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     美国的普通法救济即损害赔偿,具体计算方法包括所失利润与合理许可费两种。美国法院用“若非”事实因果关系对所失利润的赔偿范围加以限制,提出“Panduit四要件”检验法。二十世纪九十年代,美国联邦巡回上诉法院通过判例延伸了专利侵权赔偿范围的因果关系链条,比如State Industries案提出了市场份额原则;Rite-Hite案将所失利润赔偿范围扩及非专利竞争产品;King Instruments案进一步将所失利润赔偿扩及到在涉案专利没有被实施时的非专利竞争产品;等等。另一方面,美国法院对专利侵权赔偿范围给予适当的限制。在Rite-Hite案中引入法律因果关系上的近因原则,用可预见性理论对专利侵权赔偿范围作进一步限制,并对全部市场价值规则提出“功能性单元”的严格条件;BIC帆板案提出“同一市场”理论,在“Panduit四要件”之外增加了新的限制;特别是Grain Processing案将Panduit要件二中“可接受非侵权替代品”的范围从产品市场扩展到技术市场,企图将赔偿范围限制在专利技术的市场价值,使赔偿救济倾向于责任规则。在赔偿数额的计算上,美国要求以市场证据为基础,按照经济分析法确定赔偿数额,具有较强的客观性,比如按边际利润计算就比较科学地反映了如果没有侵权时专利权人的所失利润。
The U.S.is famous for its strong remedies for patent infringement, which can be shown by their astonishing damages for patent infringement. The thesis of the dissertation is whether the level of remedies for patent infringement imposed by the U.S.authorities is "proper"? If the answer is "yes",then the U.S.experience deserves comparison and reference.In deciding the standard of "proper",the dissertation come up with the normative "relative property rules",which is something between the property rules and liability rules.If the U.S.legal principles and rules are in consistant with the standard,we can say that the level of remedies for patent infringement is proper.The dissertation will use approaches including the law and ecomomics,historical meathod,case analysis,and comparative analysis,to explain and analysis the doctrines and rules of remedies for patent infringement in the U.S.
     Giving proper control on remedies for patent infringement is in accord with the theories of patent system.The words of U.S.Constitution article I (8) clause 8 implied that the incentive theory is the justification for patent system.The incentive theory should be the theoretical bedrock for the constraints on remedies for patent infringement.The different forms of incentive theory could be inferred to different guidelines on available remedies for patent infringement,among them is the incentive to commercializing inventions,a form of incentive theory developed in late twentieth century,which provides significant underpinnings for the constraints on remedies for patent infringement.Since the beginning of twenty-first century,the patent thicket problem has loomed large. According to the extended theory of anti-commons tragedy,the patent thicket problem roots in the "right to exclude" nature of patent,therefore constraints on remedies for patent infringement would be the legal measure for the U.S.authorities to deal with the problem.
     On Law and Economics,the main two important rules for protecting entitlements are property rules and liability rules,which can be regarded as a theoretical guideline to evaluate the strength of remedies for patent infringement.Analyzing the transaction costs of patent rights,It seems that we could not reach the "should be" decision to select either type of the rules to protect patent rights:property rules or liability rules.Louis Kaplow & Steven Shavell presented a new way to distinguish the two types of rules: if the entitlement is a possessory right,property rules should be referred to; if the entitlement is an externality interest,the liability rules should be referred to.According to Louis Kaplow & Steven Shavell's theory,the remedies for patent infringement should be something between the property rules and liability rules,which we call it as "relative property rules".The specific remedy rules for patent infringement do not originally in consistent with the normative "relative property rules",therefore they need legal adjustment to fulfill the goal.The part 2 of the dissertation will introduce how the U.S.authorities adjust the specific remedy rules for patent infringement,and analysis whether these adjustments constrain the remedies for patent infringement in line with "relative property rules".
     The two types of available remedies for patent infringement in the U.S. are equitable remedies and damages.Equitable remedies include permanent injunction,illicit profits,and temporary injunction.A "judicial compulsory license" is made when a U.S.federal court denied the permanent injunction if the infringement established.In Ebay,the Court addressed the applicability of traditional principles of equity for permanent injunction, and reversed the "general rule" that an injunction will issue when infringement has been adjudged,as the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuits said in 1989.Ebay plays an important role in constraining the issuing of permanent injunctions.The 1946 patent law amendment repealed the remedy of illicit profits,which confused scholars very much.But we still can find that some theoretical and practical troubles faced by the courts are the main reasons to repeal.As far as the policy is concerned,the repeal reflected the authorities' inclination to constrain the remedies for patent infringement.Preliminary injunction is not only a procedural remedy but also a substantive remedy.The U.S.courts constrain the issuing of preliminary injunction by "four factors test",which includes the likelihood of success on the merits,irreparable injury,and so on.
