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    The facial contouring is a new branch of the craniomaxillofacial surgery, and aimed to the reconstruction of innate and acquired deformation, the aesthetic remodeling of normal facial contour with some flaws by the operative and nonoperative methods to rearrange and immobilize facial bone and soft tissue, according the basical principles established by Prof. Tessier, the French Plastic Surgeon, in 1960s.Thus, this subject have gotten a rapid progress since last century because it meet the strong desire of charming facial contour by the aesthetic remodeling which was used to reconstruct severe craniomaxillofacial deformation.
    It has become conceivable that measuring images of facial contouring patients with computer, as the result of the progress of computer technique, especially that of image processing and image measurement. Computer aided image measurement and analyzing should give Plastic Surgeons a relative precise preoperative diagnosis, digital operative design and standards which could bring about more accurate and objective aesthetic surgery of facial contouring. It could also promote the communication between surgeons and patients, help patients to understand and choose the most proper method of operation and to cooperate the operation and perioperative treatment correctly, and diminish the postoperative dispute.
    Several domestic and foreign softwares of facial aesthetic surgery have been developed in recent years, but hardly have there been any specific software for the
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