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The Chinese Recorder, an English Monthly magazine, was founded by the Christian missionaries. And it was intended primarily for the missionaries in China, so it always did not have the ambitious to propaganda the Westerr knowledge and civilization, but in order to help the missionaries to learn more about the culture and history of China. By which we can have a sketch on their research development and their true views to China.
     The principal concern of this study is to present an integrated history of the Chinese culture and history research movement by the Christian missionaries, on that condition to show the dynamic change in this research movement through history facts. The whole study is divided into eight sections except Chapters Introduction and Summary:
     Chapter one of this study will point out the generalized development of The Chinese Recorder and its tendency to professional and secularization, the former tendency laid the foundation to be one of the largest periodicals in China, the second one provided the public space for the missionaries to publish their researches. Chapters from the second part to the Seventh part will look in detail at different major forms of research movement by the Christian missionaries, namely mythology research(2), ancient history research(Chapter 3 ), regional history research(Chapter 4 ), religion history research ( Chapter 5-7 ) and the last one want to give a simple generalization on the literatures both in English and Chinese which have a vital influence on the missionaries' research works. Moreover, the study will target two frameworks to investigate the above contents: the former one is to inspect the the value of historical significance in the missionaries' literatures from the perspective of Chinese academic findings , the last one is to inspect them in the overseas sinology research history to measure their academic characteristic and values.
     This study holds a argument that there had a new change in the research movement of the Christian missionaries when compared with the previous Jesuits, namely they transferred their research path from a somewhat unconscious idealism to pay more attention to the object's true meaning through understanding the text in their Chinese history research. At the same time, the missionaries had the reality to realize their identity from the Gospel preacher to the sinologist, and realized the values in the overseas sinology.
①Sidney A. Forsythe, An American Missionary Community in China, 1895-1905, Harvard University, p.85.
    ①The North China Daily News, Jun.10,1886,p.535.
    ①Kathleen L.Lodwick,“Introduciton:History and Description of Chinese Rocorder”,in Chinese Rocorder Index:A Guide to Christian Missions in Asia(1867-1941)(Volume one),p.xi.
    ⑤Kathleen L.Lodwick,op.cit.,p.xvii.
    ①Editor,“Introductory”,The Chinese Recorder(以下简写为CR),Jan-Feb.1874,p.1.
    ②Editor,“The Last Word”, CR, Dec.1874,p.141.
    ④Lemuel C. Barnes ,“Foreign Missions of the Protestant Churches, By Stephen L.Baldwin”, The AmericanJournal of Theology, Vol.5, No.3(Jul.1901),pp.627—628.
    ①Robert SeagerⅡ“, Some Denominational Reactions to Chinese Immigration to California, 1856—1892”,PacificHistorical Review, Vol.28, No.1(Feb.1959),p.63.
    ②T.W.,Lao-Tzu,“A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR,载1868年6月、8月、9月、10月、11月、12月,1869年2月;“A History of the Southern Sung Dynasty”,CR,载1868年7月、10月、11月、12月,1869年2月、3月。
    ③“The London Times on the Yang-Chow Difficulty”, CR, Jan.1869,pp.188-190.
    ④J.Goble“Letters from Japan”, CR, Feb.1869,pp.215-216.; F. Porter Smith,“The Orientalism of Russia”, CR,Jun.1869,pp.20-21.
    ⑤Editor,“Introductory”, CR, Jan-Feb.1874,p.1.
    ⑥The Royal Geographical Society(with the Institute of British Geographers),“Second Meeting, November 27th,1871”, Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London, Vol.16, No.2(1871—1872),p.102.
    ⑦“Obituary of the Rev.Justus Doolittle”, CR, Feb.1869, pp.59—60.
    ⑧Alexander Wylie,Memorials of Protestant Missionaries to the China—Giving A List of their Publications andObituary Notices of the Deceased with Copious Indexes,pp.201—203.这26本中文书籍分别为:(1)福州方言版《劝诫鸦片论》;(2)《乡训》;(3)《神十诫其注释》;(4)《悔罪信耶稣论》;(5)《天文问答》;(6)福州方言《约翰福音》;(7)《妈祖婆论》;(8)《守礼拜日论》;(9)《天律明说》;(10)《劝诫鸦片论》;(11)《寒食清明论》;(12)《钟表匠论》;(13)口语版《神十诫注释》;(14)《赌博明论》;(15)《中外问答》;(16)《耶稣教小引》;(17)《生意人事广益法》;(18)《西洋中华通书》;(19)《辨鬼神论》;(20)《辨性论》;(21)《辨毁谤》;(22)《华人贫困之故》;(23)《祈祷式文》;(24)《弃主临死畏刑》;(25)《辨孝论》;(26)《异端辨论》。
    ⑨T.H.Barrett,“Justus Doolittle : Social Life of the Chinese”,Bulletin of the School Oriental and African Studies,University of London, Vol.66, No.2(2003),pp.315—316.
    ⑩Editor,“Missionary Intelligence”, CR,Jan-Feb.1874,p.1.
    ③Editor,“Editorial Items”,CR, May.1867,p.30.
