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The purpose was to explore the effects of abdominal breathing and music relaxation on stress, and the differences because of personality. This study done front-stress intervention in use of abdominal breathing and music relaxation, with between-group and within-group fixed design. The subject' physical stress reactivity was recorded in four phases.
    The result show: The effects of different stress coping method on stress were different, and music relaxation was better. The effect of abdominal breathing was higher than natural, but it was difficult to master abdominal breathing; The heart rate of type-A behavior was higher than that of type-B behavior in baseline phase. The same was in stress phase, but the difference extent was lower than baseline phase. This indicate: behavior pattern was inching variable, and had effect in natural or low stress level. The effect of behavior pattern fell significantly in higher stress level; The effects of medi-variable and stress coping method were complex, and most exhibited in mutual way.This show that different stress coping method fit different pattern individual. The gender difference of individual physical reactivity varied in different physical index.
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