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As a major source of new knowledge, universities have an important role to play inthe technology innovation. And universities have more research resources, produce alarge number of patents each year, and how could the universities transfer the patent intoknowledge, and flow to the other organizations, thus contributing to the universities tosupport the national innovation strategy, then it is a very important subject to analysis theuniversities’ patent knowledge flow capacity.
     The universities’ patents could be studied its knowledge flow in the follow fouraspects: patent licensing network, regional network, applicant network, and inventornetwork. Patents have the relational data, such as co-applicant and co-inventor, and thepatent licensing data is the typical relational data, we can use the social network analysismethods to build the patent licensing network, the patent licensing regional network, theapplicant network, and the inventor network.
     Analysing the patent licensing network and the patent licensing regional network ofthe "985" universities and the other universities, the study found: the knowledge flowcapacity of polytechnic universities is high than the comprehensive universities; thenumber of patent licensing of “985” universities has the positive correlation with thebreadth of knowledge flow, but there is no correlation with the frequency of theknowledge flow; the knowledge flow capacity of Xi’an Jiaotong University and TianjinUniversity are the strongest; the breadth of knowledge flow is higher in the Zhejiang,Jiangsu, Guangdong and Beijing these four provinces and cities; the inflow of knowledgein Jiangsu, Guangdong and Zhejiang are the most; the knowledge flow in the vastmajority universities are within these area, the role of knowledge flow to the adjacentarea is samller than to the other area.
     Analysing of the applicant network and the inventor network in the field of electricvehicle technology, the study found: according to the enterprises, the number ofco-applicant is not high, but has the more inventor team, the inventor tram in Beijing Jiaotong University have better cooperation with enterprises. The universities have alarge number of laboratories, and these laboratories have the first-class equipment, buttheir results have not flow to the industry very well.
     Summed up the university patent knowledge flows, there are aspects of thefollowing problems:(1) the distribution of patent knowledge flow are differences;(2) therange of patent knowledge flow is narrow;(3) the geographical of patent knowledgeflows are differences;(4) the diffusion capacity of patent knowledge flow to the industryneeds to be improved. This thesis presents the related countermeasures to these problems:(1) emphasising the role of patent application fund policy;(2) emphasising the role ofuniversity technology transfer mechanisms, focusing on the person construction ofuniversity technology transfer office, who can involved in the whole process from thebeginning of invention to the assessment for the invention, applcation strategy choice,patent application assistance, searching the licensee, commercial negotiations, and theincome distribution, to improve the patent knowledge flow capacity;(3) enhancing theregional patent knowledge flow capacity, using the pratice from Jiangsu Province in theregional patent knowledge flow, such as the strong financial support, build intellectualproperty management system of provincial, city and country levels, build variousscientific and technological intermediary service organizations by the own scientific andtechnological resources in these unversities, to carry out the unversity techology transferand promote it into use, to strengthen the evaluation guiding mechnism in the universities,to establish the universities union;(4) emphasising the role of inventor network,enterprises should make full use of the role of the core inventors and the bridge inventorto promote the patent knowledge flow capacity to the industry.
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