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     生态园林城市是自然环境优美、生态功能完善、社会效益良好,实现人与自然和谐相处,城市可持续发展,是综合解决现阶段城市建设中生态与发展问题的有效途径。构建良好的城市生态基础设施(Ecological infrastructure),把生态环境及园林绿化建设作为城市居民的绿色福利,让人“望得见山,看得见水,记得住乡愁”。
Urbanization is the greatest potential impetus for expanding domestic demand', which has been the trend of the future development and the core of economic growth in China. Hitherto ad the level of urbanization in China has exceeded50%, and the National Innovative Urbanization Plan announced by the government resently is going to promote the degree of urbanization to a higher level. Nevertheless, the impact on urban healthy developments has resulted of the rapid increase of urbanization at the same time. Specifically, the sprawl of the cities has led to the dysfunction of the urban natural ecosystems, which can be regard as the cost of ecological environment to some extent, and brings a series of urban ecological problems. Therefore the major issure that must be faced and settled is how to promote the innovative urbanization with preserve the living suroundings of human.
     The government of China has been fully aware of the serious problems casused by the urban ecological degradation, and set an objective of striving to build'Ecological Civilization' and'Beautiful China'. The content involved in Ecological Civilization is wide in which the building of the urban green space system is closly related to the specific urban construction. As the only part of the urban ecosystem that owns self-clesning function, the urban green space is capable of improving the urban environment, increasing the urban ecological foundation and being the solution to solving the urban ecological problems in urban planning level with the irrepalceable function of ecology, society, and landscape. Unfortunately, according to the lack of breakthrough in theory study on green space system planning and upper planning guidance over the years, it usually failed to reflect the intent of the green space system planning in the stage of the urban master planing adequately. Meanwhile, the green space system planning is the subordinate planning of the urban master planning and the separate specialized planning compiled after the completion of the urban master planning, which it can only fine-tune the planing in the framework of the urban master planning and belongs to a passive proposed partial solution basically. The limitations of the green space system planning are obvious from the perspective of the eco-city that lead to the difficulty in building the more scientific urban green space system, improving the urban ecological environment, and solving the urban ecological problems maximally.
     The ecological planning and environmental management carried out by the environmental protection industry and the improvement of the ecological environment play the roles in improving and guiding the urban ecologicla construction from the different perspectives.Theoretically, the ecological planning is proactive regulation that belongs to the more macro level, forcus on the more eoclogical problems out of the urban, cover the broader contents and require longer period for implementation, the effect is often not directly and clearly actualy, which it lacks the specific guides in detials and has difficulty in implement. The environment assessment should have been active, it always turn into be a mere formality. The environmental governance are passive measures basically, and belongs to the micro-level compared with ecological planning. Thus, in term of improving the ecological environment, the ecological planning still has limitations. In spite of the improvements that the relevant state ministries hope to makes by using plan environmental impact assessment, the effort is being expended with so little apparent result.
     In the face of the new requirement from the ecological civilization and enormous pressure in term of ecological environment, currently it is apparent improper that the green space system led by the urban green space building, bound with the'point-line-surface'spatially, focused on consideration of the inner city issue is for the over macroscopic ecological planning, it have to make a brekthrough both in theory and in practice to seek out a new approaching.
     Based on the outcomes of the foreign urban planning, urban ecology and environmental protection, this study attemps to blend the ecological planning with the urban green space system planning to form a new theory. In this theory, the study of the urban eocological problems are not just limited in the urban but on the scope of the both urban and rural area, helping to build a larger urban ecological foundation, discussing the ecological planning theory and the ecological service function oriented urban ecological sapce construction rigid frame. Namely, on the one hand, the ecological planning extends downward and pays more attention to urban ecological problems. On the other hand, the urban green space system planning expands upward and combines with the ecological protection, integrates more into the close-region green spcae, plans the ecological security pattern, sets the bottom line of ecological safety, forms urban ecological green space system planning, and is ahead of the urban land use planning, and ensuresthe good urban ecological environment.
     So far, the housing construction sector has also recognized the limiations of the urban green space system planning to solve the ecological problems, created a concept and the corresponding standard of building "national ecological city" based on experience of building "National Garden"for years, and started trying to conduct the campaign that appraising and electing the "State eco-city. This study argues that it is hard to break through both in theory and in pratice if the present green space system planning is still used to guide the ecological urban construction. Only to complete the theoretical guidance,to improve the level of the green space system planning, propound the building of the green urban ecological systems clearly can fundamentally solve the urban living environment problems.
