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Fragile ecological area is the special area formed by comprehensive and long-term action between man and nature under the specific natural, economic, social conditions. Its environmental condition has already become the main factor restricting regional social and economic development under the current circumstances of acute contradictions among population, society and economy development, resources and environment. Since there is differentia of ecological vulnerability which has complicated original cause, the environment in fragile ecological area must be improved with corresponding to the modes or methods of management on the basis of complete analysis. Regional forest resources management has long followed the traditional managing mode, which has interrupted the stabile and healthy development of forest resources and environment. So it makes great sense, both theoretically and practically, to carry out systematical research on fragile ecological area via multi-disciplines, e.g. sociology, economics, system science etc. for discussion on modes of classification and management from a multi-point view of society, economic and environment. It will coordinate the relation between forest reserves and the society, economy, environment, reduce regional ecological vulnerability and realize regional sustainable development.The research is based on the studies on ecological vulnerability at home and abroad and it was carried out in 3 counties or cities of the fragile ecological area of Daxinganling Mountains in Inner Mongolia and Gutian County in Fujian Province. By fieldwork and data analysis accordingly, this dissertation has discussed and studied the concept of ecological vulnerability, the indicator system of assessment on ecological vulnerability, and it has make an analysis of relationship among ecological vulnerability, society, economic, forest resources and its management. It has also explicated the differences of ecological vulnerability between countries, which are principal parts the regional management, made a scientific classification of fragile ecological types and brought forward the countermeasures. The main conclusions are as following:(1) The research on the indicators for analysis and assessment, the cause of vulnerability and the concept concerning ecological vulnerability. The dissertation has
    put forward the ecological vulnerability concept and set up the frame of indicator system to assess ecological vulnerability, using the results and method of domestic and international research for reference. Through system diagnose and quantitative analysis, it has appraised and analyzed the cause of the ecological vulnerability, brought forward the main causes of ecological vulnerability according to the real situation of trial area, which can be concluded as the heavy stress on environment and resources, unfavorable economic and climatic conditions, inconsistent regional policy and management and so on.(2) The analyses of relationship between vulnerability and forest resources in fragile ecological area. The analyses of relationship between vulnerability of ecosystem and forests resources had been done by using the result obtained from quantitative analyses of vulnerability of the ecosystem and the present situation of forest resources of the certain area. It indicates forest resources will improve the ecological environment quality to some extent, which can be incarnated in the quantity, the quality, the constitution, the structure and their distribution characteristics of forest resources. According to the demand of forest resources that regional economy, environment and society claim, the dissertation lays out the goal of the management and makes out the plans for the development of forest resources.(3) The analysis on the status of forest resources management in the fragile ecological area. According to the investigations and analyses of the current situation of forest resources management in the test area, the dissertation brings forward the main 22 problems concerting forest resources management through
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