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With the fast development of knowledge economy, the science and technology SMEshave been the main carrier of innovation and greatest of economic growth and socialdevelopment in China. While they possess lots of valuable patent technologies,“FinancingDifficulty” has been one of the main factors preventing them from developing andcommercializing their patent technologies to realize the value of such innovation. Patentpledged loans help to solve this problem effectively. At the same time, our governmentdepartments are rapidly developing various policy alternatives, giving incentives for lendersand borrowers to actively engage in patent pledged financing. However, many banks arevery cautious, hesitating to give a shot, this business is carried out slowly. And thetheoretical research on financing with patent as collateral is also sparse. Under thisbackground, based on the theory of real option and equilibrium game, this paper attempts toestablish the influential factor model of effectiveness in bank’s patent pledged loans businessand the corresponding solutions to help with the SMEs’ financing difficulties, hoping to.spurthe development of this new financing business. Therefore, this research has vital academicand practical significances.
     This paper takes the viewpoint that patent value is not equal to the value of thepatent-protected project, but they are always increasing with the expected future cash flowand patent length, the result turns out contrary to that of increasing patent litigation risk.
     On this basis, we present an option-based model of weak patent pledged loan pricingunder multi-uncertainties. The results show that strengthening intellectual propertyprotection and enhancing liquidity of technology market are sure to spur the developmentof patent pledged loan business. The embedded options in the loan contract have importantimpact on the value of patent pledged loan to the bank, and the existe nce of litigation riskmakes the bank get worse. As for the present risk compensation policies, loss compensationis efficient, while the effect of interest subsidizing is mixed. With the application of thebasic model, we further build a model that introduces a more detailed specification of thedefault process on weak patent pledged loans by incorporating the borrower’s ability toreinstate the loan out of default prior to foreclosure. Loan forbearance provides an incentivefor the borrower’s reinstatement. Overall, waiving the penalty associated with delinquencydoes lead to higher delinquency rates, but is not effective in reducing defualt. Finally, thevalue of credit reputation does have a significant impact on default. So the bank shouldreinforce the impression that default is costly with respect to future credit opportunities.
     In the presence of asymmetric information, we explore the contract designed by bank toscreen borrowers with different levels of risk. The banks can offer a menu of contracts withdifferent loan amount and loan interest rate that allow to distinguish a low-risk borrowerfrom a high-risk borrower. The high-risk borrowers are unaffected by asymmetricinformation, but the low-risk borrowers receives instead a low loan amount. Thus, wefurther explore the feasibility and efficiency of financial innovation in patent pledged loancontracts. There exists a separating equilibrium in which high-risk borrowers preferadjustable rate loan contract while low-risk borrowers choose fixed rate contract, enablingbanks to distinguish low-risk borrowers from high-risk borrowers.
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