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In shipping practice, due to the time difference between the quickness of sail of vessel and the lagging of negotiation of bill of lading, carriers often have to deliver the goods without bill of lading against letter of guarantee. The phenomenon of delivery of goods without original bills of lading is becoming more and more,therefore, initiates the dispute also increases along with it,but there are still so many disputes about delivery of goods without original bills of lading in academic and practice circles .The legal liability of delivery of goods without original bills of lading is fuzzy, the responsibility of ownership was still indefinited, continuously for a long time hence, it will inevitably does not make for the development of international trade and seafaring. These are reasons underlay the study in this article of delivery of goods without original bills of lading. The problem of delivery of goods without original bills of lading has been with us for a long time, We all know the risk and severe consequence of delivery of goods without original bills of lading,but it is still necessary in shipping practice now. In this paper, the writer study the above problems and wish the result of such study will promote to constitute the better legal system of carriage of goods by sea in China. This thesis contains five chapters:
     The first part is beginning with the definition of delivery of goods without original bills of lading,analyzes the scope and types of delivery of goods without original bills of lading,expounds reasons which cause delivery of goods without original bills of lading. And analyzes the reasonable part and the hazardous nature of delivery of goods without original bills of lading from the pro and con two aspects.
     In the second part, the author defines the nature of its legal liability. As to the issue on the legal liability of discharging goods without bill of lading, there exist great disputes among scholars and in practice. At present, there are three doctrines on the legal liability of discharging goods without bill of lading in theory: the doctrine on tort, the doctrine on breach of contract, the doctrine on the concurrence of breach and tort. In practice,the court had made controversial decisions according to different doctrines. Beginning with the different functions of bill of lading in different places,the author points out the deficiency of the above three doctrines and proposes that because of the diversity of the subjects on discharging goods without bill of lading and the complexity of its counterpart the nature of discharging goods without bill of lading cannot be defined in uniform and we can only consider it as breach,tort,or concurrence of the two according to the existing conditions.
     In the third part,on the basis of recognizing the different responsibility persons,the paper analyzes the legal liability for delivery of goods without original bills of lading in logical organization. Expounds the liability of discharging goods without bill of lading should meet four conditions: The carrier has subjective fault, which does not apply to the liability for breach of contract, the carrier delivers goods without taking back or canceling the original bill of lading, the holder of bill of lading suffers losses,and there is causality between delivery of goods without bill of lading and losses. And analyzes the ownership of liability of delivery of goods without bill of lading,proposes the general principal of liability in respect of delivery of goods without bill of lading should be strict responsibility principle.
     In the fourth part, the author discusses the possible pleading reasons quoting by the carriers during the process of discharging goods without bill of lading These pleading reasons includes estoppel, exoneration clauses corporated in bill of lading and charter contract,the law or customs in discharing port, delayed taking , time bar and so on. And analyses whether these reasons could help the carrier getting rid of the legal liability .
     In the fifth part,the paper analyzes the experience of legislations in the domestic and foreign,proposes some new legal measures in dealing with delivery of goods without original bills of Lading including electronic bill of lading,sea waybill,and dealing with delivery of goods without original bills of Lading practicecally.