     There are two types of damages award given to patent holders as a result of infringement:lost profits and reasonable royalties.The U.S.courts constrain the scope of lost profits with "but for" causation in fact,which is usually measured by the "Panduit four elements" test.In nineties of twentieth century,the Federal Circuit expanded the scope of damages in some way.In State Industries,The Federal Circuit first approved of the calculation of lost profits based on market share.In Rite-Hite,the Federal Circuit held that a patent holder might recover lost profits for a device that is not covered by the infringed patent,if that device directly competes with the infringing device.In King Instruments,the Federal Circuit expanded the scope of damages by allowing the patent holder to recover lost profits for a product that competed with the infringing product,even though the patent holder had never made or sold the patented device.On the other hand,the U.S.courts imposed proper constraints on the scope of damages. In Rite-Hite,the Federal Circuit relied on proximate cause to further the constraints on the scope of damages by the forseeability theory,and imposed the "functional unit" requirement for the Entire Market Value Rule. In BIC,the Federal Circuit added the "same market" requirement to the "Panduit four elements" test.In Grain Processing,the Federal Circuit imposed a constraint on the damages award that takes into account reasonably foreseeable actions by the infringer,and extended the area in which to find "acceptable non-infringement alternatives" of 2~(nd) Panduit factor from product market to technology market,under which the remedies for patent infringement be close to liability rules.The calculation of damages award in U.S.courts are objective because it is required to be based on related market evidences and by the economic analysis.For example,the lost profits is computed using an incremental income approach,which scientifically reflects the true lost profits but for the infringement.
     Because of the proper constraints imposed by the U.S.courts on the remedies for patent infringement,its general remedy level is in consistent with the normative "relative property rules",and therefore the U.S. experience should be appreciated.By comparing the corresponding rules and doctrines between China and the U.S.,the dissertation made the following suggestions:allowing the courts to refuse "cease to infringe" remedy;transforming the "pre-litigation" injunction to "inter-litigation" injunction and examining it substantively;improving the way of calculating lost profits by interpreting the "proper profits" in the related China Supreme Court's regulation as marginal profit to increase the amounts of lost profits;decreasing the application of statutory damages in order to lower the irregularity of judgments.
32 寇宗来:《专利制度的功能与绩效》,上海人民出版社2005年9月版,第29页。
    33 See Fritz Machlup,An Economic Review of the Patent System,in Foundations of Intellectual Property,e d.Robert P.Merges & Jane C.Ginsburg,(Foundation Press,2004),55.
    34 Mark F.Grady and Jay Ⅰ.Alexander,Patent Law and Rent Dissipation,78 Va.L.Rev.305(1992).
    35 参见后文第八章。
    36 35 U.S.C.,§112;中圈专利法第26条第3款。
    37 契约理论的思想早已有之。1778年,Mansfield爵士对英国著名判例Liardet v.Johnson作出的判决中指出,专利权的对价不是引进一全新的工业,而是技术说明书。参见 Donald S.Chisum,et al.,Cases and materials:Principles of Patent Law,3~(rd) ed.(New York:Foundations Press,2004),15.
    38 Lawrence M.Sung,Patent Infringement Remedies(Washington,DC:BNA Books,2004),95.
    39 See Edmund W.Kitch,The Nature and Function of the Patent System,20 J.L.& Econ.265,285(1977),in Foundations of Intellectual Property,ed.Robert P.Merges & Jane C.Ginsburg,(Foundation Press,2004),140-151.
    40 参见后文第七章。
    41 Giles S.Rich被认为是“现代专利法之父”。他是美国1952年专利法修改法案的主要起草人,1956年被任命为关税和专利上诉法院(the Court of Customs and Patent Appeals)法官,随后成为CAFC法官,直到1999年去世。
    42 Giles S.Rich,The Relation Between Patent Practices and the Anti-Monopoly Laws,(pts.1-5),24 J.Pat.Off.Soc'y 85,159,241,329,423(1942).179.
