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With the development of financial system and the entry into WTO, the competition of Chinese banking has become more and more fiercer. And with the increase of money, people have increased needs on special financing products. So Personal Financing Service has become the focus of domestic and foreign banking. As for business bank, providing perfect service is the assurance of obtaining market share. Who can provide customers with personalization and one-to-one financing service according to their risk preference and consume behavior characters will be more competitive. Business banking has gained more information and has large scale of data. It's significant for business bank to use this customer's data and mining the useful knowledge from the data, which can also support the development of personal financing service of business bank.
    Data warehouse, data mining technology have growed up with the data contained in the information system becoming bigger and bigger. It has become the business banks' competitive weapon to analyze the data contained in several information system, and analyze customers' behavior data, characteristic data, etc.
    This paper mainly research on how to use data mining technology to develop personal financing business for business banks. And emphasize in the selecting and designing of the data mining models. While tells little about the theories and the methodologies of data warehouse and data mining. Based on the research of domestic and foreign business and the investigation of some of business banks, this paper builds personal financial data market, and gives customer value, customer satisfaction, customer segmentation models, which support business bank with technology support.
    Hope this paper will have an impetus to the using of data mining in our Personal Financing Service of business banks. And support business banking with new thinking.
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