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Along with the development of the marine transportation, as one kind of marine document, the bill of lading (B/L) becomes the essential certificate for the carrier to deliver goods to consignee. According to our country’s“Maritime Law”, as well as the international convention, the carrier must deliver the goods depending on the original B/L. However, in reality, the carrier sells goods depending on the letter of guarantee and the transcription of the B/L frequently and this has caused massive disputes. The carrier’s responsibility ownership which delivers goods without the original B/L becomes the focus between the parties, a hot topic among theorists, a difficulty in the judicial field. Therefore, there’s some need to do some research on the topic.
     At first, on the basis of the legal nature of delivering goods without B/L, the illegality of delivering goods without B/L is definite. Then, the article discusses the legal nature of B/L by the method of the meaning explanation, system explanation etc. and concludes that B/L can be regarded both as credit document and document of title. Secondly, the author appraises the four different viewpoints of the carrier’s responsibility ownership (that is, the right infringement responsibility said, the violation responsibility said, the exception right infringement responsibility said, the right infringement and violation responsibility gathers said) by the method of contrastive analysis and inductive analysis. After evaluating the four viewpoints, the author proposed one of the viewpoints which she favors, that is, the right infringement and violation responsibility gathers said. Then the article discusses the different reorganizations of responsibilities under the different employees, and after comparing the violation sues with the right infringement sues from the different angles in the substantive law and procedural law, the author draws out the conclusion that she accepts the violation sues. In this part, some legislation suggestion is also proposed by the author. This part is the core of the whole thesis, also, in this part, several new viewpoints are proposed. At last, several kinds of exception on delivering goods without the B/L which are accepted in the navigation practice are discussed. Afterwards, the author analyzes the advantages and the disadvantages of the letter of guarantee, as well as the viewpoints to the responsibility of delivering goods without registered B/L in different nations using experimentation method and regulation method. Finally, by the method of system explanation, the author puts forward her own point that is the carrier has to deliver the goods with the original registered B/L.
①邹岿.承运人无单放货的法律问题研究[EB/OL].http://dlib.cnki.net/kns50/detail.aspx?filename=2005122466.nh&dbname=CMFD2006:2008 年 4 月 2 日.
    ①张丽英.海商法[M].北京:人民法院出版社,1998 年:82—83.
    ②胡正良,曹冲.对提单物权凭证功能的再思考[J].中国海商法年刊,1996 年:56.
    ③The expression of “document of title” shall include any bill of lading, dock warrant, warehouse—keeper’s certificate, and warrant or order for the delivery of goods, and any other document used in the ordinary course of business as proof of possession or control of goods, or authorizing or purporting to authorize, either by endorsement or by delivery the possessor of the document to transfer or receive goods there by represented.
    ④Bryan Garner.Black’s Law Dictionary[M].New York:West Group,1891:25.
    ⑤“ Document of title” including bill of lading and also any other document which …is treated as adequately evidencing that the person in possession of it is entitled to receive, hold and dispose of the document and the goods it covers.
    ①It means a document relating to goods the transfer of which operates as a transfer of the constructive possession of the goods ,and may operate to transfer the property in them.
    ②The bill merely “represents” the goods and possession of the bill of lading is treated as equivalent to possession of the goodcovered by it ——no more, no less.
    ③夏斗寅.海商法基础[M].北京:法律出版社,1998 年:74.
    ④司玉琢.新编海商法学[M].北京:人民交通出版社,1991 年:151.
    ⑤冯大同.国际货物买卖法[M].北京:对外贸易出版社,1993 年:32.
    ⑥韩顶峰.承运人无单放货法律责任研究[D].上海,上海海事大学,2006 年:23-24.
    ⑦吴焕宁.海商法教程[M].北京:法律出版社, 1996 年:59.
    ⑧姚洪秀,王千华.浅论海运提单所证明的权利属性[J].中国海商法年刊,1997 年:28.
     ①胡正良,曹冲.对提单物权凭证功能的再思考[J].中国海商法年刊,1996 年:75.
