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     首先,对现有理论进行了评价,指出传统贸易自由化(freedom for trade)理论无法合理解释东亚贸易扩张的现实,同时经典的以欧盟为模型的区域一体化组织模式的框架也无法诠释东亚的贸易一体化实践,从而说明以欧盟为模型的经典的“同质”成员结构的区域一体化组织模式的框架在解释“异质”结构成员间区域一体化的实践时仍需补充和完善。
     第七章利用引力模型(Gravitation Model)和可计算一般均衡(CGE)模型,对东亚业已存在的次区域优惠贸易安排进行了引力模型的检验,并对其他的一体化安排,如东亚自由贸易区(EAFTA)等形式进行了福利模拟。结果显示:在东亚,尽管缺乏正式的区域贸易协定(RTA),但呈现出一种集团成员间的贸易一体化不断增强的趋势。
Regionalism represented by Regional Trade Blocs (RTBs) and Multilateralism represented by World Trade Organization (WTO) are always highlights studying and discussing in fields of international trade. As one of the largest three regional economies (the European Union, NAFTA and East Asia)in the world, regionalism in East Asia distinguishes different characteristics from the other two. The characteristics of trade integration in East Asia made the orthodox theory of freedom for trade and regional integration theory model based on homogeneous members represented by European Union meet puzzle when they try to explain the trade practices in East Asia. On the one hand, the intra-regional trade between nations grows rapidly in recent years, while the elimination of tariff barriers or reduce of non-tariff barriers between economics are very limited, on the other hand, although the process of regional integration is backward in East Asia, while it doesn’t impede the rapid extension tendency of East Asia’s intra-regional trade.
     Studies also indicate that East Asia is the right place where China benefits from trade. From 2004 till 2007, for example, trade value between China and the other East Asia economics reached 554.836 billion, 654.687 billion, 776.517 billion and 920.156 billion U.S dollars respectively, accounted for 48.04, 46.03, 44.10,42.34 per cent of China’s annul total trade. At the same time, the trade value to Japan, Korea as well as ASEAN gained 91.84, 90.58, 89.17 and 87.22 per cent of that of the Asian market share.
     Moreover, studies also discover that for continuous several years China gains trade surplus to the United States and the European Union members, while creates trade deficit to most of the East Asian countries and regions. This kind of trade pattern (trade unbalance) implies the different industry structure and position of specialization which resulted in it between China and other economics of East Asia, while specialization is one of supported elements of integration of trade in East Asia, the economic logic is trade pattern ? product structure ? industrial structure ? specialization ? integration of trade.
     The practice of European regional integration offers theoretical experience for other regional integration cases. However, different economics have different motivations, approaches, and purposes when they decided to organize the regional integration. So it’s necessary to analyze the features, conditions, system as well as final goals.
     The enormous difference of members structure in East Asia means that it will has its unique path of trade integration. So a deeply study on integration of trade in East Asia under the model of‘heterogeneous’members structure has not only an important theoretical implication, but also an important practical significance.
     The whole dissertation consists of three parts, introduction, seven chapters(chapter one to chapter seven)of the body and a conclusion.
     Introduction, as the first part of the dissertation, is mainly to introduce the background and significance of studying on this topic, the approach to the study , the definition of East Asia as well as the new ideas to bring forth.
     Chapter one is mainly to comb and survey the related references from both domestic and abroad points of view. On the basis of review, the author points out that the present theories represented by EU model cannot explain reasonably the growth of East Asian trade, at the same time, a new model and some new ideas are given from theoretical and approach levels to give the answer.
     Based on two clues, trade integration and vertical specialization, Chapter two made a systematic study on relevant theories, as the study theoretical background, of both regional economic integration and the developing path of the relationships between specialization (also called international division of labor) and trade. Furthermore, as regionalization and regionalism are two forms of regional integration, the sustainable performance from regionalization to regionalism creates interdependence between economics in East Asia. In the short run, the functional cooperation and institutional harmonization are co-exist within each other, but in the long run, the functional cooperation will abdicate to institutional coordination, i.e., from regionalization to regionalism, so some relevant theories on regionalization and regionalism are given in this chapter.