    ④Editor,“Editorial Items”,CR, May.1867,p.30.
    ⑤伊希斯,埃及文化中的神灵,司农业及受胎之女神;奥西里斯,又译俄塞里斯或盖布,埃及最重要的九大神明“九神”(Great Ennead)之一,司阴府之神。普鲁塔克(Plutarch,约公元46—120年),出生在希腊中部波奥提亚地区喀罗尼亚城(Chaeronea),知名作家。
    ⑥Editor,“Editorial Items”,CR,Sept.1867,p.95.
    ⑦Editor,“Editorial Items”,CR, May.1867,p.30.
    ①Editor,“The Last Word”, CR, Dec.1874,p.141.
    ②Editor,“Missionary Intelligence”,CR, Apr.1867,pp.14—15.
    ⑥1858年《天津条约》原本指定登州为新的通商口岸,但登州水域不适宜通航,所以在此后签订的1860年《北京条约》改为烟台。见Daniel W. Fisher, Calvin Wilson Mateer:Forty-Five Years a Missionary inShantung,China : a biography [monograph], Philadelphia : Westminster Press, 1911, p.70.;R. G. Tiedemann,“Protestant‘Missionary Cases’in Shandong Province, 1860—1900”,载《基督教与中国宗教和文化研究》,2007年增卷8,第153—195页;陶飞亚、刘天路:《基督教会与近代山东社会》,山东大学出版社1995年,第12页。
    ⑦Editor,“Missionary Intelligence”,CR, Apr.1867,pp.14—15.
    ①Editor,“Missionary Intelligence”,CR, May.1867,pp.31—32.
    ②Editor,“Missionary Intelligence”,CR, Jun.1867,p.48.
    ③Editor,“Missionary Intelligence”,CR, Nov.1867,p.127.
    ④Editor,“Missionary Intelligence”,CR, May.1868,p.13.
    ⑤Editor,“Editorial Items”,CR, Jun.1868,p.34.
    ⑥Editor,“Missionary Intelligence”,CR, Aug.1868,p.76.
    ⑦Editor,“Missionary Intelligence”,CR, Oct.1868,p.120.
    ⑧Editor,“Missionary Intelligence”,CR, Jul.1869,p.56.
    ⑨Editor,“Missionary Intelligence”,CR, Oct.1869,p.143.
    ⑩Editor,“Missionary Intelligence”,CR, Dec.1869,p.208.11 1866年8月,该人在南浸信会传教士纪好弼的陪同下,游历广西东北部的桂林。见R.H.Graves,“SomePersonal Reminiscences of Thirty Years’Mission Work”, CR, Nov.1886,p.422.
    ①Henri Cordier,“Half a Decade of Chinese Studies(1886—1891)”, T’oung Pao, Vol.3,No. 5(1892),p.534.伟烈亚力逝世后,高第爱曾发文回顾了伟氏一生,见Henri Cordier,“The Life and Labour of Alexander Wylie,Agent of the British and Foreign Bible Society in China. A Memoir”,Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society ofGreat Britain and Ireland, Vol.XIX, part 3.
    ①1868年5月复刊时,更名为《中国记录和传教士杂志》(Chinese Rocorder and Missionary Journal),所以编者以此作为第一期刊发。
    ①Editor,“Introductory”,CR, Jan—Feb.1874, p.1.
    ③Adeian A.Bennett&Kwang—Ching Liu,“Christianity in the Chinese Idiom:Young J.Allen and the Early Chiao—hui hsin—pao,1868—1870”,in John King Fairbank,The Missionary Enterprise in China and America,p.160.
    ④Suzanne Wilson Barnett&John King Fairbank,Christianity in China:Early Protestant Missionary Writings, p.4.
    ②各差会的入沪时间及过程,分别见Donald MacGillivray,A Century of Protestant Missions in China(1807—1907);Being The Centenary Conference Historical Volume,p.4.;p.23.;p.298.;p.382.;p.251.;p.317.
    ③1877年大会是基督教各差会在华的首次联合会议,会期是从1877年5月10日至24日,共有来自美及英欧洲大陆差会的473名传教士与会。见Records of the General Conference of the Protestant Missionariesof China,held at Shanghai,May 10—24,1877 ,p.487.
    ⑥又名《华北先驱周报》或《先锋报》,为上海第一家英文报刊,1850年由英国商人奚安门(Henry Shearman)在上海英租界创办,每周六出报,主要刊载商业新闻、中外新闻和英国驻沪外交、商务机关的文告,并转载其他报刊的稿件。
    ①可参见Alexander Wylie,Memorials of Protestant Missionaries to the China—Giving A List oftheir Publications and Obituary Notices of the Deceased with Copious Indexes,pp.134—135.;张静庐辑注:《中国近代出版史料(近代初编)》,上海书店出版社2003年,第259页。
    ②Alexander Wylie,op.cit.,p.249.
    ⑤Alice Gregg,China and Educational Autonomy: The Changing Role of the Protestant Missionary in China,1807-1937.,p.24.
    ⑥Irwin T.Hyatt, Our Ordered Lives Confess: Three Nineteenth Century American Missionaries in East Shantung,p.189.
