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With the popularization of Internet in many fields, more and more application of Internet has been adopted. And we often heard some bad news about hackers and crackers, who had broken into computers and systems again. So the security of network is more important nowadays, and it is becoming a focus of Internet. Why is Internet so frangible? After analyzing many events of network attacks and invalid intrusions, we found that the frangibility of Internet is due to lack of the firewall to protect the network security.
    As you know, Internet nowadays bases on the IPv4 protocol, which has some imperfect. IPv6 will be the necessary developed current in the future, as is the new thought of designing firewall systems. This dissertation put forward a resolvable means of integrating into firewall and IDS to protect network security. That is the design and implement of IPv6 firewall in Linux.
    At the begin of the dissertation, we has discussed the state of security on Internet, analyzed the factors caused frangibility of Internet, and intrude some means used to provide security services for Internet. After that, this dissertation focus on secure network access and designing and implementing the firewall system as follows.
    Firstly, we have summarized some means and methods of firewall implement according to software engineering in detail at Chapter II. It contains collectivity design, demand analysis, system implement, software and hardware situation and the results of system. Then we discussed the principle and develop current of software and hardware.
    Secondly, we discussed the realization principle and concretely process of firewall system. At Chapter III, we suggested some configuration and effective principle such as sniffer, data analyze and transact, database operate and flux statistics, and the principle of transplant to IPv6. According to these theory and principles, we implemented a package filter firewall of IPV6 at Chapter IV.
    In the end, we have tested the IPv6 firewall system at Chapter V , especially test the IPv6 system. According to the results we analyzed the shortage of the system and provided the resolve methods, and prospected the IPv6 firewall technology at Chapter VI.
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