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Aiming at the issue that Small-and-Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) lack of enough power on talent attractive, this paper framed the theory system on the enterprises' Organization Attractiveness, by the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, and put forward the strategies on SMEs' Employer Branding, based on the relative researches on the Great Place to Work, Employer Brand, and Company Attractiveness, both from domestic and abroad. The paper brought out the conception of the Organization Attractiveness (the Org.At.), is the integrate capability that the enterprise possessed to attract, retain, develop and motivate staff required. The Org.At. has relative, dynamic, and other characteristics, can influence the employee's psychology and behaviors, and finally affect business performance. The process of the formation and action of the Org.At., and the consequences, reflect the health status of the work place, and ultimately formatted the Employer Branding of the Enterprises.
     By use the empirical study methodology, through the questionnaire surveys, this paper conducted an Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), verified that the Org.At. contains 5 component factors, the trust value, the employment value, the atmosphere value, the foundation value and the growth value, the last two of which is represents the essential organizational characters of the Enterprises. The trust value representing the management trust within an organization, also concern about the decision-making mechanism and operation rules that is indicated by the words and deeds of its administrative hierarchy. The employment value means the worth of the job itself include working condition, job interesting, personal career development, etc. The atmosphere value reflects inner relationship of employment, enterprise and employees, employees and employees, employees and their jobs. The foundation value signaling the economic strength, development foundation, and the paying capacity of the organization. The growth value shows the development prospects and potential of the enterprises, and its capabilities on responding, adapting, and innovating to changing environment, related to employee's future.
     Further, by using the Full Model(Complete Model) of the Structure Equation Modeling (SEM), this paper analyzed the impact factors of the Perceived Org.At., and analyzed the influences that the Perceived Org.At. exert on employees, both psychology and behaviors. The result shows that, the Perceived Personal Ability-Job Fit, the Perceived Personal-Organization Culture and Value Fit, the Perceived Organizational Support, and the Perceived Organizational Justice have positive effects on the Perceived Org.At.; and the Perceived Org.At. has positive relationship with employee's Overall Job Satisfaction, Job Engagement, partially with employee's Organization Commitment and Job Performance(parts of the components of the two factors), and has negative effects on employee's Turn-over Intention. The result also shows that the Perceived Org.At. plays a full mediating role between the Perceived Organization Support and employee's Turn-over Intention, and do the same between the Perceived Organization Justice and employee's Turn-over Intention; and through the Overall Job Satisfaction influence the Employee's Engagement, then the Employee's Job Performance.
     Based on the Perceived Org.At. an Org.At. assessment index system was compiled, and its application on allocation of the Org.At. resources, and on decision-making of the Employer Branding was discussed.
     This paper is creatively on establishing the Org.At. theory, evaluating the Org.At. of the workplace, and decision making of the SMEs'Employer Branding, has certain academic value and practical significance.
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