    ②Irwin T. Hyatt, Jr., Our Ordered Lives Confess: Three Nineteenth Century American Missionaries in EastShantung, p.139.
    ③Editor,“Missionary Intelligence”,CR, Sept.1871, pp.90—93.
    ①Kenneth Scott Latourette, A History of Christian Missions in China, p.92.
    ①J.Edkins,“Primeval Chinese Legends”,The Old Testament Student, Vol.6, No.2(0ct.1886),p.43.
    ②J.S.McIlvaine,Grammatical Studies in the Colloquial Language of Northern China,Shanghai:AmericanPresbyterian Mission Press,1880.
    ③J.S.McIlvaine,“Noah in China, or太一皇人”,CR,Jul—Aug.1880, p.253.其实,门多萨在其《中华大帝国史》中就已经认为,中华帝国历史悠久,“首批来此居住的是诺亚的孙辈”,见胡安·冈萨雷斯·德·门多萨编撰,孙家堃译:《中华大帝国史》,中央编译出版社2009年,第30页。
    ⑤S.McIlvaine,“Noah in China, or太一皇人”,CR,Jul—Aug.1880, p.259.
    ①J.F.C,“Ho Tai and Jesus”,CR,Jan—Feb.1879, p.65.
    ①Query,“Noah—Nu Wa, Are They Identical?”,CR,Jan—Feb.1879, p.65.
    ①Tarlton Perry Crawford,“The Ancient Dynasties of Berosus and China Compared with Those of Genesis”,CR,Nov—Dec.1880, pp.411—429.
    ②W. Arthur Cornaby,“The Supreme as Recognized in Ancient China”, CR, Jan.1904, p.5.
    ③作者还追溯了该著的历史源流:“该书出版于1711年,……是朱熹《通鉴纲目》的缩减版。”见W. ArthurCornaby,“The Supreme as Recognized in Ancient China”, CR, Jan.1904, p.6.
    ④W. Arthur Cornaby,“The Supreme as Recognized in Ancient China”, CR, Jan.1904, pp.6—7.译文参见《尚书·说命》。
    ②W. Arthur Cornaby,“The Supreme as Recognized in Ancient China”, CR, Jan.1904, p.7.
    ⑨W. Arthur Cornaby,“The Supreme as Recognized in Ancient China”, CR, Jan.1904, p.14—15.
    ②Sidney A. Forsythe, An American Missionary Community in China, 1895-1905,p.85.
    ①关于花之安的书籍目录,可见Henri Cordier,“Half a Decade of Chinese Studies(1886—1891)”, T’oung Pao,Vol.3,No. 5(1892),p.555.;Editor,“In Memoriam. Dr.E.Faber”, CR, Dec.1899, p.583.花之安生平,见Donald MacGillivray, A Century of Protestant Missions inChina,1807—1907;Being The Centenary Conference Historical Volume, note 1 in p.498.;Editor,“InMemoriam. Dr.E.Faber”, CR, Dec.1899, pp.581—582.
    ②花之安在1899年底在青岛逝世,《教务杂志》发文悼念了他的一生给予了极高评价,花之安被誉为“19世纪最伟大的传教士”、“中国历史、文学、宗教研究最高成就的作者”,见Editor,“In Memoriam.Dr.E.Faber”,CR, Dec.1899, p.581.
    ③Paul Kranz(edited)&E.Faber(noted),“The Rise of Chou Dynasty”, CR, Jul.1902,p.326.
    ①Paul Kranz(edited)&E.Faber(noted),“The Rise of Chou Dynasty”,CR, Jul.1902, pp.326—329.
    ②James Legge,The Chinese,Classics New York: Dover Publications, INC ,1891.
    ③Paul Kranz(edited)&E.Faber(noted),“The Rise of Chou Dynasty”, CR, Jul.1902, p.326.帝王出生年月(公元前)去世年月(公元前)公刘(Duke Liu)1796季历(Ki Li)1258 1184昌(Ch’ang)1231 1134发(Fa)1208(或1115)1169旦(Tan)不详1105
    ①D.Z.Sheffield,“A Sketch of the Life and Times of Tsao tsao”,CR, Dec.1885, pp.442—449.
    ②David L. Anderson,“Earl Tsong of Zeng”,CR, Dec.1890, pp.562—568.
    ③David L. Anderson,“Earl Tsong of Zeng”,CR, Jan.1891, pp.15—21.
    ②Mary Elwin,“Life of Du—fu”,CR, Dec. 1899, p.584.
    ③Mary Elwin,“Life of Du—fu”,CR, Dec. 1899, pp.587—588.
    ①J.Edkins,“Story by Hanyu: A Chinese Philosopher”,CR, Dec. 1899, pp.362—364.
    ①W.A.P.Martin,“Astronomy of the China”,CR,Jun.1867, p.38.
    ②William Lockhart, The Medical Missionary in China, pp.351—352.
    ④Callippus Meton,“Lunar Eclipse”,Notes and Queries on China and Japan,Vol.1, No.5(1867),p.57.
