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1997年6月,亚洲金融危机爆发,并由此掀起的第三次全球公司治理浪潮。于是,公司治理理论研究的重心也从第一类代理问题(股东与经理间的代理冲突)转向第二类代理问题(大股东与中小股东间的利益冲突)。La Porta(1999)首次提出终极股东控制(Ultimate Control)问题,即终极股东是上市公司股权控制链条的最终控制者,往往运用直接或间接手段持有公司股份获取其实际的控制权。此后,Claessens(1999)、Faccio(2002)对终极股东控制问题的基本属性及存在根源做了大量开创性的研究,最终归纳为统一的理论架构——股权控制链分析范式。由此,很多学者习惯于股权控制链的视角剖析我国家族公司治理中的终极股东控制问题。但在我国,家族企业的经营管理,特别是家族公司治理实践,不仅深受传统文化影响,而且我国法治机制尚未完善,法律意识薄弱,所以其治理实践本身就相当复杂,简单依据股权控制链追溯终极股东并不能克服其控制路径的隐蔽性,不能准确揭示其真实身份,相应地难以精确地度量终极股东对上市公司的实际控制程度。这样,就必须复杂地看待和思考上市家族企业终极股东控制问题。在家族公司治理中,终极股东是否动用非经济性的社会因素影响力实施对上市公司控制?实际上,这种现象时有发生、确实存在,但迄今为止,很多学者在解释终极股东控制问题时总会无意识地割裂非经济性的社会因素与家族企业治理实践间的内在联系,简单认为终极股东只会运用股权控制链手段控制上市家族企业。然而,也有不少学者已经发现在家族公司治理中,“一方面我们应运用股权控制链分析范式解释终极股东控制问题,倡导用股权追溯其身份、监督其行为;另一方面还要重视网络连带、传统文化、惯例势力等社会因素在终极股东获得实际控制权中的重要作用”。所以,终极股东并非只有股权一种手段获取控制权,通常还会凭借其创业家长及家族首脑身份,家族控制权威等取得社会资本来控制上市家族企业,称为社会资本控制链。
In June1997, The Asian financial crisis broke out, which sets off the third globalwave of corporate governance revolution. It also contributed to the focus of theoreticalresearch turn to the issues-II agency problem from the issues-I agency problem, fromagency conflicts between shareholders and managers of the company to conflicts ofinterest between the major shareholders with medium and small shareholders. La Porta R.(1999) first proposed the concept of the ultimate shareholder control. It means that theultimate shareholder controls of the equity control chain by directly and indirectly heldstock to have actual control right of company. With the guidance of this concept, ClaessensS.(1999), and Faccio M.(2002) did a lot of ground-breaking research on the existence andbasic properties of ultimate shareholder control right, which form a fixed analyticalframework--equity control chain analysis paradigm. It also makes our scholars used tostudy of family corporate governance only from the perspective of equity control chain todiscover and parse ultimate shareholder control problems. But in our country, themanagement of the family business, especially family practice of corporate governance hasbeen influenced by the traditional Chinese culture. And the Chinese company law is not yetperfect leading to weak legal consciousness, so family corporate governance practice inour contry is a very complex issue. Based on equity control chain, we can not completelyfind out the hidden nature of the ultimate shareholder of listed companies. It’s difficult toreveal the real ultimate shareholder deep behind the scenes and to measure its actualcontrol degree of listed companies. It requires reconsidering ultimate shareholder controlproblems in the family listed companies. Whether the ultimate shareholder of familycorporate governance has some non-economic social factors influence to control listedcompanies? Currently, this phenomenon does exist. Researchers often unconsciously treatsocial factors and equity control analysis. So far, there are many scholars having found theintrinsic relationship between social factors and the ultimate shareholder control. Theynoted:"On one hand, we vigorously apply the equity control analysis of the ultimateshareholder deprivation problem, advocated using 'equity control chain' to find andsupervise ultimate shareholder; On the other hand, We have a clear clear insight into theimportant role of social networks, traditional culture, routine forces in ultimate shareholdercontrol problems.
     So this paper forcus on ultimate shareholders control problems in the family corporate governance practices as the research object. Baesd on literature review and exploratoryresearch, it combines with the theory of social capital to build “social capital control chain”to make up the shortage of only application of “equity control chain”. Finally, it forms"dual" control chain analysis paradigm to solve such ultimate shareholder problems infamily corporate governance. And this paper uses the epistemology and methodology oforganizational routine evolution to explore how the ultimate shareholders "double" controlchain formed, which opens up a new path for resolving the ultimate shareholder controlproblems in family corporate governance. Its main work is as follows:
     (1) This paper gives the definition, causes, current status analysis of the ultimateshareholder control in family corporate governance. First, Based on the research literatureof family business, it sums up the concept and characteristics of family business. And then,combined with control right in corporate governance practice, it reveals that the ultimateshareholder control in family corporate governance is essentially an agency relationship.Finally, with research data of the ultimate shareholder control in Chinese family listedcompanies, the paper summarizes its current characteristics and reasons for the formation.
     (2) The ultimate shareholders "double" control chain analysis. With social capitaltheory and methods, it explains the inadequacies of the ultimate shareholder controlproblems based on equity control chain analysis alone, as well as the need for adding theultimate shareholder social capital chain analysis. On the basis of the equity control chainanalysis, the paper increases social capital control chain analysis and analyzes bycomparative method of two control chain's strengths and weaknesses in ultimateshareholder control problems of family listed companies. Eventually, it forms the ultimateshareholders "double "control chain analysis paradigm.
     (3) Family corporate governance ultimate shareholder control analysis based onorganizational routine evolutionary theory. With the study of organizational routineevolutionary theory, the paper gives interpretation of corresponding relationship betweenorganizational routine and ultimate shareholders "double" control chain, and theirgeneration mechanism analysis framework. Eventually, it proposes two concepts, whichare equity control willingness and social capital control willingness of ultimate shareholderbased on the epistemology of organizational routine evolution, in order to build socialcapital controls iterative model to illustrate formation and evolution of ultimateshareholder "double" control chain.
     (4) Based on the analysis framework of fully revealing ultimate shareholder "double"control chain in family corporate governance with organizational routine evolution theory, it explores how social capital to affect organizational routine, which leads to generateultimate shareholder social capital control chain in the family corporate governance.
     (5) Empirical Analysis. With theoretical exploration, this paper uses questionnaires,data processing, statistical analysis and other methods to test and verify of theoreticalmodel and assumptions. Then, it expounds ultimate shareholder control problems in familycorporate governance by case studies, which is not only using equity control chain analysis,but need to add social capital control chain analysis. The application of ultimateshareholder "double" control chain analysis paradigm ensures the validity of results.
     Through in-depth system analysis and discussion, several important conclusions areas follows:
     (1) In family corporate governance, the ultimate shareholder tends to using equitycontrol chain and social capital control chain to ensure the ultimate control of family listedcompanies.
     (2) The ultimate shareholders "double" control chain is performance as organizationalroutine evolution. So it’s reasonable to use epistemology and methodology oforganizational routine theory to explain conformation and evolution of ultimateshareholder "double" control chain.
     (3) Through the impact of organizational routine, social capital generates socialcapital control chain of ultimate shareholder.
     (4) Using only equity control chain in analysis of ultimate shareholder controlproblems of family corporate governance often causes several deficiencies. In order toensure the validity of results, it is necessary to add social capital control chain by using"double" control chain analysis paradigm.
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