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     ①姚洪秀,王千华.浅论海运提单所证明的权利属性[J].中国海商法年刊,1997 年:24.
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    ①韩顶峰.承运人无单放货法律责任研究[D].上海,上海海事大学,2006 年:35.
    ②司玉琢,汪杰,祝默泉,等.关于无单放货的理论与实践——兼论提单的物权性问题[J].中国海商法年刊,2000 年:26-27.
    ③王利明.民法[D].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2000 年:540.
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    ②杨良宜.无提单交货[J].中国海商法年刊,1994 年第 3 期:15.
     ①赵宏艳.无单放货的责任归属与例外[D].大连,大连海事大学,2006 年:12-13.
     ①司玉琢.海商法专题研究[M].大连:大连海事大学出版社,2002 年:252.
     ①赵宏艳.无单放货的责任归属与例外[D].大连,大连海事大学,2006 年:13-14.
    ①何丽新,吴海燕.海商法案例精解[M].厦门:厦门大学出版社,2004 年:53.
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    ①叶群玲.承运人的交货责任[D].上海:上海海事大学,2006 年:27-29.
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     ①祝默泉.提单及货物交付[J].中国海商法年刊,1993 年:99.
    ②张丽英.海商法[M].北京:中国政法大学出版社,2004 年:66.
    ①王利民,杨立新.侵权行为法[M].北京:法律出版社,1996 年:61.
    ②雷霆.无正本提单放货的性质及其法律责任[J].中国海事审判年刊,2004 年:124.
    ③邢海宝.海商提单法[M].北京:法律出版社,1999 年:565.
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    ② 依据是《海商法》“ 前款诉讼是对承运人的受雇人或者代理人提起的,经承运人的受雇人或者代理人证明,其行为是在受雇或者受委托范围之内的,适用前款规定。”
     ①叶群玲.承运人的交货责任[D].上海:上海海事大学,2006 年:30.
    ②祝默泉.提单及货物交付[J].中国海商法年刊,1993 年第 4 期:97.
     ①李守芹.海运提单焦点问题透视——无单放货责任论纲[J].海商法研究,2001 年第 4 辑:44.
    ①丹宁勋爵.法律的训诫[M].北京:法律出版社,1999 年:55.
    ②《国际海上货物运输公约草案》第 46 条、第 49(a)条以及第 60 条第 2 款.
    ③郭国汀.记名提单下的无单放货[J].中国海商法年刊,2003 年第 1 期:10-12.
    ①It is not a symbol of the goods because the carrier is entitled and bound to deliver the goods to the named consignee without production of the bill.
    ②For under a straight bill the carrier is entitled and bound to deliver the goods to the originally named consignee without production of the bill.
    ①It will resemble a sea waybill, apart from the fact that a sea waybill will not normally be presented to the ship to obtain delivery…"straight" bills of lading and sea waybills are much the same type of document save that the sea waybill is not required to obtain delivery.
    ②The one way in which a straight bill of lading differs from an ordinary sea waybill is that, being on a bill of lading form, it usually contains words, such as "one of which being accomplished the others to be void", which indicate that it is to be surrendered on delivery. It is an open question whether the carrier under a straight bill is entitled or obliged to deliver to the named consignee without production of the bill or whether, as in the case of a transferable bill, he should only deliver on its presentation.
    ③初北平.论记名提单下的无单放货[J].中国海商法年刊,2003 年第 1 期:92.
    ④王小晖.无单放货法律责任的例外情形[J].河南社会科学,2005 年第 13 卷:36.
    ①Lloyd.Lloyd's Law Reports Vo1.2 [M].London:Lloyd Press,2003:139.
    ②The Court of Appeal of Renne considered that the bills, albeit "nominative and non negotiable", were bills of lading and documents of title for all that, and obliged delivery against and only against their production.
    ③Lloyd.Lloyd's Law Reports Vo1.2 [M].London:Lloyd Press,2003:136.
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