    ⑤Alexander Wylie,Correspondence to the Editor of Notes and Queries on China and Japan, Notes and Queries onChina and Japan,Vol.1, No.7(1867),pp.94—95.
    ⑥Alexander Wylie,Correspondence to the Editor of Notes and Queries on China and Japan, Notes and Queries onChina and Japan,Vol.1, No.7(1867),pp.94—95.
    ②Alexander Wylie,“Astronomy of the China”,CR, Jun.1867, pp.38—39.
    ③Editor,“The Early Inventions of China”,CR, Apr.1870, pp.311—312.
    ⑤S.Wills Williams,“Movable Types for Printing Chinese”,CR, Jan—Feb.1875, pp.23—24.
    ⑥S.Wills Williams,“Movable Types for Printing Chinese”,CR, Jan—Feb.1875, p.26.
    ①S.Wills Williams,“Movable Types for Printing Chinese”,CR, Jan—Feb.1875, pp.26—27.
    ②S.Wills Williams,“Movable Types for Printing Chinese”,CR, Jan—Feb.1875, p.26.
    ③S.Wills Williams,“Movable Types for Printing Chinese”,CR, Jan—Feb.1875, p.26.
    ④S.Wills Williams,“Movable Types for Printing Chinese”,CR, Jan—Feb.1875, p.29.
    ⑤S.Wills Williams,“Movable Types for Printing Chinese”,CR, Jan—Feb.1875, p.29.
    ⑥S.Wills Williams,“Movable Types for Printing Chinese”,CR, Jan—Feb.1875, pp.29—30.
    ⑦S.Wills Williams,“Movable Types for Printing Chinese”,CR, Jan—Feb.1875, p.30.Wm Muirhead, "In Memoriam—Alexander Wylie", C/rRMay. 1887,pp.199—203.
    ②Alexander Wylie,“Jottings on the Sciences of Chinese Mathematics”,North China Herald, Aug 21, 1852;Nov20,1852.
    ③Wm Muirhead,“In Memoriam—Alexander Wylie”,CR, May.1887, p.202.
    ①Donald MacGillivray,A Century of Protestant Missions in China,1807-1907,pp.206—207.
    ③Donald MacGillivray,A Century of Protestant Missions in China,1807-1907,p.207.
    ⑥Donald MacGillivray,A Century of Protestant Missions in China,1807-1907,p.8.
    ②Miles Justus Knowlton,“Notes of a Tour from Ningbo to Kinghwa”, CR, Jul—Aug.1874, pp.204—207.
    ③D.N.Lyon,“Notes of a Tour in South Chekiang”,CR, Jul—Aug.1875, pp.256—263.
    ④John Ross,“Some Notes on Liao—Tung”,CR, Mar—Apr.1876, pp.99—106.
    ①同期也出现一批传教士的朝鲜及东北研究著述,参见Wm.Elliot Griffis“, Corea, The Hermit Nation”,Journalof the American Geographical Society of New York, Vol.13(1881),pp.125—132.;H.S.Saunderson,“Noteson Corea and its People”,The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol,24(1895),pp.299—316.
    ③W. Scarborough,“Notes of a Visit to the Famous Wu—Tang Shan”, CR, Mar—Apr.1874, pp.77—82.
    ⑤Franklin Ohlinger,“An Overland Tour From Foochow to Kiukiang”,CR, May—Jun.1874, pp.152—166.
    ①John Ross,“The Rise and Progress of the Manjows”(Introduction),CR, Mar—Apr.1881, pp.155—157.
    ③John Ross,“The Rise and Progress of the Manjows”(Wars with the Nǔjun),CR, May—Jun.1876, pp.157—168.
    ①John Ross,“The Rise and Progress of the Manjows”(Conquest of Liaodoong),CR, May—Jun.1876, pp.235—248
    ②John Ross,“The Rise and Progress of the Manjows”(Conquest of Liaosi),CR, Sept—Oct.1876, pp.315—329.;Nov—Dec.1876, pp.1—22.
    ②John Ross,“The Rise and Progress of the Manjows”(The Eunechs),CR, Sept—Oct.1876, pp.361—380.
    ③J.Dudgeon,“Notes of a Journey from Moscow to China in 1654”,CR, Jan—Feb.1874, pp.28—32.
    ①James Gilmour,“Mongolia’s Two Neighbors,Russia and China”,CR, Mar—Apr.1874, pp.66—71.
    ②James Gilmour,“Mongolian Camels”,CR, Mar—Apr.1874, pp.181—197.;James Gilmour,“Wolves inMongolian”,CR, Mar—Apr.1874, pp.12—17.
    ③James Gilmour,“A Mongol Court of Justice”,CR, Jan—Feb.1877, pp.24—80.;James Gilmour,“A MongolianPrison”,CR, Mar—Apr.1877, pp.124—129.
    ④James Gilmour,“Mongolian Meteorology”,CR, Sept—Oct.1880, pp.342—349.
    ⑤James Gilmour,“Delusions about Mongolia”,CR, Mar—Apr.1881,pp.109—114.
    ②E.Bretschneider,“Notes on Chinese Medieval Travelers to the West”, CR, May—Jun. 1874, pp.113—126.
