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The Business building , of which the area is only less than the
    living building has become the second largest category of architecture.
    Considered as an essential element of the public environment of the city ,
    it reflects the development of the economy circumstances. It is an important
    place for the commercial information to be combined and exchanged. It is also a
    dynamic and magnificent landscape which help to create the beauty of the environment
    of the whole city. The shopping area, which is the most crowded, occupies a great deal
    among the commercial area. It requires the environmental facilities of high qualities.
    The design of the surroundings, space of both interiors and outdoors has great effect
    on people's emotion, interests and life style. In response to the development of
    informational and digital communication and administration, shopping on the net and the
    rapid rhythm of modern life, the design of interior and outdoor environment of the shopping
    area should be adjusted and changed. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate as the
    1. As the designer of the commercial area, what problems we should pay close attention to when we participate in shaping the integrated environment of the city. Although these problems should be concerned by the city administrators and designers, we architects should have an integrated view of the blueprints of the whole city. Thus we will be able to integrate these elements into the design of the commercial area.
    2. With the improvement of people's standard of living, the purpose of shopping behaviors has changed from "Demands" to "Relaxation and amusement". More and more shopping area has become the place for people to release tension and take some amusement activities. Thus, it has become the tendency for architects to design and create such environment for public activities. The essential point of designing the elegant environment is based on the people.
    3. This paper enhanced the study and concern about the relationship between the shopping psychology and environment. To study the psychological process of shopping behaviors, the ways of shopping and its motivation, the different psychological process between planned shopping and derivational shopping, the response measures taken by the manufactory and distributors; Through the study of the
    object requirements according to the environment, this paper illustrated the characteristics of the shopping environment including the convenience and economical elements^ selectivity and collection, symbol and recognition, comfort and beauty, security and reliability. (Notes: this chapter referred to some of the research achievements of both domestic and abroad.)
    4. This paper provided a discussion about the environmental design of the commercial area including the problems of advertisements, the image of the brands, the culture of the enterprises , the cultural problems of designing the commercial environment , the status and function of the commercial area in the city and etc.
    5. This paper classified the contents of commercial area and shopping area by means of the systematology methods. It also categorized the contents based on different specialities and angles, for instance, the scale of the architecture, the operation contents and its characteristics. During the process of classification and deduction, this paper also made a brief introduction about the collective situation and the features of different department stores compared to the conditions abroad.
    6. This paper focused on the interior and outdoor environmental design of the large and medium sized integrative department stores. These stores offer the highest qualities of the environmental art and interior design. They are typical and integrative. The up extension of these can participate the construction of the business street and district of the city, while the down extension can be integrated into the design of the contribution units and specialized stores. And they are a
一、国内图书:1. 《中国一流商厦》一套4册中国建筑工业出版社 ──内容提要:以图片和说明的形式展示了中国目前各地有名商场的室内环境.
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    3. 《建筑设计资料集》第5册中国建筑工业出版社 ──内容提要:经过三次再版、修订的全国各设计单位在设计领域中的实例和要求分析、功能分析, 第5册为商业内容.
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    9. 《室内照明设计实例》辽宁科学技术出版社 ──内容提要:8、 9两本书分析了国内著名商场的照明设计实例。
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    15. 《室内设计原理》1--2集中国建筑工业出版社来增祥主编 ──内容提要:同济大学来增祥教授主编的、深入浅出的论述室内设计有关理论的图书。
    16. 《室内环境与设备》中国建筑工业出版社 ──内容提要:讲解空调、照明、电梯、扶梯等室内设备与室内设计的关系。
    17. 《设计学概论》湖南科学与技术出版社尹定邦著 ──内容提要:引古论今、深入浅出、多角度论述设计与生活、设计与创造、设计美学等设计问题。
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    19. 《规代建筑理论集约》(建筑结合人文科学,自然科学与技术科学的新成就) 中国建筑工业出版社刘先觉著 ──内容提要:这是一本由刘先觉教授主编的,由国内著名学者写作的全方位介绍建筑设计最新思 想和理论的论文集锦。
    20. 《美学四讲》广西师范大学出版社 李泽厚著 ──内容提要:作者用社会多领域多视角及古今中外的范例讲解,论述“美学”思想这一深刻的问题。
    21. 《建筑学报》期刊系列 ──内容提要:全面介绍世界与中国最新建筑理论、设计的期刊。
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    25. 《建筑技本与设计》期刊系列 ──内容提要:与20基本相同,但图片多一些(20则理论多一些)。
    二、国外图书1、 《COMMERCIAL FACILTIES》New Concepts in Architecture &Design
    2、 《物贩店&·2》SHOTEN-KENCHIKU-SHA(日文,英文说明)
    3、 《COMMERCIAL COMPLEXES》(日文,英文双语说明)
    5、 Food Store MARTIN m PEGLER
    6、 《商业空间》(日文杂志系列)
    7、 《商店设计》奥托·瑞伍德特著
    8、 《商店及餐厅设计》(美)克里斯订·理查德编著
    9、 《商店橱窗设计》(英)Martin M·Ptgler
    11、 《Retaie》
    12、 《商业设施》
    13、 《Stores of the year》 Martin M·Ptgler
    14、 《StoRes ANDRETAIL SPACES 2》
    16、 《Shep Design》Aurora cuito
    17、 《Retail Design》 Otto Riewoidt
    18、 《SPACE》 VOI20AUG2002

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