     Chapter three, as one of the most important parts of the dissertation, is a new theoretical framework advocated by the author for regional integration of heterogeneous structural members.
     First, the author reviews the limitation of the present theories, indicates that the orthodox theory for freedom of trade cannot explain the reality of extension of trade practice in East Asia, meanwhile, the traditional theory based on European Union model cannot explain reasonably the trade integration practice in East Asia, either. A naturally more positive and reasonable regional integration theory must be advanced urgently. Next, from the developing countries’point of view, the author analyzes the reasons and approaches that the developing economics carry out regional integration.
     Then, the author analyzes the theories and factors concerning the trade integration, such as economic globalization, investment, transaction cost, institutions, etc. All these theories and factors are the preconditions of trade integration.
     Finally, on the basis of the above presentation, the author advocates a new theoretical framework suitable for heterogeneous structural members to carry out regional integration under the term of trade integration. It is different with EU, as a representative of homogeneous member structure, which integration path includes preferential trade arrangement (PTA), free trade area (FTA), customs union (CU), the common market (CM), the economic union (EU),and the complete economic integration ( or Political and Economic Union,PEU), the regional economic integration is firstly performs as trade integration for the heterogeneous members. The integration path of East Asia is consist of several different developing stages as follows, trade integration which including sub-regional preferential trade arrangement, shallow trade integration based on specialization, free trade area as well as customs union, common market, economic union represented by monetary arrangement and community arrangement. Also, the author indicates that the ultimate purpose for heterogeneous structural members to carry out integration is a community arrangement as the final goal, which is not the same as complete political and economic integration as that of the homogeneous members.
     Chapter four is the empirical test for the model of trade integration form advocated in chapter three. Evidences from studies of European Union (EU), North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA), Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) find that the form of trade integration can explain well the integration practice of NAFTA, but cannot explain well that of the EU’s, especially for some stages such as the shallow integration stage based on specialization, the model doesn’t appear notable. The main reason is that EU is a homogeneous integration organization which is composed of pure developed economics, a more finer intra-specialization is formed among countries, and the competition is more distinct than complement, the modes of trade is mainly horizontal intra-industry based on scale economy and intra-industry competition, it was actually leaped over from preferential trade arrangement (PTA) to customs union. While NAFTA is a different integration organization, it is mixed with developed economics and developing economics, called heterogeneous member structure. Between the economics, the competition is less than the complement, and the means of trade is mainly vertical inter-industry trade upon natural resource endowment and absolute advantage based on specialization. So the form of trade integration can explain the trade practice of NAFTA. In comparison, APEC and ASEAN are also brought out to test the framework of trade integration.
     Further studies indicate that framework of trade integration can partly explain the integration process of APEC, but still some stages are not distinct. As the author analyzed, the main reason is that APEC is an organization with unclear regional characteristics, which are as follows: (1) APEC is an organization with opening while not closed characteristics. (2) the regional characteristic is not clear, as it is covering twenty-one members across the Asia and the Pacific. (3) Most of the members in APEC are also members for one or more of other regional integration arrangements (RIAs), which is called“Spaghetti-bowl”effect, for which it is forming a challenge to the APEC process. At the same time, studies also discover that some stages are not clear in practice of ASEAN integration, because ASEAN is an integration organization of homogeneous structure with developing members. Still, we can find that the road of ASEAN integration accompanied with the author’s framework of regional integration: trade integration with some stages not distinct, common market in 2020, ASEAN community which is advanced in October, 2003, and to be the goal for regional integration in November, 2004.