    ①E.Bretschneider,“Notes on Chinese Medieval Travelers to the West”, CR, Jul—Aug.1874, pp.173—199.;Sept—Oct.1874, pp.237—252.
    ②E.Bretschneider,“Notes on Chinese Medieval Travelers to the West”II Si Shi Ki, CR, Nov—Dec.1874, pp.305—327.;Jan—Feb.1875, pp.1—22.
    ③E.Bretschneider,“Notes on Chinese Medieval Travelers to the West”III Pei Shi Ki, CR, Mar—Apr.1875, pp.82—88.
    ①Bretschneider,“Notes on Chinese Medieval Travelers to the West”IV Si Yu Lu, CR, Mar—Apr.1875,pp.88—102.
    ①E.Bretschneider,“Archeological and Historical Researches on Peking and its Environs”,CR, May—Jun.1875,pp.161—165.
    ②E.Bretschneider,“Archeological and Historical Researches on Peking and its Environs”,CR,May—Jun.1875, pp.165—165.秦代设北京为蓟县,为广阳郡郡治。公元前202年(汉高祖五年),北京被划入燕国辖地。公元前80年(元凤元年)复为广阳郡蓟县,隶属幽州。
    ①E.Bretschneider,“Archeological and Historical Researches on Peking and its Environs”,CR, Sep—Oct.1875,pp.305—322.
    ②E.Bretschneider,“Archeological and Historical Researches on Peking and its Environs”,CR, Nov—Dec.1875,pp.377—388.
    ②Alvin Pierson Parker,“Notes on the History of Suchow”,CR, Jul—Aug.1882, pp.277—278.
    ②Alvin Pierson Parker,“Notes on the History of Suchow”,CR, Jul—Aug.1882, pp.278—280.
    ③Alvin Pierson Parker,“Notes on the History of Suchow”,CR, Sept—Oct.1882, pp.384—390.
    ④Alvin Pierson Parker,“Notes on the History of Suchow”,CR, Nov—Dec.1882, pp.432—440.
    ⑤Alvin Pierson Parker,“Notes on the History of Suchow”,CR, Jan—Feb.1883, pp.39—47.
    ⑥Alvin Pierson Parker,“Notes on the History of Suchow”,CR, Mar—Apr.1883, pp.129—132.; Alvin PiersonParker,“Notes on the History of Suchow”,CR, May—Jun.1883, pp.133—144.
    ②Suzanne Wilson Barnett&John King Fairbank:Christianity in China:Early Protestant Missionary Writings,p.4.
    ②关于基督教与儒学的冲突,可参见如下著述:J.D. Young, Confucianism and Christianity: The FirstEncounter,Hong Kong University Press, 1983;柯文:《1900年前的基督教传教运动及其影响》,载费正清编:《剑桥中国晚清史:1800—1911年》(上),中国社会科学出版社1985年,第602—607页;LiuKwang-Ching,“Nineteenth-Century China: The Disintegration of the Old Order and the Impact of theWest”,in Ho Ping-ti&Tsou Tang, China's Heritage and the Communist Political System),Vol I(China inCrisis),University of Chicago Press, 1968,pp.93—178.
    ①F. Galpin,“Notes of the Ethical and Christian Values of Chinese Religious Tracts and Books”, CR, May—Jun.1881,p.217.
    ②E.R.Eichler,“The Kuen Shi Wan; or the Practical Theology of the Chinese”,The China Review, Vol.XI,pp.93-101.
    ③Hanlin Papers, Secord Series, P.326.
    ④J.Edikins,“The Book of the Modern Religious Sect in North China”, CR, May—Jun.1881, pp.217.
    ⑤F·H·James,“The Secret Sects of Shantung with Appendix”,Records of the General Conference of theProtestant Missionaries of China,1890 , pp.196—202.
    ⑦参见Alexander Wylie,Memorials of Protestant Missionaries to the China—Giving A List of their Publicationsand Obituary Notices of the Deceased with Copious Indexes,pp.56—63.
    ⑧Alexander Wylie,Memorials of Protestant Missionaries to the China—Giving A List of their Publications andObituary Notices of the Deceased with Copious Indexes,pp.68—69.
    ①William Ashmore,“A Moral Problem Solved By Confucianism”, CR, Mar.1870, pp.282—285.
    ②Recorder of the General of the Protestant Missionaries of China, Held at Shanghai , May7-20,1890.Shanghai Presbyterian Mission Press, 1890. pp.125-136.;Daniel W. Fisher, Calvin Wilson Mateer:Forty-FiveYears a Missionary in Shantung,China : a biography [monograph],pp.260—266.
    ③George Owen,“New Testameny Parallels in the Four Books”,CR, Sept.1886, pp.285—286.
    ④George Owen,“New Testameny Parallels in the Four Books”,CR, Sept.1886, p.286.
    ⑥作者信息不详,信函题目为“Do the Philosophers of the Sung Dynasty Differ from Confucius?”,刊发在《教务杂志》1872年5月号,第229页。值得注意的是,该信函刊发在《笔记、答疑解惑》栏目中,该专栏开设于1872年3月刊发读者的游历散记及对中国历史文化的疑问。
    ①William Scott Ament,“Ethics of Chinese Loyalty”,CR, Jan.1881, p.65.
