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The first internal group purchase websites was established in 2010, and the number of group purchase website was more than 5000 after a year. Many consumers are not involved in because they are worried about security and they do not know or do not understand group buying on the Web, making the need to further tap the consumer groups. However, the number of multi-buy website and homogenization as a serious problem, they took improper means to attract consumers, leading to the consumers and the relevant government departments do not believe the integrity of enterprise networks buy into question. In September 2011, there are 400 group purchase websites failed, negative growth in industry sales, bankrupt tendency has arrived. Bad management, no reputable companies inevitably lose out. To enable more consumers to buy in to the network, the most important thing is to reduce their perceived risk.
     Group buying on the Web compared to other online shopping means is more likely people herd mentality, so this article to”conformity”as a starting point to study the perceived risk of group buying on the Web and its influencing factors. This is more targeted, and with the existing online shopping and perceived risk factors to distinguish the research results.
     In the specific study, this article has done the following work: First, tidying up the existing network of customers, on the basis of perceived risks, conformity theory research results, research on the construction of this model, and to recommend appropriate assumptions; Second, this study data obtained through a questionnaire survey, questionnaire in reference to the existing scale, based on the specific circumstances of the study in conjunction with some revisions; Third, the data analysis using SPSS statistical analysis software, for the reliability and validity analysis, factor analysis, Pearson correlation analysis and Multiple linear regression analysis.
     Through empirical analysis reached the following conclusions: The first is consumer factors, the higher consumers’awareness of the information, the lower the degree of confidence,it is easily to lead to a herd mentality, significantly reducing his perceived social risk and service risk, although it has impact on economic risk and function risk.,but the effect is relatively small; The second is product factors, if the products is the well-known brand, consumers will think this is a result of the community recognized so he will reduce four risks that he percevied, in addition, the higher the price of the product, is a complex purchase, can easily lead to herd mentality, significantly reduce the four categories of consumer perceived risk; The third is reference group factors, the larger the number of group, the better the group evaluation,can easily lead to herd mentality, consumers perceive the four categories of risk to the smaller,while it is the biggest impact factor to functional risk and social risks in four factors.The fourth is site image factors,the better site visibility and evaluation,the more easily to lead to herd mentality, so that consumers perceived economic risks, functions risk and service risk are less, but it is no effect of social risks, in addition, it is the largest influence to the economic risks and services risk of four factors.
     Finally, the article is based on empirical research findings, to group purchase websites provides a seven-point development proposals: first, set up complaints with the consumer message plates and quick response; Second, develop differences in management, improve the brand awareness of group purchase websites; Third, to enhance participation in buy product quality; fourth, be formed Alliance with other industry, mining a particular group of consumers; Fifth, develop high-value commodities group purchase websites; Sixth, enhance network buy site of a community, develop loyal customers.
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