     Until now we can say that the form of trade integration and framework of regional integration based on it can explain the regional integration practice for heterogeneous structural members. The studies also discover that even the same heterogeneous members such as NAFTA and East Asia, the characters are still different in different stages of trade integration because of their regional scale including the numbers of member economics, the size of market scale, the degree of heterogeneity including the differences of stage and level of economic development, of social institution, the cultural background, the race and nationality, preferences, the religious belief, etc.
     Chapter five discusses the feasibility and difficulties for East Asia to carry out trade integration. With regard to the aspect of feasibility, the dissertation discusses the historical and realistic basis of trade in East Asia as well as the competitive and complementary relations between economics, emphasizes the positive study of trade integration in East Asia based on view of several aspects. The difficulties mainly reflect in three aspects: first, both“Spaghetti-bowl”effect and“hub and spoke”effect are to be the paradoxes of general integration. Next, the challenge of heterogeneity of member economics, the reality that heterogeneous member structure means more institutional harmonization is needed to reach the final goal of cooperation. Finally, factors from outside, especially challenges from the United States, which have essential strategic profits in East Asia, the negligence of the exist and profit of which would lead to predicament of trade integration in East Asia.
     On the basis of organizational framework formed in chapter three, Chapter six discusses the approaches for trade integration in East Asia. As the important part of the dissertation, it is the specific practice for the regional integration theoretical framework under the term of trade integration.
     First, two important sustaining factors are discussed for integration of trade, they are specialization and institutional harmonization. The author points out that international division of labor (specialization) is the basis and premise of trade integration, also it is the approach and means of trade integration. It can be lead to decrease of transaction cost and increase of transaction efficiency. While institutional harmonization is the institutional guarantee to fulfill the trade integration. The sustainable performance of both specialization and institutional coordination is also the sustainable performance from regionalization to regionalism of trade integration.
     Next, the arrangements of trade integration in East Asia are from regionalization to regionalism. From sub-regional preferential trade arrangement, shallow trade integration, free trade area till the customs union, the trade integration in East Asia goes through two patterns: from regionalization to regionalism.
     Then, the integration of trade indicates that the different tendencies of value of different economics.
     Finally, the political economy of trade integration tells us that the essence of trade integration in East Asia is a re-adjustable process of world economy and political patterns dominated by the United States, it is the process of exploration for their economic development, also it is the process of gaining general equilibrium after gaming each other between different profitable blocs.
     Moreover, China is one of the largest trade economics in East Asia, from which it is get the trade profits. So China should play a further important role in the process of trade integration in East Asia. Also, this part explains the reasons why China has different trade balance to different economics in East Asia, some counter measurements are given to balance the payment of trade.
     In chapter seven, gravitation model is used to test the relevance of the existed sub-regional preferential trade arrangements, and the computable general equilibrium (CGE) model is used to imitate the welfare of regional arrangements in East Asia, including East Asia free trade area (EAFTA), which will be established in the near future. The studies indicate that in East Asia, although it is lack of formal regional trade agreements (RTAs), a strengthening tendency is come into being with the trade integration between members within the regional blocs.
     The last (third) part of the dissertation is the conclusion.