    ②D.Z.Sheffield,“The Ethice of Christianity and of Confucianism Compared”, CR, Oct.1886, pp.366—378.
    ⑥Inquirer,“Is the Shangti of the Chinese Classic the Same Being as Jehovah of the Sacred Scriptures?”, CR, Sept—Oct.1877, pp.411—426.
    ①Inquirer,“Is the Shangti of the Chinese Classic the Same Being as Jehovah of the Sacred Scriptures?”, CR, Sept—Oct.1877, p.426.
    ②故宫博物院明清档案部,福建师范大学历史系编:《清末中外使领年表》,中华书局1985年,第62,187页。国内学界对该人触及较少,不过在他逝世后,《远东季刊》(The Far Eastern Quarterly)第3卷第4期(1844年8月)曾发过一篇祷文(Edward Thomas Williams, 1854—1944),见第381—383页。
    ③Esson M. Gale,“Edward Thomas Williams, 1854—1944”, The Far Eastern Quarterly, Vol.3, No.4, pp.381—382.
    ④参见其如下著述:《近来中国法律问题》(Recent Chinese Legilation)(1903);《满清的国家宗教》(The StateReligion under the Mnchus)(1913);《共和体制下的中国社会机构》(“Chinese Socil Institution as aFoundation for Republican Goverment”)(Annual Report of American Historical Association for 1916);《中国、俄国与蒙古的关系》(“The Relations between China, Russia and Monglia”)(American Jornal of InternationalLaw, 1916)《;中国的起源》(“The Origins of the Chinese”)(American Journal of Physical Anthropology , 1918).
    ⑤Edward Thomas Williams,“The Chinese Classic in the Pulpit”, CR, Sept.1895, p.403.
    ⑥J.C.Hoare,“God and Man in the Chinese Classics”, CR, May.1895, pp.201—210.; J.C.Hoare,“God and Man inthe Chinese Classics”, CR, Jun.1895, pp.260—270.
    ①Recorder of the General of the Protestant Missionaries of China,1890. Shanghai Presbyterian Mission Press,1890. pp.467—476.
    ②相关分组讨论,可见Recorder of the General of the Protestant Missionaries of China,1890. ShanghaiPresbyterian Mission Press, 1890. pp.467—476.
    ③J.C.Hoare,“God and Man in the Chinese Claasic”, CR, May.1895, pp.200—210.
    ④《教务杂志》刊发的相关文章参见:J.E.“Do the Philosophers of the Sung Dynasty Differ from Confucius”,CR,May.1872,p.329;E.T.Williams , The Chinese Classic in Pulpit, CR,Sep.1895,pp.403-414;Arthur Sowerby,Our Attitude Towards Chinese Religions, CR, May.1917, pp.296-313.也可参阅Records of the GeneralConference of the Protestant Missionaries of China,Shanghai,1890,pp.180-181.
    ⑤圣士提反堂是华人圣公会的第一所的会堂,其研究可见如下著述:George B. Endacott & Dorothy E. She,The Diocese of Victoria, Hong Kong. A Hundred Years of Church History 1849—1949(1949年);钟仁立:《圣士提反堂七十五年史略》(1940年)、《华南教区百年史略》(1951年);张荣岳:《本堂事略》(1975年);李志刚:《圣公会圣士提反堂与香港社会变迁及其贡献》(1995年)。
    ①A.B.Hutchinson,“The family sayings of Confucius”,CR, Nov-Dec. 1878, p.445.
    ②转引自A.B.Hutchinson,“The family sayings of Confucius”,CR, Nov-Dec. 1878, p.445.
    ③A.B.Hutchinson,“The family sayings of Confucius”,CR, Nov-Dec. 1878, p.445.
    ④A.B.Hutchinson,“The family Sayings of Confucius”,CR, Jan-Feb. 1880, pp.17-23.
    ⑦A.B.Hutchinson,“The family sayings of Confucius”,CR, Nov-Dec.1878, p.445.
    ②A.B.Hutchinson,“The family sayings of Confucius”,CR, Nov-Dec. 1878, p.445.
    ③A.B.Hutchinson,“The family sayings of Confucius”,CR, Nov-Dec. 1878, p.446.长孙无忌应是唐人,错讹原因可能是赫真信从《隋书·经籍志》的书名中望名生义而至。
    ④A.B.Hutchinson,“The family Sayings of Confucius”,CR, Nov-Dec. 1878, p.446.
    ⑤A.B.Hutchinson,“The family Sayings of Confucius”,CR, Jan-Feb. 1879, pp.17-20.
    ⑥A.B.Hutchinson,“The family Sayings of Confucius”,CR, Jan-Feb. 1879, pp.20-23;
    ⑦A.B.Hutchinson,“The family Sayings of Confucius”,CR,Mar-Apr. 1879, pp.96-103.
    ⑧A.B.Hutchinson,“The family Sayings of Confucius”,CR, Nov-Dec. 1879, pp.332-337.
