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Promoting the balanced development of education is not only the basic way and premise to provide a balanced national educational opportunities and conditions and to realize educational fairness, but also the basic way and condition to pursue fairness and justice and to build a harmonious society. And promoting the balanced development of education, first of all, is to promote the balanced development of basic education. The core of achieving a balanced development of basic education is the balanced allocation of education resources, while the balanced allocation of teachers among education resources is the key. At present, there are significant differences of the teacher resources allocation of basic education in china between different regions, urban and rural areas and different schools .The difference has been developed to the serious imbalance in the state, leading to the growing School Choice phenomenon of the "School Choice students, Tauzin students, Gao jia students", which directly affects the comprehensive, healthy, balanced develop- ment of basic education, endangering basic educational fairness. Therefore,the solution of the imbalanced teacher resources allocation problems is not only very necessary and urgent for promoting the balanced development of basic education, thus contributing to the balanced development of the whole education, but also the effective means of solving many social contradictions such as "School Choice" problem. Balanced teacher resources allocation of is not only helpful to the realization of educational fairness,but also the inevitable requirement for realizing the harmonious development of basic education. Considering the special national conditions in China's regional development, to achieve a balanced teacher resources allocation of basic education should first achieve a breakthrough in county region. If the teacher resources of basic education can achieve a balanced allocation in the county, it will be able to provide a solid foundation and valuable experience in municipal, provincial and even national basic education teacher resources allocation. Therefore this study carries a more detailed investigation and analysis in the underdeveloped county (S county). Through the survey on teacher resources allocation of basic education in S County, the author found that teacher resources allocation is extremely unreasonable. For example: the differences in the teachers’quality between the urban and rural areas; the imbalanced allocation of Title high teachers between the urban and rural areas; the unreasonable allocation of excellent teachers between the urban and rural areas; the loss of good teachers. Furthermore, the author believes that the causes of existing the problems in teacher resources allocation of basic education in county are as follows: the socio- economic imbalance in different areas; different teachers policies between urban and rural areas; the system "focused on good schools "; the disordered, one-way、upper unreasonable teachers flowage; the unscientific school management;the lack of platform for supporting the professional development of teachers ;The unimplementation in fact of accreditation system for teachers; the limited role of Teacher Appoint- ment System; the poor effects of teacher training. The teacher resources allocation of basic education in county must be reasonable, optimize and achieve a balanced teacher resources allocation of basic education in the county. Therefore, the author thinks over the concept and strategy of two viewpoints to achieve a balanced teacher resources allocation of basic education in the county; based on theoretically analyzing the theoretical foundation of the teacher resources allocation of basic education in the county、the objectives、the principle、the choice of ways in comparison and learning from the useful experience in achieving a balanced teacher resources allocation of basic education at home and abroad, the author proposes the strategy in achieving a balanced teacher resources allocation of basic education in the county: First, Establish the high efficient and fair teacher resources management system;Second, inhibit the teachers disordered flowage;Third, establish the teacher regularly flowing mechanism in the County; Fourth, Set up the teachers training mechanism for meeting the teachers’demand and Fifth, Enforce management on school teachers.
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