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In the period of Cold War, a pattern came into being in the Korea peninsula that the North triangle including China, Soviet Union and North Korea confronted south triangle composed of United States, Japan and South Korea. However, in the period of post-Cold War, the Soviet Union had disintergrated and the relationships between China and North Korea became frigid. As a result, North Korea, the only state had to stand facing the South triangle. The pattern of Cold War in korea peninsula hadn't changed ultimately. Three tenure-of-office presidents of United States in the period of post-Cold War kick up a rumpus over North Korea's nuclear issue.
    George Bush administration's nuclear policy towards North Korea was mainly "induce and suppress". George Bush dismantled initiatively the nuclear weapons having been deployed in South Korea and advocated non-nuclearization in Korea Peninsula. Then North Korea and South Korea singed the Common Declaration of Non-nuclearization in Korea Peninsula in 1992.
    The Clinton administration's nuclear policy towards North Korea was divided into two stages: Clinton resorted to force in the beginning, which brought about a tit-for-tat struggle of North Korea and led to the first North Korea nuclear crisis. Finally, the two countries suppress their dissension and signed the US-DPRK Agreed Framework. After that, America's nuclear policy towards North Korea changed continually. Although the White House put no trust to North Korea, and there happened "Missile Crisis", "the wave of nuclear facility in Kumch'ang-ri", the relationships between United States and North Korea went to detente as a whole. In October 1999, "Perry Report" came out. It was a wise nuclear policy of United States towards North Korea and was the final design of Clinton administration's nuclear policy towards North Korea. The following high-ranking exchange visits expressed the policy.
    With the expiration of Clinton administration, the newly appointed president of United States, George. W. Bush, opposed to improve the relationships between United States and North Korea. George and waved the "big strick" at North Korea instead of holding out the "carrot", causing a serious retrogression of the two countries' relationships. George. W. Bush administration's frigid pose foreboded the coming of the second nuclear crisis. Even more, in October 2002, North Korea's admitting possessing nuclear weapons marked the climax of the second nuclear crisis. Being
    different from the past, the "sticks" in each other's hands were even bigger than before. It was more likely to go to war than before. However ,owing to several kinds of restrictive factors such as the international societies' promotion and the past experiences of solving the North Korea nuclear issue, the two countries chosed the way of negotiation ultimately. From three-side talk in April 2003 to the second six-side talk in February 2004, we catch sight of the hope of solving North Korea nuclear crisis peacefully.
    8.Eugene R. wittkopf and Christopher M. Jones主编:《美国对外政策的未来走向》,北京大学出版社,2003年版。
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    31.张业亮:《布什政府对朝政策与朝核危机》,http://www.mgyj.com/americar_studies/2004/first/firs t02.htm

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