    ②区域一体化安排(RIAs)与多边贸易体制(MTS)之间争论的焦点是,RIAs到底是促进了多边化还是阻碍了多边化?换句话说,在通往多边化的道路上,RIAs是跳板还是绊脚石?彼得·罗布森(Peter Robson)认为,现有的区域性安排与世界多边体系迄今一直在一个相当令人满意的基础上共处,而且被普遍认为是相互支持的。参见彼得·罗布森.国际一体化经济学[M].上海:上海译文出版社,戴炳然等译,2001:254;Maurice Schiff以及L. Alan Winters则认为,区域化通过多种方式影响多边贸易自由化的进程,改变贸易自由化的内部动力,影响RIAs成员方相互影响的方式,改变RIAs与世界其他地区的相互影响。参见Schiff, M. & Winters, L. A.区域一体化与发展[M].北京:中国财政经济出版社,2004:141
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    ②根据WTO列出的RTAs名单计算。见Regional Agreements Notified to the GATT/WTO and in the Force. http//www.wto.org
    ③在一些著作中,“区域贸易协定”(RTAs)又被称之为“区域一体化协定”(Regional Integration Agreements,RIAs),是比“优惠贸易协定”(PTAs)涵义更广的一个概念,它包括诸如自由贸易区(FTA),关税同盟(CU)等互惠贸易协定,以及其他区域安排,如区域投资,区域经济技术合作、区域经济政策甚至政治领域等。参见Yusuf, S.全球变革与东亚政策倡议[M].北京:中国财政经济出版社,2005:171-172;以及Schiff, M. & Winters, L.A.区域一体化与发展[M].北京:中国财政经济出版社,2004:1。显然,RIAs代表了当前新一代RTAs的发展潮流
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    ③和瓦伊纳处于同一时代的德彼尔斯(De Beers, 1941)、贝伊(Byé,1950)以及李普西(Lipsey,1960)也曾对该理论做出了重要贡献
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    ②与贸易转向这一概念表面类似而实质不同的一个概念是贸易偏转(trade deflection),即来自第三国的进口品通过FTA成员方,在享受最低外部关税的情况下将产品输入别国。这就会造成高关税成员国对外贸易政策失效,并产生效率损失。通常的解决方式是原产地规则,尽管在实践中,原产地规则经常被当作贸易保护的一种手段(Maurice Schiff, L. Alan Winters, 2004)。原产地规则规定的原产地产品,是指制成品价值的50%以上是在自由贸易区内各成员国生产的产品,有的FTA对某些敏感的产品的原产地规则更加严格,要求产品价值的60%,甚至70%以上产自成员国
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    ④与此相关的几个概念是联邦主义、新功能主义、新制度主义、政府间主义和现实主义。联邦主义(federalism)是理想主义者提出的联邦制度,即各方自愿把政治自治权和主权交给这种制度。20世纪,伍德罗·威尔逊(Woodrow Wilson)的组建国际联盟的建议以及后来联合国的建立,激励了更多的联邦主义者提出防止新的世界大战的方案。试行联邦主义取得成功的少数几个例子都主要出于国家安全动机,而联邦主义也并没有成为实现政治一体化的通畅大道。新功能主义(neo-functionalism)理论起源于第二次世界大战前的功能主义理论,后者是在第一次世界大战后国际联盟未能维持和平的情况下由英国社会民主党人戴维·米特拉尼(David Mitrany)提出的。20世纪50-60年代,厄恩斯特·哈斯(Ernst Haas)提出了他所谓的“新功能主义”,并且用这个理论解释国际制度和欧洲一体化进程。新功能主义的核心观点是经济和技术力量推动世界走向更高层次的政治一体化。新制度主义(neo-institutionalism)是罗伯特·基欧汉(Robert O. Keohane)提出的,强调制度在解决经济问题中的作用。政府间主义(inter-governmentalism)是由安德鲁·莫拉夫西克(Andrew Moravcsik)于1998年提出的,同新功能主义一样,强调经济利益是区域一体化的主要动力。现实主
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    ①Shahid Yusuf等在这种观点上提出了不同意见,他们认为:“分析并没有显示出东亚的贸易一定会变得越来越区域内部化。事实上,基于自1980年以来的贸易强度(TII),有一些相反的迹象”。参见Yufuf, S. , Altaf, M. A. & Nabeshima, K.全球变革与东亚政策倡议[M].世界银行. 2004.北京:中国财政经济出版社,2005:74
    ①参见Maini, T. S. Punjab-Punjab Cooperation, South Asian Journal, April-June 2005