     Ecological Garden City have a beautiful and natural environment, sound ecological function and social benefits, can again the harmony between man and nature, realize the sustainable urban development. It is an effective way to solve the issues of the ecological and the development in the urban construction stage comprehensively. Constructiong the proper ecological infrastructure can turn the ecological environment and the landscaping building into green nenefits for urban residents.
     The main purpose of this study is to create the ecological green space planning theory by conbing the ecology and the green space planning theory, build the bridge between the macro-ecological planning and green space system planning, improve and deepen the green space system planning theory,make the ecological green space system planning under the control of the macro-ecological pattern, change passive situation when the green space system comes to the urban ecological construction building, give full play of the proactive planning function in the ecological green system, build the urban master ecological framework from the perspective of ecological priority.
     China is a mountainous country, many cities are built on the foothills of the basin or the hillside, which the lack of flat land causethe further tensions of urban land use. The eco-city green space system planning in mountain cities need more to deal with the relationship between the reasonable intensity of land use and ecological requirements. The Urban Ecological Green Space System Planning prossesses universal significance, especially for mountain cities, it is the function of improving and upgrading the level of urban ecological environment that is significant, and this still have guiding significance on plains or little river cities, even the effect is relatively less.This paper takes the a typical mountain city in middle of China as the object of study, plans the ecological green space system in three-dimensional from the horizontal and vertical directions, follows the theory'patch-corridor-ecological network', connects fragmented green patches through ecological greenways and strengthens key areas design in ecologically sensitive areas, forms the unique ecological network structure in ecological green space system planning, and achieves the ecological green space system planning of mountain city in multi-level finally.
     The innovation of this study is to propose urban ecological green space system planning theory. This theory can make a link between urban ecological planning and green space planning, and help the theory of green space system upgrade and improve as well, investigating and analyzing the existing natural environment and ecosystem based on the basic theory of the ecosystem, increasing the covering of mountain and aquatic ecosystems, matching species filling different ecological niche, steadying the biological diversity and natural cycles, building the patterns of ecological network analysis. Enventually, theoretical research achieved its first practice in a typical mountain city, Xianning City.
     Through the research on the urban ecological green space system theory and the practice application, it can be summarized as follows:
     (1)Through the literature research, the green system originated in the early landscape architecture, developed in urban planning practice. Since the City Park Movement, it has been found easily that the purpose of the green space system was to optimize green living environment, and increase urban resident comfort; from the local design to urban planning, content and scope of green space planning system gradually increased. But a lot of shortcomings existed at the same time, for example, the planning mode is fixed, the choice of urban green space is passive either. Furthermore, there was the lag effect of the theory and practice with less ideal effect, even though ecological role of green space system itself was undeniable. Therefore, only to take effective ecological methods and techniques to improve and deepen the green space system theory, and raise it to the height of urban ecology can it fully optimize and improve the inherent deficiencies, further form the ecological green system planning theory in this study.
     (2)From the perspective of the theoretical extension, this study fully absorbs multidisciplinary outcomes, such as the theory about stability of ecosystem ecology, ecological network, and ecological niche, and restoration ecology theory about conservation for biological corridors, biogeochemical cycles, further raises the points, the planning processes and procedures, design focus of ecological green points system theory the green ecological systems theory. For mountain city features, combining the ecological green space system planning and the mountain citiy characteristics with the concept of the natural geography is used to plan the green space in order to turn simple green existence into eco-green system, the maximization of green maximum ecological functions is realized in the perspective of urban ecosystems.
     (3)The study gathers status survey information of the green space, grasps the basic situation of Xianning existing green space, summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the last round of green space planning and construction through the analysis of the last round green space planning and the requirements from the urban master planning on green space planning. For the deficiencies of master planning, from the point of ecological security pattern requirements, under the premise of the well-constructed ecological patterns and proper greenspace service radius, this paper puts forward ideas and strategies which the green building should withdraw from the plains to hills or mountains, partially adjusts urban land use, optimizes the space system planning that greatly reduces the cost of land acquisition and construction of parks, saves a lot of urban land gains high social and economic value.
     By analyzing the previous planning and construction and the upper hierarchical planning, it can be found:Xianning existing green condition is good, Xianning has great ecological basis, the city center and the periphery of the mountain have great native ecological environment as well which have the species owning the apparent local characteristics. Although the green and the city are blend highly in the urban master planning, the use of forest status quo is obviously insufficient, the green buildings in last round of planning are too little. Based on the existing green and guided by the ecological theory, bring the urban greening area into areas of green space ecosystem planning, building green ecological corridor, the green space system network is constructed with maximum green ecological function. That refinement green space planning target object, use the road, mountain, river banks and other green corridor as links connecting green patches will improve and form eco-green system.
