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It is the premise of economic sustainable development to make theenvironment can be protected while maintaining high economic growthspeed and reasonable energy consumption. As one of the old industrialbase in Northeast China, Jilin Province shares more opportunities andsupports toward a rapid economic growth and reindustrialization from thepolicy of revitalizing the old industrial base in Northeast China. Based onthe theories on the coordinated development of man-land, this dissertationdeeply analyzes the energy efficiency and evaluates comprehensivelycoordination degree of energy, economy and environment in Jilin, andformulates the development strategies to realize the coordinateddevelopment between energy consumption and economic growth underthe circumstance of friendly-environment. It will prove a theoreticalguidance and practical significance for the sustainable development ofJilin in some sense.
     The main research contents are as follows:(1) The dissertationprobes into the overall of energy production and consumption, economicdevelopment and structure evolvement, and environment quality andindustrial waste in Jilin, based on which it discovers the deep-seatedcontradiction among energy, economy and environment.(2) Thedissertation analyzes the spatio-temporal disparity of total factor energyefficiency in Jilin from the angle of regional development. In order tohighlight the relation of energy and economy under the circumstance offriendly-environment, it is made to contrast the total factor energyefficiencies and change under two scenarios of considering pollution andno pollution. And the factors of influencing regional total factor energyefficiency are analyzed.(3) The dissertation analyzes the disparity of totalfactor energy efficiency in industrial sectors’ of Jilin. In order to highlight the relation of energy and economy under the circumstance offriendly-environment, it is made to contrast the total factor energyefficiencies and change under two scenarios of considering pollution andno pollution. And the factors of influencing sector’s total factor energyefficiency are analyzed.(4) The dissertation testifies the relationshipbetween energy consumption and economic growth employing thecointegration analysis, and analyzes the factors of influencing energyconsumption. The energy consumption elasticity and energy intensity arediscussed to manifest deeply the interaction and coordination of energyconsumption and economic growth. The evaluation system is establishedto probe into the inner-and inter-coordination of energy, economy andenvironment in Jilin, and the coordinated development level of them isanalyzed.(5) According to the research results, some suggestions toimprove coordination of energy, economy and environment are advancedfrom the angles of optimizing structure (including industry, products andenergy consumption), increasing technique investment, raising thetechnology level, developing circular economy, enhancing supervision oflegislation and market control and enlarging the environment protectioneducation in mass.
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