    ③保罗·克鲁格曼(Paul R. Krugman ,1991)认为按照经验估计各成员国起码应有50%以上的对外贸易由集团内伙伴国家承担才能算作“自然”的集团,这个标准排除了欧盟以外的所有集团。克瑞宁和普朗默(Kreinin and Plummer,1992)则是按照集团所能产生的比较优势来区分集团内贸易模式的。见Krugman P. R. Is bilateralism bad?[M] Helpman, O. E. & Razin , A. (eds) .International Trade and Policy (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press).1991: 9-23; Kreinin, M. & Plummer, M. G. Natural Economic Blocs: an Alternative Formulation[M]. 1992
    ①协议性国际分工理论是由日本一桥大学经济学教授小岛清(K. Kojima)于20世纪70年代提出来的。但协议性国际分工实施的前提是经济体间的资本、劳动资源禀赋相近,工业化水平和经济发展阶段大致相似等。见赵春明.国际贸易学[M].北京:石油工业出版社,2005:190
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    ②这种解释来源于丁伯根对一体化的有关描述,见Tinbergen, J. International Economic Integration[M], Elsevier, Amsterdam,1954。“减量”一体化和“增量”一体化的说法见赵伟.国际贸易理论政策与现实问题[M].大连:东北财经大学出版社,2004:268
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    ②然而,一些经济学家认为,对于发展中国家来说,产业内贸易似乎就没有那么重要,没有有力的经验证据可以证明它与区域化之间存在着必然联系(Maurice Schiff L. Alan Winters, 2004)
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    ①Foreign Direct Investment, FDI,通常译作外商直接投资,或外国直接投资,是从一个国家的角度审视投资行为,如果从世界的角度来看,FDI通常译作国际直接投资
    ①UNCTAD认为,区域协议可能导致三种类型(市场寻求、效率寻求及资源寻求型)投资的增长。见Yusuf, S. ,M. Altaf, A. & Nabeshima, K. Global Change and East Asian Policy Initiatives[M], the World Bank,2004:88
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    ②对此Paul Krugman的回答是:“自由贸易区与关税同盟的区别在于:前者在政治上简单易行,但在执行上令人头痛;而后者则恰好相反”,来源于同杨哲英教授的交流
    ①以最适度货币区理论为基础,收益主要源于更深的经济一体化、交易成本的降低以及高水平的贸易和投资。高水平的贸易和投资或许源于东盟内部汇率的稳定。成本来自于货币自主权的丧失(Bayoumi & Maruo,2001)
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    ②不过有些学者认为,亚太自由贸易区的提出是APEC主要发达国家应对即将到来的APEC规定的茂物第一目标期限的应急反映,是一种变相的拖延。见陆建人.亚太自由贸易区倡议缘何搁浅[EB/01].中国社会科学院亚太研究所网站. http://www.iapscass.cn/.2006.11
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    ①《标准国际贸易分类》(SITC)把国际贸易的有形商品依此分为10大类、63章、223组、786个分组和1924个项目。10大类中,第0大类为食品及活牲畜(Food & Live Animals);第1大类为饮料及烟类,第2大类为非食用原料;第3大类为矿物燃料和润滑油,第4大类为动植物油等,第5大类为化学品及有关产品,第6大类为按原料分类的制成品,第7大类为机械及运输设备,第8大类为杂项制品,第9大类为未分类的其他商品。第0大类中,00章为除鱼类外的活牲畜(Live Animals Except Fish),第001组为除鱼类外的活牲畜(Live Animals Except Fish),第0011分组为活牛(Bovine Animals, Live),第00111项为种牛(Bovine Animals, Breeding)等。通常将0-4类初级产品定义为资源密集型产品,第6、8类制成品定义为劳动密集型产品,而第5、7类制成品定义为资本和技术密集型产品
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    ②例如智利就是12个贸易协定的成员(APEC、LAIA以及与阿根廷、玻利维亚、加拿大、哥伦比亚、厄瓜多尔、欧盟、MERCOSUR(Mercado Comun del Sur,南方共同市场协定)、墨西哥、秘鲁、委内瑞拉签定的双边协定)。用多重区域化的CGE模型模拟的结果是,“重叠式区域化”可以给智利带来很大的收益(Winters,2000)
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