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     本文①回顾了品牌与品牌生态系统相关研究、品牌生态系统动力机制相关研究、系统动力学建模与仿真相关研究,找到品牌生态系统研究重要薄弱点,分析总结现有研究成果构建论证基础;②界定了品牌生态系统内涵,分析了品牌生态系统动力结构,指出品牌生态系统动力源包括品牌生态系统产品生产支持子系统动力、品牌生态系统市场营销支持子系统动力、品牌生态系统人力资源支持子系统动力、品牌生态系统创新支持子系统动力和品牌生态系统环境资源聚集动力,探讨了品牌生态系统动力过程,建立了品牌生态系统动力过程因果关系模型,从而揭示了品牌生态系统动力机制;③基于品牌生态系统动力机制分析建立了品牌生态系统动力学模型流图,明确了品牌生态系统动力学模型方程,从而构建了品牌生态系统动力学模型;基于该模型利用计算机建模工具Vensim PLE建立了品牌生态系统动力学仿真系统,探讨了系统参数控制与结果输出方法;④指出可以利用品牌生态系统动力学仿真系统辅助品牌理论研究和品牌管理实践,给出了仿真应用举例,验证了品牌生态系统动力学仿真系统对品牌理论研究的辅助作用。
As a great treasure-house, the idea of ecosystem is an integration of the evolution result and the methodology of systems science through thousands of years. At the same time, metaphor provides the key to open the treasure-house of knowledge. The introduction of ecosystem theory to brand research using metaphor gives birth to the theory of brand ecosystem. The brand ecosystem proposes new thinking ways, perspectives, methods, theories and tools for brand research, which attracts lots of researchers. However, there is still some limitations in brand ecosystem research, and two of them are noticeable:①There is less research on dynamic mechanism of brand ecosystem, and we need to pay more attention to its systematic characteristics.②There is less quantitative tools to assist the brand theory research and brand management practice.
     The limitation of these two aspects restricts the development of brand ecosystem theory and application, and the research on them will perfect the theory of brand ecosystem, assist the brand theory research and brand management practice.
     Based on the status quo, two questions are proposed and discussed according to the research limitations:①What is the dynamic mechanism of brand ecosystem?②How to build and implement brand ecosystem dynamic model to assist brand theory research and brand management practice.
     This paper:①reviews the literatures on brand and brand ecosystem, brand ecosystem dynamic mechanism, modeling and simulation of system dynamics, finds out the research weaknesses of brand ecosystem, analyzes the present research achievements to find the theory basis of this paper.②defines brand ecosystem, analyzes the structure of brand ecosystem dynamics, points out the power sources of brand ecosystem which includes production subsystem power, marketing subsystem power, human resource subsystem power, innovation subsystem power and environment&resources gathering power, discusses the dynamic process of brand ecosystem, founds the causal model of the dynamic process and reveals the dynamic mechanism of brand ecosystem.③based on the analysis of brand ecosystem dynamic mechanism, establishes the flow diagram of brand ecosystem dynamic model, sets up the equation of brand ecosystem dynamic model, thus constructs the dynamic model of brand ecosystem, based on which establishes simulation system of brand ecosystem dynamics using computer modeling tool Vensim PLE, and discusses the variable control and output of the model.④points out the simulation system of brand ecosystem dynamics could be used to assist brand theory research and brand management practice, gives an application case of the simulation system which confirms the assistant effect for brand theory research.
     There are four innovation points in this research. First, this paper discusses brand ecosystem dynamic mechanism. Second, this study founds out the causal model of the dynamic process. Third, this paper establishes the simulation system of brand ecosystem dynamics. Fourth, this paper puts forward that the simulation system of brand ecosystem dynamics could be used to assist brand theory research and brand management practice.
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