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Constructivism started in Europe and America in the late 80s of the 20tn century.
    Since then it has become a strong tidal current of thought in theory, and its influence
    has quickly reached many fields. It has especially given strong and deep influence in
    the field ofpedagogy, so it is called "a revolution in the pedagogical psychology". It is
    a revolution to the traditional theory of instruction and learning. It is even named as "a
    basic theory to renovate the traditionaI instruction".
    Why does constructivism work? Where is it from? What is its basic assertion and
    rational core? Where is its tension of thought and where is its defect? As it's exotic,
    can it be constructed with Chinese culture? There are so many questions to be
    consulted and answered.
    As an epistemology, Constructivism is something that cornes out of the mixture
    of the multiple disciplines. It originates from many fie1ds. There are many kinds of
    constructivism and sometimes they are antilogy, for where there are constructivists,
    there is constructivism. In the family of constrtJctivism the radical constructivism is
    quite unique. Not only has it set essential principles for the constTUCtivist theory, but it
    is the first one to enter the field of pedagogy. It gives the strong influence on the
    theory and practice of modem pedagogy. This study puts more emphasis on the
    radical constructivist teaching thought, from where to describe, comprehend, master
    and construct the constructivist teaching thought.
    There are four parts in this dissertation.
    In part one there are two chapters. The study is about the history of the
    radical constructivism. I think the idea of the radica1 constructivism stemmed in the
    l 8th century from the famous ltalian scholar Vico's Scienza Nuova, who had an idea,
    namely, "truth is creation", and was nurtured by Kant's Kopernikus inversion which
    meant subject built object and Piaget's theory of Genetic Epistemology made it grow
    uP, which was "subject and object built each other". The idea of the radical
    constructivism was finally produced by v. Glasersfeld's tWo essential principIes. One
    is that knowledge is not passively obtained but actively constructed by the individual,
    and the other is that the function of knowledge is to accommodate and serve the
    organization of the empirical world, but not to discover the objective reaIity of
    ontology. In essence, the radical constructivism is a theory about knowledge or a
    theory about cognition.
    In part two therc arc fOur chaptcrs. The foundation of the theory or the
    intelligence source on the construction of the radical constructivist thought is deeply
    explored and expounded. I think the thought of the radical constructivism is
    influenced by the philosophy ideas of Vico, Berkeley, Hume, Kant, Piaget, as welI as
    the outcomes of v. GIasersfeld, v. Foerster, Maturana's scientific research nurtured it.
    The traditional epistemology is the pioneer to object to the theory of being and
    reflectionism, and modern systematology, cybernetics, cranial nerve bionomy and
    cognitive biology, etc. has set up a solid theoretical scientific foundation fOr its
    epistemological assumption. As a life system, human being is a self production
    system including self generation, self organization, self feedback, self regeneration,
    self preservation. As a system of introspection and self explanation, the brain is not
    isolated from the environment, but self blocked, the principle of which is to work by
    itself in the bIocked system. People describe and explain the world with language and
    symbol. Therefore- the conclusion drawn by the radical constructivism is that the
    objective world can't be grasped and we can only get to know our empirical world
    created by ourselves. Recognition is circulating and it is impossible to have its exact
    beginning and end. In essence all the knowledge is constructed and always has
    temporality, and it is the same with the scientific knowledge. The function of
    know1edge is to adapt. It isn't t
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