    43 Giles S.Rich,The Relation Between Patent Practices and the Anti-Monopoly Laws,(pt.2),24 J.Pat.Off.Soc'y 159(1942,).有一个离我们生活很近的例子,就是袁隆平发明的杂交水稻于1979年在美国获得专利,袁降平被郑成思先生称作向国外申请专利第一人。袁隆平1975年发明三系杂交水稻后,到中美建交时已在全国范围内得到大面积推广。1979年,一个美国代表团访华时发现了这种“东方魔稻,”提出将这种技术引进到美国。但这项技术如果不在美国申请专利,必然会引来众多搭便车的市场竞争者,支付科技转让费的引进者必然无法独占丰厚的市场回报,因此需要袁隆平向美国申请专利保护后才能进口。这是专利激励商业化的典型例子。
    44 Giles S.Rich,The Relation Between Patent Practices and the Anti-Monopoly Laws,(pt.2),24 J.Pat.Of f.Soc'y 159(1942).
    45 其代表作是《资本主义、社会主义和民主》(Capitalism,Socialism and Democracy)。.
    46 其相关作品是《创新与增长:熊比特视角》(Innovation and Growth:Schumpeterian Perspectives 35(1984).参见Julie S.Turner,The Non-manufacturing Patent Owner:Toward a Theory of Efficient lnfringelnent,86Calif.L.Rev.179.
    47 Edmund W.Kitch,The Nature and Function of the Patent System,20 J.L.& Econ.265(1977),in Foundat ions of Intellectual Property,ed.Robert R Merges & Jane C.Ginsburg,(Foundation Press,2004),140-151.
    55 Michael A.Heller,The Tragedy of the Anticommons:Property in the Transition from Marx to Markets,111 Harv.L.Rev.621,675(1998).
    56 同前注。
    57 See Garrett Hardin,The Tragedy of the Commons,162 Science 1243(1968).
    58 海勒曾以俄罗斯在二十世纪九十年代实行经济私有化后莫斯科市内的店面(storefront)所有权问题来说明这一现象。参见孙璐:“强弱之界:专利权保护的选择,”载《电子知识产权》2005年第8期。
    59 See Michael A.Heller,Rebecca S.Eisenberg,Can Patents Deter Innovation? The Anticommons in Biome dical Research,280 Science 698(1998).In Foundations of Intellectual Property,ed.Robert P.Merges and Jan e C.Ginsburg(Foundation Press,2004),177-184.
    64 专利权人在不违法的情况下当然可以自己实施其专利,这在以离散型专利分布结构的时代是正确的;现代专利分布结构中那些仍处于离散型结构中的专利、即实施自己的专利并不会违背法律、不会侵权别人的专利权的,专利权人仍然有权实施,但这被认为是一种基本于自然法上的权利,而不是基于制定法授予的专利权。
    65 在美国,专利丛林现象严重的领域有微电子半导体技术、计算机技术等,较轻的领域有生物、化工等。
    66 35 U.S.C.,§271(d)(4)、(5).
    67 例如 Richardson v.Susuki Motor Co.Ltd.,868F.2d 1226,1246-47,9 U.S.P.Q.2D 1913(Fed.Cir.1989).
    68 State Industries,Inc.v.Mor-Flo Industries,Inc.883 F.2d 1573,12 U.S.P.Q.2d 1026(Fed.Cir.1989).
    69 Rite-Hite Corp.v.Kelley Co.56 F.3d 1538,35 U.S.P.Q.2d 1065(Fed.Cir.1995).
    70 King Instruments Corp.v.Perego,65 F.3d 941,36 U.S.P.Q.2d 1129(Fed.Cir.1995).
    71 Festo Corp.v.Shoketsu Kinzoku Kogyo Co.,535 U.S.722(2002)(Festo Ⅷ).本判决扩大对等同原则的限制,提高了专利权保护范围的确定性,从而有利于降低交易成本。这一判决从客观上起到了缩小专利权保护范围的效果。
    72 Grain Processing Corp.v.American Maize-Products Co.185 F.3d 1341,51 U.S.EQ.2d 1556(Fed.Cir.1999).
    73 Ebay Inc.,et al.v.Mercexchange,L.L.C.,126 S.Ct.1837;78 U.S.EQ.2D(BNA) 1577(2006).
    74 Medimmune,Inc.v.Genentech,lnc.127 S.Ct.764;166 L.Ed.2d 604;2007 U.S.LEXIS 1003.本案判决意味着,专利被许可人不必冒着承担禁令或赔偿责任的风险来提起宣告性判决(declaratory judgment)之诉,从而有利于专利被许可人挑战专利的有效性。之前的判决认为,如果专利被许可人接受了许可协议之后,再提起质疑专利有效性的宣告性判决之诉,很难立案;本案改变了判例法,认为如果被许可人出于被胁迫接受许可协议的话,在接受许可协议之后,仍然有权利提出专利无效诉讼。
