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Since1978, the reform and opening up, Chinese economic construction has made great achievements. During the Eleven Five, Chinese GDPreached39.8yuan, an average annual increase of11.2%, fiscal revenueincreased from3.16yuan to8.31trillion yuan. However, the rapid growth of Chinese economy doesn't widely improve national welfare, contradiction, public service demand of residents growing and public service supply of low quality increasingly prominent. At present, our country is in the key period of rapid economicdevelopment, how to narrow the gap between regions, urban and rural development, ensuring different regions, industries, sectors, interest groups, especially the basic rights of citizens and must guarantee the basic living conditions, is to maintain social harmony and stability, there is an urgent need for rapid economic development security. In order to meet the urgent requirements of the gap in the reform process in China, to prevent further gap, our government to solve the equalization of public services as one of the key tasks. In2005, the sixteen session of Fifth Plenary Session proposed a reform proposition "equalization of public service", and pointed out clearly in the "Twelfth Five Year Plan", continuously improve the supply of basic public service quality and efficiencyis the basic requirement for the establishment of a sound system of basic public services.
     To provide basic public service is the embodiment of the government, is the basis for the realization of social equality and stability. The level of basic public servicesmainly depends on two variables:one is the economic development capacity, thefiscal income, but also determines the basic public service inputs; two is the supply of public service level and efficiency, the same input to output. Ways to improve thelevel of basic public services outside notting have two kinds, one is to increase theinput of basic public services, and two is to improve the basic public service output efficiency. Also paid more attention to by the academic circle of our country how tosolve our current society faces the gap widening crisis. But the existing research and attention point of view, people pay more and more attention of investments in basic public services is increasing, and has ignored the output and its efficiency. At this stage, the short term by big increases in public service investment is not reality. And considering the regional differences, even in the local financialcapacity equalization under the conditions of different regions, the localgovernments to provide basic public service the same cost is different. Therefore, it is necessary for us to think further, whether the increase of investment will inevitably bring about the increase in output? Whether all of the basic public services can be provided to the same cost? All of these questions need structureand efficiency of basic public services for attention and discussion.
     Therefore, how to improve the efficiency of the supply of basic public servicesbased on the existing investment, improve the equivalent input-output effect, will help to narrow the differences between urban and rural areas and basic publicservices, promote the equalization of basic public services. The research on how to improve the whole society resource allocation efficiency and improve nationalwelfare, play a decisive role to achieve public utilities development goalsestablished by the state.
     Firstly, to define the research-related concepts and theories, such as public services, basic public services and the concept of efficiency, the relevant theoretical and modeling methods to sort out. On this basis, the system of basic public services and content changes since the founding of the review. By comparison of the data from the total investment analysis and structural differences in the status of basic public services, including comparison between the vertical and horizontal, regional and inter-urban and rural areas. Finally, the main cause of basic public service issues for analysis. On Chinese basic public service efficiency, mainly through the establishment of the index system for the efficiency of inter-regional differences and influencing factors were studied. Input and output indicators to assess the establishment of basic public services, including indicators primaries Discrimination ability to filter and redundancy screening. After establishing evaluation system to31provinces as the research object, collect relevant data, the use of DEA method of basic public services to assess regional differences in efficiency. Judge the efficiency of Chinese central and western regions of the differences, analyze the direction and goals to improve the efficiency and use Malmqusit index of efficiency between the years of study. Finally, Tobit model differences that may affect the efficiency of the factors were analyzed. Efficiency in the urban and rural basic public services to assess, in order to study basic public services between urban and rural areas more targeted, in the use of DEA method, we have basic public services between urban and rural areas into the system within a unified framework to compare study, suggesting that differences and differences in the efficiency of the factors that may affect the analysis.
     The main results of this thesis's conclusion is:first, for the comprehensive evaluation of Chinese basic public service efficiency, constructs the framework ofresearch on efficiency and influence factors of DEA-Malmquist-Tobit, respectively,from two aspects of urban and rural areas and include the construction of the evaluation index system of basic education, health care and social security. Second, Chinese basic public service efficiency is a "wave decreased, lowerthan western, rural city" situation, mainly for the central region to eastern area is better than that of the lowest efficiency, basic public services in Western provinces.In the specific field, the efficiency ranking field is educational, medical, social security. The overall efficiency of basic public service in rural area of China than urban; urban and rural basic public service efficiency is more stable than in the rural area,city area scale efficiency is much lower than the rural area and large fluctuation. Third, with higher local government fiscal autonomy had higher public service supply efficiency, realize the government final consumption expenditure growth will be inhibited significantly the efficiency of governmental public service. Therefore, the government can transfer payment system and cutting government consumption expenditure efficiency improvement ofbasic public services. But the supply of public services is fair will be a certain degree of leading the public service efficiency is low, therefore must pay attention to the rise in the overall level of public service, public service efficiency, avoid theefficiency in scale rising and falling, making increased spending on public servicesshould not be improved effect. Fourth, compared with foreign countries, Chinese current economic capacity and the level of public services are extremely incompatible. Chinese economic level inhibited the input-output efficiency of public services, the Baumer effect is strong economic strength of the city area will bestronger, reduces the efficiency of city public services. In addition, along with the aging problem is becoming more and more serious, the basic public service in themaintenance fee will be a large number of crowding out, thereby reducing the overall efficiency of public service. Fifth, provide a mechanism in the existingdivision of urban and rural public services, urban and rural population is artificiallydivided into two different groups of public services, basic public services enjoyedbetween them is quite different, which often leads to efficiency of basic public service in city is undervalued.
     Based on the above conclusions, the paper proposed the following policy recommendations:first, to speed up the transformation of government functions,the adjustment of Chinese financial system incentive oriented, with the development of basic public service as the core index of comprehensive performance assessment of local government performance; two, promoting Chinese public finance reform, improve the transfer payment system, improve the utilization efficiency of transfer allocation of funds; three, the re establishment ofthe system of urban and rural public service supply system, and gradually strengthen the rural public service supply; four, optimize the internal structure ofthe public service, strengthen the system construction and policy inefficient public services support; five, according to the area and urban and rural difference in efficiency, enhance the accuracy and strength of policy reform; six the efficiencyindex system, accelerate the construction of public service, improve the basic public services in China technical support system.
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