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Consumer expectation determines consuming decisions made and executed by consumers, and it’s a basic part of consumer behavior. As consumers becoming the dominating factor of market operation, consumer expectation impacts the economic operation greatly also. In consequence, not only in the macro aspects but also in the micro aspects, government and enterprises should pay more attention to the study of consumer expectation.
     Nowadays, contrary to the high investing rate, the consumption rate decreased year by year, which will undermine on our country’s continuous and stable development. During the past several years, although our government applied optimistic financial and monetary policies to incentive consumption and enhance domestic demand, and enterprises coordinated with government actively for their own survivals and development also, the pessimistic expectation of residents of social, eocomic and living counteracted the effects of macro economic government policies and made it was hard to incentive the domestic demand. In order to damp down the negative effects of consumer expectation of the social development, it is necessary to research on it deeply and systematically. These two years, the new inclination of our country’s economic development and newly applied economic polices will affect consumer estimation and judgment in the aspects of society, economic and living, in the meantime, consumer expectation of different time limit will be alien to each other, so it is worthy to study consumer expectation to grasp its feature and tendency. Otherwise, consuming intention can impact the development of the economic and the society too. Figuring out how consumer expectation affect consuming intention, especially when considering time limit, will offer reference for government policies and enterprises operation strategies, and improve the accuracy of them.
     It appeared that conclusions about consumer expectation were not rich, and some of them were different from each other. Although economists had divided expectation into short-term expectation and long-term expectation, research on short-term expectation was neglected for long, and there were few researchers probed consumer expectation forward on the basis of time limit. Furthermore, in spite of some researchers admitted that consumer expectation affected consuming intention; they hadn’t carried out further research with assays.
     Under these circumstances, on the basis of research on the consumer expectation based on time limit, consuming intention and relationship between them, this rasearch figured out the relationship between consumer expectation based on time limit and consuming intention, and brought forward conclusions with questionnaire analysis, which would help other researchers build up an overall analysis frame of consumer expectation. Otherwise, the way used in this research might be reference for other research on consumer expectation and consuming intention carried out by government and enterprises, and the conclusions would offer theory basis for long-term and short-term decisions of government and enterprises, which would improve the accuracy of these decisions.
     It was innovated in the aspects of research method, conclusions and research angle mainly.
     Firstly, it was theorized a synthetic measuring frame of consuming intention. With analysis of former materials, it was found out that, as a psychological variable which could affect consuming decision, consuming intention hadn’t got systematic and particular research. With reference to research method of People's Bank of China, it was added aspects of consuming clarification, consuming categories and consuming time to carry out comprehensive research on consuming intention.
     Secondly, it was clarified the relationship between long-term consumer expectation and short-term consumer expectation. Thus far, conclusions about long-term consumer expectation and short-term consumer expectation aren’t so much; it was concluded that, on the one hand, consumer expectation based on time limit changed significantly, on the other hand, long-term consumer expectation and short-term consumer expectation were different from each other greatly in some aspects.
     Thirdly, it was made out the effects of consumer expectation based on time limit on consuming intention. There were no researchers investigated how consumer expectation affected consuming intention with assays. This research clarified the correlation and difference between long-term consumer expectation and short-term consumer expectation on the basis of Paired-Sample T Test, and studied the effects of consumer expectation on consuming intention by considering time limit.
     By innovating in the aspects of research angle and research method, this research investigated consumers who had income, and analyzed investigation datum with Factor Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Paired-Samples T Test and Regression of SPSS13.0.Finally, it was concluded that:
     1. The frame of long-term consumer expectation and short-term consumer expectation are different. Short-term consumer expectation is constituted of personal life and income expectation, macro-economic situation expectation, price developing situation expectation, emergency precaution expectation and government policies expectation; however, long-term consumer expectation is constituted of macro-economic situation expectation, personal life and income expectation, price developing situation expectation and personal expenditure expectation. Otherwise, the contents of personal life and income expectation, macro-economic situation expectation and price developing situation expectation related to long-term consumer expectation and short-term consumer expectation are different.
     2. The personal life and income expectation is the most important factor of short-term consumer expectation; however, macro-economic situation expectation is the most important factor of long-term consumer expectation.
     3. Consumer expectation has significant linear change on the basis of time limit. In the meantime, long-term and short-term consumer expectation about income growth, price growth, price growth speed, steady price and emergency precaution appears to be different notably.
     4. Short-term consumer expectation of personal life and income, price developing situation and macro-economic situation affects consuming intention in the aspects of total expenditure, and the effect of personal life and income expectation is stronger than the other two factors. Otherwise, short-term consumer expectation of personal life and income and price developing situation has an effect on consuming intention in the aspects of up-market consumption, and personal life and income short-term expectation has a stronger effect on the intention of up-market consumption than short-term expectation of price developing situation.
     5. Long-term consumer expectation of personal life and income, and price developing situation affects consuming intention in the aspects of total expenditure, and the effect of personal life and income expectation is stronger than price developing situation expectation.
     6. Although short-term and long-term consumer expectation impact consuming intention in the aspects of total expenditure, backward regression analysis model of short-term consumer expectation and consuming intention of total expenditure can clarify the relationship between these variables better.
     7. it’s impossible to verify that short-term consumer expectation can impact consuming intention in the aspects of the midrange and low-grade consumption, and consumption time with regression of SPSS13.0. Also, the analysis of regression can’t figure out whether long-term consumer expectation can have an effect on the consuming intention of different clarification and consumption time.
     The consumer expectation based on time limit and consuming intention studied will have an effect on the development of macro-economic through consumer decisions and behavior. On the basis of forgoing conclusions, it was brought forward following advices for government: build up research on long-term consumer expectation, and enact policies with its outcome; improve pessimistic consumer expectation to advance consuming intention by different kind of ways; control time limit, extent and the progress of consumption policies made and executed with the help of the investigation outcome about consumer expectation. Furthermore, it was suggested that enterprises should stress the study of consumer, pay enough attention to time limit, coordinate marketing strategies by considering the outcome of consumer expectation research, and guide the consumer expectation of price of particular goods.
     While this research got some conclusions, there were still shortages in the aspects of research scale and sample. It is necessary to notice that consumer expectation is an important psychological variable which can affect macro-economic development and micro-consumption, and it is worthy to carry out further research on it to get more theoretical and practical values.
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