1林源民编:《Philip Yang on shipping practice》,大连海事大学出版社,1995 年版 第 233 页。 转引严凌振《无单放货之研究》。
     2 张进先 :《论防止海运欺诈》 ,《中国海商法年刊》第 5 卷 ,大连海事大学出版社,1994 年版 ,第 210页。
     3 藤崎道好:《海事商法概论》,张既义、王义原编译 ,载于大连港务局《港口运输法规汇编》,1988 年,第 114 页。
    4 金正佳、翁子明:《关于提单交货若干法律问题研究》,《海事审判(合订本)》总第 1-l0 期,第 114 页。
    5 Clifford. Chance:《提单——错误交货及提单批注》,载于郭国汀主编:《国际海商法律实务》,大连海事大学出版社 1996 年版,第 109 页。
    6 孟于群、陈震英编著:《海运欺诈及其法律对策》,人民法院出版社 1999 年版,第 433 页。
    7 金正佳、翁子明:《关于提单交货若干法律问题研究》,《海事审判》1991 年第 1 期,第 12 页。
    8 孟于群、陈震英编著,《海运欺诈及其法律对策》,人民法院出版社 1999 年版,第 14 页。
    9 《联合国贸易和发展会议材料》,1985 年 10 月 23 日。
     10 参见韦经建编著《海商法》,吉林人民出版社 1996 年版 第 200 页
     11 参见张新宝著《中国侵权行为法》,中国社会科学出版社 1995 年 8 月出版 第 20 页
    12 陈安:《国际海事法学》,北京大学出版社 1999 年版,第 287 页。
    13 杨良宜:《提单及其付运单证》,中国政法大学出版社,2001 年版,第 130 页。
     14 汪杰:《论提单在运输和流通环节中的不同功能及其区分的重要意义》,《海商法研究》,法律出版社 2001 年第 1 辑,第 34 页
    15 傅旭梅:《中华人民共和国海商法诠释》,人民法院出版社 1995 年版,第 142-143 页
     16 陈晶莹:《论无单放货行为的性质归属和责任定位》,《杜会科学》,2000 年第 6 期,第 51 页
    17 李守芹:《海运提单焦点问题透视一一无单放货责任论纲》,《海商法研究》,法律出版社 2001 年第 4 辑,第 38 页
     19 陈子龙:《审理无单放货案件的若干法律问题》,《法律适用》,2002 年第 7 期,第 53 页
    20 沈木珠: 《海商法比较研究》第 1 版 中国政法大学出版社 1998 版 第 40 页
    21 尹东年,郭瑜 :《海上货物运输法》第 1 版 人民法院出版社 2000 版 第 73 页
     22 王利明:《侵权行为法归责原则研究》第 1 版 中国政法大学出版社 1992 版 第 31 页
     23 李积洪:《论司法实践中的海商法》载北京大学法学院海商法研究中心主办《海商法研究》(第 1 辑)法律出版社 1999 版 第 71 页
     24 转引 Carver: carriage by sea 2 volumes 一 13th Ed. 1982 R P Colinvaux
     25 Bryan A.Garner. Black's Law Dictionary. New York: West Group,1999, 第 570 页
     26 杨良宜著:《提单及其付运单证》,中国政法大学出版社 2001 年 6 月第 1 版,第 137 页。
    27 杨良宜:《无提单放货》中国海商法年刊,1994, (13):13
    28 [新加坡]杜建星:《承运人在无单放货索赔中的抗辩》,中国海商法年刊,2001,(12): 183 一 184 页
    29 Michael J. Mustill, Alan Abraham Mocatta, Stewart C. Body. Scrutton on Charter parties and Bills of Lading. London: Sweet&Maxwell Ltd,2000, 14-16
    30 引自金正佳主编:中国典型案例评析,法律出版社,1998 年,284 页
    31 引自《中国海事审判年刊》1999 年第 335 页
    32 李守芹:《海运提单焦点问题透视一一无单放货责任论纲》,《海商法研究》,法律出版社 2001 年第 4 辑,第 47 页
    33 杜建星:《承运人在无单放货索赔中的抗辩》,《中国海商法年刊》,法律出版社 2001 年第 12 卷,第 186页
    34 《最高人民法院公报》1997 年第 1 期,第 32-35 页
    35 http://trade. 9c9c. com. cn/maofw/ jmal/topic-1565. html
    36 1993 AMC at 732; 64 f. 2d p. 99
    37 参见 1995 年《全国海事审判工作(宁波)研讨会纪要》,第 3 条
    38 倪春南:《完善<海商法>时效制度之我见》,《海事审判》,1997 年第 2 期,第 9 页
    39 William Tetley:《海上货物索赔》第三版,张永坚、胡正良、付廷忠等译,大连海运学院出版社 1993 年版,第 541 页
    40 William Tetley:《海上货物索赔》第三版,张永坚、胡正良、付廷忠等译,大连海运学院出版社 1993 年版,第 541 页
    41 佟柔主编:《中国民法学一民法总则》,中国人民公安大学出版杜 1990 年版,第 314 页
     42 参见交通部政策法规司、交通法律事务中心编,《海商法条文释义》,1993 年 11 月 人民交通出版社出版 第225 页
     43 司玉琢,蒋跃川:《关于无单放货的立法尝试——评有关无单放货的规定》 中国海商法年刊,2003, (14):17
     44 杨良宜著:《提单及其付运单证》,中国政法大学出版社 2001 年 6 月第 1 版,第 150-156 页
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