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Industrial transfer is one of the important ways of productivity space transfer. The practice has proved that the industrial transfer is powerful outside force of less developed countries and regions to realize great-leap-forward development and it can stimulate the economic development and rapid rise of underdeveloped countries and regions. Industrial transfer is conductive to the optimization and upgrading of industrial srructure for undertaking areas.It is an important way of improving comprehensive economic power for undertaking areas and promoting regional economic coordinated development. In recent years, with the deepening of the economic globalization, the regional flow of production factors and the global configuration become more active, the scales of new round of industrial transfer expand unceasingly. Along with the complicated global economic environment, especially under the influence of rising elements'cost and the weak market demand, the labor-intensive industries and export industries of eastern coastal areas in China's are facing the serious business difficulties and they need to speed up the industrial adjustment transformation and upgrading urgently to seek new investment opportunities and open up new markets.
     With the acceleration of the fourth round of the international industrial transfer and speeding up of upgrading of industrial structure in east China,the vast inland areas of China are facing new historic opportunities of undertaking global and eastern transfer.The midwest provinces have maken relevant policies to seize the opportunities of domestic and foreign industrial transfer.They compete for the projects, customers and seize business opportunities.So, the competition for undertaking industrial transfer is very fierce. Under the background of this,as an important pillar of rise of central China,how to realize the problems of undertaking industrial transfer and give full play to its advantages, actively participate in international division of labor, how to select industries correctly and take effective measures to undertake industrial transfer to achieve the economic leap development and industrial upgrading for hubei province, is a realistic and urgent problem to resolve in the proscess of Hubei's economic development.
     This article follows the train of thought of "theoretical analysis--empirical analysis--countermeasures study" and focus in the path selection and policy orientation for hubei province to undertake industrial transfer. Firstly,we elaborate on the theoretical research of domestic and foreign industrial transfer and sum up the theoretical foundation of industrial transfer. Secondly,we make the theoretical analysis on the backgrounds and trends of domestic and international industrial transfer, and make quantitatively analysis on the scale of domestic industrial transfer. In the meantime, the paper has analyzed the realistic foundation and present situation of Hubei province to undertake industrial transfer in detail and has made empirical research on the industry selection for Hubei province to undertake by the use of industrial aggregation index, industrial gradient coefficient, principal component analysis and super efficiency model, and has analyzed the spatial configuration of Hubei province to undertake industrial transfe based on the above analysis. Finally, combined with the experiences of undertaking industrial transfe for domestic and overseas,we put forward the policy suggestions for Hubei province to actively undertake industrial transfer.Besides the introduction,this article is divided into eight chapters.
     Chapter one discusses the theories of omparative advantages, the gradient transfer theories, industrial cluster theories and industrial location theories.
     The second chapter analyzes the background, the trends and scales of domestic and international industry transfer.Firstly,we make the theoretical analysis on the background and trend of international industry transfer, then analyze the background and trend of domestic industrial transfer, in the meantime take the regional industrial transfer in China as the research object and measure the scale and specific industries of industrial transfer in east China by use of industrial share index.
     The third chapter touches upon the realistic foundation of Hubei province to undertake industrial transfer. Firstly,we make an empirical analysis on the the gradient position in the national economic development for Hubei porvince based on the gradient theories. Secondly,we analyze the present situation of Hubei's industrial development from the aspects of industrial structure, industrial development, industrial distribution and industrial gradient position. In the end of this chapter, we make detailed research on the motivation and specific advantages for Hubei province to undertake industrial transfer.
     The fourth chapter explores on the present situation and problems for Hubei province to undertake industrial transfer. Firstly,we make use of statistical analysis method to study the present situation of hubei province to undertake industrial transfer.Secondly, we summarize the prominent problems of Hubei province in the process of undertaking industrial transfe by use of the combination of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis method.
     The fifth Chapter focus on the route for Hubei province to undertake industrial transfer. Firstly,we elaborate on the criteria and methods of industry selection for Hubei province to undertake industrial transfer.Then we make an empirical analysis on the industrial undertaking, distribution of competitive industries, industrial competitive power and industry efficiency of38industries for Hubei province by use of industrial aggregation index, industrial gradient coefficient, principal component analysis and super efficiency model, we make detailed study on the routes of industries'choice for Hubei province to undertake industrial transfer from aspects of the industrial transfer trends of the eastern regions, competitive advantages of industries, industrial gradient status and industrial efficiencies of Hubei province, Finally, combined with the reference standard of "twelfth five-year" guideline, the strategic development industries of the rise of central China, the leading industries of Hubei province and so on, we summarize the the specific industries for Hubei province to undertake industrial transfer.
     The sixth chapter focus on the route choice of space configuration for Hubei province to undertake industrial transfer. Firstly,we make theoretical anaysis on the factors which influence the location of undertaking industrial transfer, meanwhile make an empirical testing on the factors which influence the location of undertaking industrial transfer in Hubei province with the method of grey correlation analysis. Secendly, we focus on the study of space layout for Hubei province to undertake industrial transfer from the aspects of undertaking carriers and development of different gradient cities according to the space configuration principles of undertaking industrial transfer.
     The seventh chapter deals with the successful experiences and enlightenment of typical countries and regions at home and abroad.Through analysis of main methods and policies of undertaking industrial transfer for southeast Asian countries, Henan, Anhui and Hunan province,we can provide theoretical and practical reference for Hubei province to make policies of undertaking industrial transfer.
     The eighth chapter elaborates on the policy orientation of Hubei province to undertake industrial transfer. Combined with the outstanding problems of industrial undertaking for Hubei province and the industrial undertaking experiences of domestic and overseas,we put forward the specific policy suggestions for Hubei province to undertake industrial transfer from the aspects of continuing to improve the policy system, promoting the development of industrial agglomeration.strengthening the construction of undertaking carriers, innovation ways of industrial undertaking, optimizing the industrial undertaking environment, strengthening the construction of industrial supports and so on.
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