    75 Microsoft Enterprises Inc.v.AT&T Corp.,127 S.Ct.1746;75 U.S.L.W.4307;82 U.S.EQ.2D(BNA) 1400,(2007).
    76 本章大部分内容已以题为“专利丛林问题与美国专利政策的转折”发表于《知识产权》2008年第1期。
    77 罗纳德·科斯:“社会成本问题”(1960年),载盛洪主编:《现代制度经济学》(上卷),北京大学出版社2003年5月版。
    78 Guido Calabresi,A.Douglas Melamed,Property Rules,Liability Rules,and Inalienability:One View of t he Cathedral,85 Harvard Law Review 1089(1972).
    79 罗伯特·D·考特、托马斯·S·尤伦著,施少华、姜建强等译:《法和经济学》,上海财经大学出版社2002年版,
    85 转引自 Roger D.Blair,Thomas F.Cotter,Intellectual Property,Economic and Legal Dimensions of Rights and Remedies,Cambridge University Press,(2005),40.
    86 Louis Kaplow & Steven Shavell,Property Rules versus Liability Rules:An Economic Analysis,109 Harv.L.Rev.713(1996).
    87 同前注。
    88 同前注。
    96 在处理联邦法院与州法院、司法救济与行政救济、司法程序与促裁、调解程序之间相互衔接的关系上,也存在类似的原则,比如行政救济用尽原则。
    97 随着普通法与衡平法的逐步融合,传统意义上的普通法救济与衡平救济在司法应用中的区别,已经不符合司法实践的状况,有学者总结出替代性救济和特别救济的二分,米修正传统上“只有在赔偿救济不充分时才能适用衡平救济”原则。参见Douglas Laycock,The Death of The Irreparable Injury Rule,103 Harv.L Rev.687(1990).
    98 “会计”是通过审查被告的财务账簿,将错误地放在一个账目中的任何金钱重新归入正确的账目的救济,非法获利即属于此。
    99 参见斯蒂文·N.苏本等著,傅郁林等译:《民事诉讼法--原理、实务与运作环境》,中国政法大学出版社2004年3月版,第102页。
    100 Black's Law Dictionary,8~(th) ed.,(West Publishing Co.,2004),800.
    101 美国联邦民事程序规则第65条(d)款,Fed.R.Civ.P.65(d).
    114 35 U.S.C.§283.所谓对专利诉讼有管辖权的法院,包括联邦地区法院、各州初审法院及权利申诉法院。
    115 Fed.R.Civ.P.65(d)规定,禁令要“提出发出的理由;条款内容具体:以合理的细节描述要限制的作为或不作为而且不能参引起诉状或其他文件。”
    116 Spindelfabrik Suessen-Schurr v.Schubert & Salzer.
    117 Fed.R.Civ.P.65(d).
    118 Alemite Manufacturing Corp.v Staff 42F.2d 832(2d Cir.1 930),.转引自斯蒂文·N.苏本等著,傅郁林等译:《民事诉讼法--原理、实务与运作环境》,中国政法大学出版社2004年3月版,第19-20页。
    119 Black's Law Dictionary,8~(th) ed.,(West Publishing Co.,2004),336.
    133 比如在Syring v Tucker,174 Wis.2d 787,498 N.W.2d370(1993)案中,原告起诉被告恐吓与殴打并要求对被告进行HIV测试,但相关制定法限制未经本人明确同意的HIV测试以及对HIV测试结果的公开,法院对此规定进行缩限解释并最终发出要求被告进行HIV测试的禁令。
    134 Ebay v.Mercexchange,126 S.Ct.1837(2006).
    135 Donald S.Chisum,et al.,Cases and materials:Principles of Patent Law,3~(rd) ed.(New York:Foundations Press,2004),1340-1341.
    136 Foster v.American Mach.& Foundry Co.,492 F.2d 1317,1324(2d Cir.1974).
    137 关于不实施专利救济适用责任规则,参见Julie s.Turner,The Nonmanufacturing Patent Owner:Toward a Theory of Efficient Infringement,86 Calif.L.Rev.179(1998).
    138 Trans-World Mfg.Corp.v.AI Nyman & Sons,Inc.,750 F.2d 1552,1565(Fed.Cir.1984);Odetics,Inc.v.Storage Tech.Corp.,185 F.3d 1259(Fed.Cir.1999).
