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本文旨在对中英文求职信的体裁结构进行对比分析。作者从功能语言学的角度,首先对六十封中英文求职信进行“话步分析”(move analysis),以实现一定交际目的作为判定“话步”的原则,由此确定了中文求职信共有九个不同的话步,英文求职信共有七个不同的话步。同时,本文运用“文体潜势结构”(GSP)理论分析得出,不同的话步在求职信的体裁构成上的地位也不同。研究结果揭示了同一体裁在不同种社会文化中其具体的话步构成存在很大的差异。最后,作者以一封中文求职信的翻译为例,指出如果翻译像求职信这一类目的性很强的语篇,译者必须分析同一语篇在不同文化中的“文体潜势结构”,由此在结构和语篇内容上做出合适的调整,这样才能最大限度的实现这类语篇的交际目的。
This contrastive genre analysis examines the discourse structures of cover letters written by applicants who are native writers of Chinese and native writers of English, with the aim of showing how different the generic structures of a same purpose-oriented genre in western and Chinese cultures. An approach based on genre study (Hasan, 1989; Swales, 1990; Bhatia, 1993) is used to explore the communicative purposes and structure level of the text. A corpus of sixty cover letters (thirty in Chinese and thirty in English) has been examined. On the basis of the analysis of the communicative purposes, the moves (Swales, 1990; Bhatia, 1993) of the discourse structures of these letters in two different languages were identified and compared. The GSP analysis is used to describe the obligatory and optional components of the structures of Chinese and English cover letters in a linear sequence. Findings suggest that the Chinese cover letters adopt a striking different discourse structure from that of the English cover letters, and those differences show to be largely due to a number of factors of socio-cultural backgrounds.
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