    ⑨A.B.Hutchinson,“The family Sayings of Confucius”,CR, May-Jun. 1879, pp.175-179.
    ⑩A.B.Hutchinson,“The family Sayings of Confucius”,CR,Jul-Aug. 1879, pp.253-257.11 A.B.Hutchinson,“The family Sayings of Confucius”,CR,Jul-Aug. 1879, pp.257-260.;Sep-Oct. 1879,pp.332-337.12 A.B.Hutchinson,“The family Sayings of Confucius”,CR, Sep-Oct. 1879, pp.332-337.;Nov-Dec.,pp.428-432.13 A.B.Hutchinson,“The family Sayings of Confucius”,CR, Jan-Feb. 1880, pp.13—17.
    ①A.B.Hutchinson,“The family Sayings of Confucius”,CR, Jan-Feb. 1880, pp.17-23.
    ⑤K.S Latourette, A History of Christian Missions in China, P.265.
    ⑥参见《中国丛报》刊发的如下文章:Elijah Coleman Bridgman,“Seaou Heo,or Primary Lessons: character andobject of the work; tabular view of its several divisions; a translation of Part first, with brief explanatory notes”,The Chinese Repository, Jun. 1836, pp.81-87; Elijah Coleman Bridgman,Nov. 1836, pp305-306; ElijahColeman Bridgman,Aug. 1837, pp.185-188; Elijah Coleman Bridgman,Dec. 1837, pp.393-400; April. 1838,pp.562-568; Samuel Wells Williams,“The Examples of Filial Duty”,The Chinese Repository, Jul.1837,pp.130-142.
    ②段怀清:《理雅各<中国经典>翻译缘起及体例略考》,《浙江大学学报》(人文社会科学报),第35卷第3期(2005年5月),第97页注1,该文把此人翻译为欧理德(Ernst John Eitel,1838—1905)。根据卫礼记述,按照其执照名称,该人对应中文名应为艾德;根据英国伦敦大学狄德满教授的资料整理,该人系巴色会(Basel Mission)传教士,德文名为Ernst Johann Eitel,1908年在澳洲阿德莱德(Adelaide)逝世。艾德的学术著述目录,可见Henri Cordier,“Ernst Johann Eitel”, T’oung Pao, Second Series, Vol.10,No. 1(1901),pp.22-24.
    ①A.B.Hutchinson,“The Family Sayings of Confucius”,CR, May-Jun.1879, p.175.
    ②A.B.Hutchinson,“The Family Sayings of Confucius”,CR, May-Jun.1879, p.175.
    ③A.B.Hutchinson,“The family Sayings of Confucius”,CR, Jan-Feb.1879, p.18.
    ④A.B.Hutchinson,“The family Sayings of Confucius”,CR, Mar-Apr.1879, p.98.
    ⑤A.B.Hutchinson,“The family Sayings of Confucius”,CR, Mar-Apr.1879, p.98.
    ①A.B.Hutchinson,“The family Sayings of Confucius”,CR, Jan-Feb.1879, p.17;
    ②A.B.Hutchinson,“The Family Sayings of Confucius”,CR, May-Jun. 1879, p.175.
    ③A.B.Hutchinson,“The Family Sayings of Confucius”,CR, May-Jun. 1879, p.178.
    ②A.B.Hutchinson,“The Family Sayings of Confucius”,CR, May-Jun. 1879, p.175.
    ③《教务杂志》刊发的此类专有术语译介的文章诸多,比较综合性的讨论,可见Cannon McClatchie“, The termfor‘Spirit’in Chinsee”, CR, Mar-Apr. 1876, pp.92-99;Martin Schaub,“An Essay on the Psychological Terms”,CR, Mar-Apr. 1881, pp.96-101.
    ④耶稣会士的索隐派及这种方法的应用,丹麦奥胡斯大学龙伯格(Kund Lundbak)曾发表文章回顾了索隐派的历史由来、代表人物及著述。龙氏文章译文见高建惠:《韩国英——中国最后的索隐派》,载任继愈主编:《国际汉学》第十三辑,第59—63页。索隐派的中文研究,见吴莉苇:《当诺亚方舟遭遇伏羲神农:启蒙时代欧洲的中国上古史论争》,中国人民大学出版社2004年,第247—275页。
    ⑤A.B.Hutchinson,“The family Sayings of Confucius”,CR, Nov-Dec.1878, p.431.
    ②A.B.Hutchinson,“The Family Sayings of Confucius”,CR, May-Jun. 1879, p.177.
    ②Kenneth Scott Latourette, A History of Christian Missions in China, p.11.
    ③William Ashmore,“A Moral Problem Solved By Confucianism”, CR, Mar.1870, p.282.
    ④William Ashmore,“A Moral Problem Solved By Confucianism”, CR, Mar.1870, p.282.
    ⑤William Ashmore,“A Moral Problem Solved By Confucianism”, CR, Mar.1870, p.284.
    ①M.C.P,“Confucianism in its Practical Bearings upon the Spread of Christianity in China”, CR, May-Jun.1881,pp.218.
