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For infants, breastfeeding is the best method of feeding which is widely accepted. breast milk provide normal growth and all the necessary growth elements of digestion for the babies. It not only enhances the feelings of the mother and baby, but also contains immune factors which has a very good role on the development of the baby's immune system.Breastfed babies have better ability againsting to gastrointestinal and respiratory infections. This effect of breastfeeding is significantly more prominent in developing countries, in developed countries also have similar protective benefits.
     Although breast milk for newborn babies is the best choice, when breastfeeding can not be met or insufficient, the breast-milk substitutes play an indispensable role.Powdered infant formula should be designed to providing optimal growth and development for infant nutritional needs.
     In this paper, in order to improving the quality of infant formula powder, we mainly researched the main bioactive components of milk.Main goal is not to simulate the exact composition of breast milk, but to have the biological function of breastfeeding. the adipose in the Infant formula primarily is from vegetable oil or fat in ruminant milk fat, the fatty acid composition and distribution are significant difference with milk fat.These differences will lead to calcium soap in fat digestion and affecting absorption of calcium and fat in baby vivo. It is reported that oligosaccharides can promote the calcium and magnesium ions absorbed, with the function of constipation, mineral absorption and activation of lipid-lowering.
     This article studyed the main component of manure which Exclusively breastfed infants eliminated,found that manure that exclusively breastfed infants content water up to 85.79%,fatty acids are mainly C4:0 accounted for 73.51%; C8:0 accounted for 12.6%, few of other types of fatty acids,Contains many amino acids and detected eight essential amino acids. Manure contains large amounts of Ca,Mg and Other elements,which show that breastfeeding is the best breast-feeding,because breast milk provide all elements for normal growth and the growth of digestive conditions for the babies.By analyzing probiotic role of GOS, FOS and POL to the intestinal flora,we found Acetic acid, propionic acid,folic acid and lactic acid which were producted by degradation of the FOS; Acetate and propionate were producted by degradation of the FOS; POL producted highe percentage of acetate and lower percentage of butyrate which Closer to breast milk prebiotics. Using animal experiments,we verified how oligosaccharides affect absorption of fatty acids, Ca, Mg.Animal experiments Proved oligosaccharides can promoted the absorption of fatty acids and Ca. Before taking oligosaccharides,the total Content fatty acids in feces is 5538.43μg/ml.After taking oligosaccharides,the total Content fatty acids in feces fatty acids reduced by half. Oligofructose in the low dose group reached 2178.11μg/ml;Lactose in the high dose group achieved 1659.76μg/ml.However,compared with the animal experiments,fecal of breast-feeding infants, fatty acid composition of C4:0 and C8:0 which is different from C18:0 and C18:0 that come form animal experiments group.C18:0 and C18:0 are saturated fatty acids which is not easily digested and absorbed by the body.The effect of breast milk is better than the Oligosaccharides of digestion and absorption,yet to be further study.In terms of determination of mineral elements,Studies have shown that oligosaccharides can effectively promote the absorption of Ca, Mg which Can reduce the formation of calcium soap and is good for reducing the incidence of infant constipation.
     Using fluorescence in situ hybridization and flow cytometry,from quantitative and qualitative analyzing of fecal flora,we found Oligosaccharide can effectively improving the intestinal microbial colonization status,Promoting the growth of Bifidobacterium, Promoting intestinal ipnefraisntta flosiosd asn add dInecdr eoalisginogsa tchceh awriadteesr ccaonn treendtu ocfe itnhfea nint cfiadeecnecse. oInf tiengfraantte dco mnsutlitpia-ftaiocnto. r to considered,
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