     (4)According to the Comprehensive analysis of the environmental quality of Xianning, the status of natural resources and ecological environment,the full investigation of ecological green space system planning will help to raise reasonable proposals. The development strategy of Xianning is "spa tourism","garden" tourism-oriented, the urban air quality is perennially up to a good level; water environment, acoustic environment quality is also good; urban water is rich, Gan River runs across the city and there are several lakes, reservoirs and the mountainous foothills around the city where the natural vegetation in high altitude and high slope areas is well-preserved, and the degree of greening is high in the city. Furthermore, the ecosystem types in this area are rich, covering all temperate ecosystems.
     (5)By combining the results of theoretical studies of ecological green space planning, this paper practices step by step to complete ecological green space planning content, highlights the urban ecological green mountainous features. First, the paper plan the green at the horizontal level of ecological green system, specifically planning parks, roads, greenery, industrial, residential, affiliated green space completely from the layout to match the specific species. Secondly, the paper improves the vertical multi-level ecological green space system planning due to mountain spatial characteristics, the greens in different slope and height are also completed the planning from the layout to match the content of the species, focusing on waterfront planning. Thirdly, the paper constructs ecological green system network in Xianning City, particularly the green space penetration planning in inner or outer city, forming the ecological integrity of the system of green and filled into a unified management, the formation of a stable ecological security pattern is made.
     (6)By calibrating the completion of Xianning ecological green system, the content of ecological green system planning based on multiple theoretical support become being perfected, the planning optimizes the layout of the city, avoids the situation of the border sprawl, and excellently controls the proportion of urban construction land. Ecological green space system planning is a management tool for urban development to protect natural resources, regulate environmental quality, optimize the urban development patterns that plays an important role in the change from passive to active, converts short-sighted behavior which the government uses the main waste land and other non-construction land as a green control in the urban master planning, transform the irrational mode of construction and development.
     (7)The paper summarizes the basic functions of ecological green system, such as ecological basic functions, water and soil conservation, environmental protection features, disaster prevention and mitigation functions, and gathers the main results of the ecological green space system planning. The basic ecological function of the ecological green system is to enhance the ecological green ecosystem stability, increase biodiversity, their biomass and the exchange of the internal energy and matter with the outside world through ecological networks. The green space itself is the erosion control measure in Soil and Water Conservation, effective ecological green system planning can reduce soil erosion and protect the urban precious surface. The green park, greenways as system unit have disaster prevention and mitigation functions, for instance, green mountain landslides and other natural disasters can be prevented the destruction of the human environment, ecological green system can strengthen its disaster prevention and mitigation effect and make the greenway as a more convenient means of escape, and green facilities is adequate disaster prevention and protection of green space, so the crowd will not be affected by disaster prevention disaster.
     By perfecting, deepening and practicing the theory of green space system planning, ecological green space system planning theory is turned out to be feasible, and beyond the effect of green space system planning from the ecological benefits. In addition to improving their green space planning steps and ways, ecological green space system planning further expands the target of system protection and planning. By brings the requirements of water protection and the content of mountain protection into itself, the protection of ecologically sensitive areas and the construction of ecological content network controlled by ecological green system spatially, the basic functions of ecological green system, water and soil conservation, environmental protection, disaster prevention and mitigation capabilities and features are enriched by building ecological security pattern and delineating the bottom line of ecological security.
     Theory of ecological Green Space System Planning proposed in this paper is an upgrade and elementary discuss from theory to practice, the part of practice with the theory also need to verify and found in order to further optimize theory and guide practice. The guidance that multidisciplinary theory make to ecological green space system planning theory is a continuation, there are many existing outcomes will further optimize the theoretical content, deepen the theoretical content in ripe conditions, more practical theory requires mature theory resulting of continuous improvement. for further deepened, the ecological Green Space System Planning theory should keep track of the latest results of restoration ecology, reduces the ecological degradation caused by artificial construction; the using GIS to build ecological green system database can provide a reference for urban green space to optimize the ecological system. Further research can be conducted from the micro to macro level. At the micro level. the relationship between the level of local green and ecological green system can be demonstrated from the molecular level; at the macro level, the study on the harmonious relations between the ecological green space as the semi-artificial systems and urban residents is able to preview the ecological evolutionary trend under the mutual penetration condition of artificial buildings and the natural environment
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