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Education in China has to launch creativity-oriented education so as to meet
     the needs of the twenty-first century. And the developing of creativity-oriented
     education should be based on the creativity-oriented teaching of a specific subject in
     which tainting of creative thinking is the guiding principle. This thesis is mainly on
     the matter of creative thinking in teaching of writing. Being based on the matter of
     creative thinking, the thesis mainly discusses creative writing as well as bringing
     firth new ideas in teaching of writing.
     At present exist some phenomena, such as 搒tudents have been ignored in
     teaching of writing in primary and high schools? and 搕raining of writing has been
     confused with general literary writing? In view of the characteristics above, the
     first part of the thesis suggests that 搒tudents be the foundation of teaching of
     writing?and that helping students display their characteristics through writing be
     the basic tack of teaching of writing; the author emphasizes the importance that
     language abilities should develop simultaneously with level of thinking; the author
     concludes that creative thinking determines creative writing.
     The second part of the paper discusses the contents of creative thinking in
     writing as well as the choices of materials, conceptions, styles and language. The
     author has proved his viewpoints by presenting some of his teaching plans.
     The third part is on how to blaze new trails in teaching of writing which is
     considered as one of the most important aspects in creativity-oriented teaching of
     writing. The author believes that creative thinking in teaching of writing can be
     achieved through studying theories concerned, changing out-of-date points of view
     and viewing students as the basic feature in the process of teaching. Teachers should
     create a harmonious atmosphere in teaching of writing, make clear the training goal
     of teaching of writing and apply specific teaching methods in the light of specific
     The author concludes at the end that teaching of writing is the most important
     link in training for students to improve language abilities and helping develop level
     of thinking. Teachers of Chinese are supposed to pay great attention to creative
     thinking in teaching of writing as it has been regarded as one of the most important
     qualities for them.
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