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The new venture's growth in business ecosystem is affected profoundly by the strategy decision-making mode, strategy mechanism and the interaction system constituted by strategy role of the relating organization. As a strategy combination between associated enterprises and their decision-making system, the strategy ecology has a significant advantage on integration of organizational resources and stimulating organizational potential in new venture's growing. However, it's need that institution system regulates and guides the evolution of strategy ecology constructed by different entreprises'strategic positioning in business ecosystem. For new venture, it's guidance and regulation that institutional entrepreneurship for evolution of strategy ecology. Therefore, the paper explores the intrinsic relationship between entrepreneurship and strategy ecology based on new venture's growth, and analyzes the effect mechanism of strategy ecology and entrepreneurship to new venture's growth.
     Through exploratory case study, the paper makes a comprehensive analysis on China MMORPG industry and the TFT-LCD industry, and explores the evolution trends of China MMORPG industry and the TFT-LCD industry in the situation of industry system reform deeply. Then, through to the case study of snda and AUO corporations, the paper gets a preliminary summary of the relationship of strategy ecology, institutional entrepreneurship and new venture's growth. On this basis, this paper uses theory deduction method to explore the interaction mechanism of strategy ecology and institutional entrepreneurship, and puts forward the theoretical framework of relationships between strategy ecology, institutional entrepreneurship and new venture's growth. Under this theoretical framework, this paper makes an empirical analysis on the relationships between institutional entrepreneurship and new venture growth intensively. Then through the Meta-analysis methods for entrepreneurs and corporate performance relationship theoretical analysis, the paper proposes the theory assumes about entrepreneurship and new venture performance. Finally, we make an empirical analysis of the relationship between institutional entrepreneurship and new venture performance. The conclusions of this study include:
     Firstly, making a clear connotation of strategy ecology decision-making mechanism and the evolution of strategic group. This study define the strategy ecology as a mechanism of interaction between the strategic combination of strategic ecology definition adopted for enterprises and other relevant organizations in the business ecosystem, as well as corporate strategic combination with the external environment. There are two strategic ecology decision-making modes: Fan-organizational vertical decision-making model and enterprise-level decision-making mode. The definition of strategic group is the strategic ecological association with the organization due to professional goals, organizational differences need to be coordinated collection of strategic portfolio built with a specific function.
     Secondly, exploring the mechanism of the strategic ecological and institutional venture for the growth of new enterprises. Strategy ecology impacts on new ventures' grow primarily through corporate organizational inertia, strategic focus and the building and implementation of strategy group. However, the entrepreneurial ability and organization field characteristics in the institutional entrepreneurship are affecting the efficiency of the implementation of new ventures level of strategic focus and strategy group. Therefore, it's a dual impact on new venture's growth by the the strategy ecology and institutional entrepreneurship.
     Thirdly, the results by Meta analysis shows that:(1)entrepreneur's social capital has a siginificant impact on venture's performance.(2) entrepreneur's learning ability has a siginificant impact on venture's performance.(3)the environment where entrepreneur's activities for venture's performance is very obvious.
     Forth, it confirms the the the institutional venture for new venture performance impact mechanism of action. Including institutional entrepreneurs with high social status and superb social skills have a significant positive effect on the role of new venture performance; the organizational field types and tissues Field institutional contradictions in the system of entrepreneurs and new venture performance Room having a significant role in the regulation.
     Based on research on the relationship among strategy ecology, institutional entrepreneurship and new venture's growth, this paper expand and deepen the strategy theory and istititution theory, then guide practice of new venture's entrepreneurship. First, we expand the strategy ecology research, makes a clear connotation of strategy ecology decision-making mechanism and the evolution of strategic group, and stresses the strategic group's important role in the evolution of strategy ecology, promotes strategy ecology theory. Second, the paper explain the important role of insitutional entrepreneurs and organizational field in the entrepreneurial activites. Then the paper confirms that the social status and social skills of entrpreneur, organizational field's type and organizational field's contradictions enhancing the new venture's performance. Third, this study clarifies the mechanism of the the strategy ecology and institutional entrepreneurship for the new venture's growth, makes a good guide for new venture to prepare for growth, and improve strategy decision-making efficiency.
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