by clinical, biochemical, histological and psychometric methods, were selected.Other metabolic disorders, infectious diseases, intracranial vascular events, and intracranial spaceoccupying lesions must be exclusived. The clinical stages of hepatic encephalopathy are as follows: Stage 1. Trivial lack of awareness. Shortened attention span. Impaired addition or subtraction. Hypersomnia, insomnia, or inversion of sleep pattern. Euphoria or depression. Asterixis can be detected. Stage 2. Lethargy or apathy. Disorientation. Inappropriate behavior. Slurred speech. Obvious asterixis. Stage 3. Gross disorientation. Bizarre behavior. Semistupor to stupor. Asterixis generally absent. Stage 4. Coma.
     Results: Seventy-four patients with histologically proven cirrhosis (54 male, 20female; mean age 53.9 years; SD11.1; range 27.5-77.9 years) were entred the analysis. The etiology of cirrhosis was chronic viral hepatitis in 66 patients,
    alcohol abuse in 6 patients. The overall hospital mortality was 22.97%. The factors that can precipitate hepatic encephalopathy of cirrhosis are well recognized, and include gastrointestinal bleeding (44.6%), infection (39.2%), electrolyte disturbances (35.1%), medications (21.6%), renal failure (18.9%), dietary protein overload (13.6%), constipation (10.8%), diarrhea (5.4%), and others (5.4%). The major causes of death were gastrointestinal bleeding, renal failure and infection. The patients with more precipitating factors had worse outcomes. jaundice, ascites and abnormal sleep were found in more than 50% of patients with HE. There were significant differences in the investigations between the survival and the dead. According to the Child classification, the patients with degree C had the most serious sympotom, the most complications and the worst prognosis.
     Conclusions: The peak ages of hepatid encephalopathy of cirrhosis was 40-70 years old. The major etiology of cirrhosis was chronic viral hepatitis. The overall hospital mortality was 22.97%. Gastrointestinal bleeding, infection, and electrolyte disturbances were the three most commom precipitating factors in patients with type C encephalopathy. The patients with more precipitating factors had worse outcomes. The Child classification can help predict the prognosis. Prevention and removal of precipitating factors and complications are the key managements.
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