    139 Amstar Corp.v.Envirotech Corp.,823F.2d 1538,3USPQ 2d 1412(Fed.1987).转引自张广良著:《知识产权侵权民事救济》,法律出版社2003年版,第112页。
    140 Hsrtford-Empire Co.v.United States,323 U.S.386,417(1945);United States v.National Lead Co.,332 U.S.319(1947).See Phillip Areeda,Louis Kaplow,Antitrust Analysis:Problem,Text,and Cases,(Beijing:CITIC Publishing House,2003),163.类似的观点,参见郑胜利:“我国信息技术领域国家基础设施技术标准与专利池制度构建,”《电子知识产权》2007年第10期。
    171 See Stukenborg v.United States,372 F.2d 498,504(Ct.CI.1967).转引自[美]Jay Dratler,Jr.著,王春燕等译:《知识产权许可》,清华大学出版社2003年4月版,第191页。
    172 中国专利实施率比较高,大约为30%。请见汤宗舜:《专利法教程》,法律出版社2003年3月版,第206页。
    173 例如 Motte v.Bennett,17 F.Cas.909(C.C.D.S.C.1849).
    174 例如 Continental Paper Bag Co.v.Eastern Paper Bag Co.,210 U.S.405(1908).
    175 United States v.Bell Telephone Company,167 U.S.224,249.
    309 王泽鉴:《侵权行为法(1)》,中国政法大学出版社2001年版,第187页。
    310 王利明:《侵权行为法研究》(上卷),中国人民大学出版社2004年7月版,第十二章。
    311 Richard A.Epstein,Torts,(Beijing:CIT1C Publishing House,2003),248.
    312 同前注,第259页。
    313 有学者将“若非(but for)"规则称为“必要条件说,”见陈聪富:《因果关系与损害赔偿》,北京大学出版社2006年1月版,第48页。如果将事实因果关系理解为必要条件,则法律因果关系可以说是充分条件,只有这两个条件都满足,才能承担法律责任。但何以构成必要条件、何以构成充分条件,这些问题的答案并不是现成的,因此最终还得回到因果关系理论上找答案。
    441 我国专利法第57条。
    442 吴登楼:“论知识产权诉讼中的禁止令制度”,载于《政治与法律》2000年第2期,第45页。
    443 参见后文。
    444 吕国强(上海市第二中级人民法院):“知识产权禁令制度的建立与完善”,载于《人民司法》2004年第4期,第26页。
    445[日]中岛敏著 刘新宇译:“中国《专利法》中的新问题--论制止侵权中的临时禁令制度与先用权的要件制度的设立、法律效力问题?《科技与法律》2003年第4期。
    446 根据笔者调查,目前有的法院,比如北京市第一中级人民法院,对诉前禁令持谨慎态度,倾向于按照《若干规定》第11条的实质审查标准对诉前禁令申请进行审查。
    447 参见.前文第四章。
    457 汤宗舜著:《专利法教程》,法律出版社2003年3月版,第245页。
    458 参见常廷文:“知识产权领域适用惩罚性赔偿责任刍议,”《韶关学院学报》第26卷第1期。
    459 李永明、应振芳:“法定赔偿制度研究,”《浙江社会科学》2003年第3期。
    460 请参考中国法院网(www.chinacourc.org)上公布的案例。
    461 刘通生诉北京大友大科技有限公司外观设计专利侵权案,北京市高级人民法院民事判决书(2006)高民终字第518号。
    1.[美]Jay Dratler,IJr.著,王春燕等译:《知识产权许可》,清华大学出版社2003年4月版
    1.Chisum on Patents,(Matthew Bender & Company,Inc.,2002)
    2.Donald S.Chisum,et al.,Cases and materials:Principles of Patent Law,3~(rd) ed.(New York:Foundations Press,2004)
    3.Roger D.& Blair and Thomas F.Cotter,Intellectual Property,Economic and Legal Dimensions of Rights and Remedies,(Cambridge University Press,2005)
    4.Christopher May & Susan K.Sell,Intellectual Property Rights,A Critical History,(Boulder London:Lynne Rienner Publishers,2006)
    5.B.Zorina Khan,The Democratization of Invention,Patents and Copyrights in American Economic Development,1790-1920,(New York:Cambridge University Press,2005)
    6.Janice M.Mueller,An Introduction to Patent Law,(Beijing:CITIC Publishing House,2003)
    7.Roger E.Schechter & John R.Thomas,Principles of Patent Law,(West,2004)
    8.Lawrence M.Sung,Patent Infringement Remedies,(Washington,DC:BNA Books,2004)
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