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In this paper, the nutritional characteristics of Cymbidium hybridum were studied combined with Taishan in Shandong Province Forestry Institute of Science and Technology flower cultivation base Cymbidium the actual production. Studies about the nutrient contention of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu and Mn in Cym. saint Raphin,Cym. Lovely moon‘Grescent’,Cym.Slvan Star‘Tokimeki’and Cym.KLR565 four varieties during different growth stages and the different organs of the state of flowering.Studies about Cymbidium hybridum in different growth stages in different organs, the accumulation of nutrients and the distribution of each species of changes in the law to give a detailed study, for different species of different fertilization programme development, laying a good theoretical basis. According to test base Cymbidium the flowering and non-flowering phenomenon, from the analysis of flowering and flowering of the nutrient contrast soluble sugar content and perspective on the flowering of flowering and non-nutrient content of the difference, for further study flowering Mechanism and provide a theoretical basis.The results can be summarized as follows:
     1. Through the Cymbidium four different varieties in different organs during the nutrient accumulation and distribution of the study found that the trends in each species are not the same, that this sub-species of targeted rational fertilization of ideas is correct . Cym. saint Raphin phosphorus and magnesium element in the whole period of growth within the different organs of the significant differences in the distribution, measured by the other seven elements are in the early flowering bulb, leaves and leave the show the very significant Differences Shenghua during the various elements in different organs, also showed no significant difference.Cym.Lovely moon ‘Grescent’nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and manganese in the early flowering of different organs within the existing allocation of a significant difference, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and copper in the buds and leaves in a period of pseudobulb also shown significant Difference, boron and copper in the Shing flowering period showed a significant difference.Cym.Slvan Star‘Tokimeki’element phosphorus and boron plants growing in different organs of the existence of significant differences in the distribution, phosphorus, sulfur, copper and manganese in the leaves and flower buds of a pseudobulb also showed significant differences, and copper and Manganese is a very significant difference, in addition to the early flowering of phosphorus and magnesium in the different organs of the distribution of no significant difference, the remaining elements are significant and highly significant difference, Shing flowering only element boron in the different organs of the distribution of significant differences exist. Cym.KLR565 measured by the nine elements in the plant species growing in the distribution of no significant difference, phosphorus, potassium, copper and manganese in the flower buds of different organs in the allocation of significant differences, and Copper and phosphorus there was significant difference, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium Shing flowering of different elements in the allocation of organs, there was no significant difference, the remaining elements in both significant or very significant difference. According to the study carried out in different periods of targeted rational fertilization.
     2. Through the flowering of strain and non-flowering period of leaves and nutrient content in the pseudobulb comparative study found that different varieties of different nutrients in the open and non-flowering of Flower of the difference was significant different, and this may have different species of flowering of different; The study also found that through the leaves and pseudobulb as Cymbidium the different organs, the nutrient content of different trends.
     3. Through the bulb leaves and leave the various elements of reproductive age-related analysis found that plants growing within the bulb leaves and leave the nitrogen and potassium content was significantly related, magnesium and sulfur content significantly related to the remaining elements in no significant correlation; Emerging leaves and flower buds of the pseudobulb, potassium, boron, copper and manganese content was significantly related, nitrogen was significantly related to the early flowering of potassium, calcium, boron and copper content of a very significant correlation, negative correlation for copper, The remaining elements of phosphorus, showed no significant negative correlation Shing flowering potassium, calcium and sulfur were significantly related, phosphate and manganese was significantly related. This shows that the potassium elements in the leaves and four times the content of pseudobulb were significantly related, so the study Cymbidium elements in potassium can only leaves as a mining study. And the remaining elements in the period due to the different relevance are also different, in that study Cymbidium remaining nutrient content, only mining leaves or pseudobulb study the idea as impractical and can only use whole-sampling method.
     4. Through the flowering and non-flowering strain of flower bud development period in the various stages of soluble sugar content in research, found Cym. saint Raphin and Cym.KLR565 sugar difference was significant not the same, And nutrient content in a different line, proving once again that different species of flowering may be different theories is correct. The analysis of the relevance between the macroelement content and trace elements in leaves and soluble sugar, the study found that flowering of soluble sugar content of manganese and a very significant negative correlation, and nitrogen was negatively related flowering strain is not soluble sugar content and Magnesium, sulfur and boron was significantly related, and magnesium and sulfur to a negative correlation.
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