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Since the 1990s, with the converting of the way of economical increase from extensive type to intensive type and converting of industrial structure from labor-intensive type to knowledge-intensive type, especially high and new technology applied to industrial produce largely. Therefore, the labor force appeared surplus; the employment of secondary vocational school students appeared crisis and the secondary vocational education faced unprecedented difficulty. To solve these difficulty, we must do the job from our secondary vocational education, reforming educational system and renewing educational means and improving their synthetic quality in order to adapt the request of new situation. But we must help them first to set up right and scientific study view of new style, with accommodation of establishing a learning society, to improve their study ability. Therefore, it is very important to establish right study view to contemporary secondary vocational school students.
    In this article, first, the author summed up relevant theories concerning present study view, introducing international, domestic and historical basic theories about study and study view, to strive to make the document full and accurate, reflect completely, generalize scientific and make them clear.
    Secondly, the author makes an investigation to the students of different grades, specialty and sex by giving a test with questions in the only national key
    vocational secondary school in Zaozhuang -Zaozhuang Vocational Secondary
    School. With the help of the soft ware of statistics (SPSS 10.0), a general analysis is made from the investigation data. And has some interviews and discussions with
    some supervisors,teachers and students, consulting relevant information, acquiring detailed study view situation and reasons of present secondary vocational students. In the research, the current situation of them is not so optimistic, which is difficult to meet the need of new situation in generalization. The factors influencing secondary vocational students are in many ways which not only come from society,secondary vocational school and teachers, but also come from families and the students themselves in their physiology and psychology.
    Finally, combined with contemporary theories concerning study view, investigation result and actual situation, the author puts forward that the present secondary vocational students should set up six kinds of right study view. They are independent study view, creative study view, life long study view, construction study view, quality study view, future study view. In order to make them establish these scientific study view really, society,schools,families,teachers should give the students necessary guidance and help from the following six aspects: 1. To grasp the education of entering school, help the students to set up right study motive view; 2.To enhance leading of study, help them to set up right study method view; 3.To develop practical activity, help them to set up right study purpose view; 4.To enhance leading of employment, help them to set up right study value view; 5.To develop synthetic function of education, help them to recognize factors of study correctly; 6.To establish liberal system of secon
    dary vocational education, increate circumstances for their further education and employment.
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