    ②M.C.P,“Confucianism in its Practical Bearings upon the Spread of Christianity in China”, CR, May-Jun.1881,pp.218.
    ③M.C.P,“Confucianism in its Practical Bearings upon the Spread of Christianity in China”, CR, May-Jun.1881,pp.219.此文在孔子政治学说的论断,可能是受了如下《论语》篇章的影响。《颜渊篇十二》曰:“君君、臣臣、父父、子子”;《泰伯第八》载:“子曰:‘不在其位,不谋其政’”;《宪问十四》记:“曾子曰:‘君子思不出其位’”。
    ②M.C.P,“Confucianism in its Practical Bearings upon the Spread of Christianity in China”, CR, May-Jun.1881,p.219.
    ③M.C.P,“Confucianism in its Practical Bearings upon the Spread of Christianity in China”, CR, May-Jun.1881,p.219.
    ④M.C.P,“Confucianism in its Practical Bearings upon the Spread of Christianity in China”, CR, May-Jun.1881,pp.218-219.
    ①M.C.P,“Confucianism in its Practical Bearings upon the Spread of Christianity in China”, CR, May-Jun.1881,p.218.
    ④William Scott Ament,“Ethics of Chinese Loyalty”,CR, Jan.1881, p.65.
    ⑤William Scott Ament,“Ethics of Chinese Loyalty”,CR, Jan.1881, pp.65—66.
    ③Jonathan D. Spence, Emperor of China: Self-Portrait of K'ang-his,Penguin, 1977.
    ④Paul.Kranz,“Some of Professor J.Legge’s Criticisms on Confucianism”, CR, Jun. 1898, pp.273—282.
    ⑤Paul.Kranz,“Some of Professor J.Legge’s Criticisms on Confucianism”, CR ; Jul. 1898, pp.341—345.;Aug.1898, pp.380—382.
    ⑥Paul.Kranz,“Some of Professor J.Legge’s Criticisms on Confucianism”, CR, Aug. 1898, pp.382—388.
    ⑦Paul.Kranz,“Some of Professor J.Legge’s Criticisms on Confucianism”, CR, Sep. 1898, pp.440—445.
    ①Paul.Kranz,“Some of Professor J.Legge’s Criticisms on Confucianism”,CR, Jun. 1898, p.279.有意思的是,这点与美国加州大学滨河分校瑞丽(Lisa A. Raphals)教授的观点相反。瑞丽在对季敬姜的研究中指出,可在一系列典籍中证明孔子对该女子的赞美,据此也许可以认为孔子是不反对女性主义的。见Lisa A.Raphals,“A Women Who Understood the Rites”in Bryan W. Van Norden(ed.), Confucius and the Analects: NewEssays,Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002, pp.175-202.
    ②Paul.Kranz,“Some of Professor J.Legge’s Criticisms on Confucianism”, CR, Jun. 1898, p.280.原文为:“君子之德风,小人之德草。草上之风,必偃。”见《论语·颜渊篇》。
    ③Paul.Kranz,“Some of Professor J.Legge’s Criticisms on Confucianism”,CR, Jun. 1898, p.280.
    ⑥该文认为孔子思想是“封闭的”(Close),这一形容让我们想起施坚雅发表在Comparative Studies in Societyand History《社会与历史比较研究》13(3)上的文章:《中国农民与封闭社会:开放和关闭的个例》(G.William Skinner,“Chinese Peasants and the Closed Community: An Open and Shut Case”),1971年,第270—281页。
    ①Paul.Kranz,“Some of Professor J.Legge’s Criticisms on Confucianism”, CR, Jun. 1898, p.280.
    ②Paul A. Cohen,Christian Missions and Their Impact to 1900,p.534.
    ③Paul A. Cohen,Christian Missions and Their Impact to 1900,p.535.
    ④Paul.Kranz,“Some of Professor J.Legge’s Criticisms on Confucianism”, CR, Jun. 1898, p.281.
    ⑤Paul.Kranz,“Some of Professor J.Legge’s Criticisms on Confucianism”,CR, Jun. 1898, p.281.
    ①A.B.Hutchinson,“The family sayings of Confucius”,CR, Nov-Dec.1878, p.445.
    ②Paul.Kranz ,“Some of Professor J.Legge’s Criticisms on Confucianism”, CR, Aug.1898, p.382.
    ③Paul.Kranz ,“Some of Professor J.Legge’s Criticisms on Confucianism”, CR, Aug.1898, p.383.
    ④Paul.Kranz,“Some of Professor J.Legge’s Criticisms on Confucianism”,CR, Aug.1898, pp.384-385.粗体为强调说明。
    ①Rolf Gerhard Tiedemann,“Rural Unrest in North China 1868-1900: With Particular Reference fo South Shandong”(Introduction),伦敦大学1991年博士论文。
    ②Hanlin Papers, Secord Series, P.196.
    ②Thomas Watters,“Notes on the Miao-fa-lien-hua-ching, a Buddhist Sutra in Chinese”,Journal North—China,Vol .4, Vol.9,1874.
    ①Thomas Watters,“The A- mi-t’e-Ching”,China Review,Vol .10, No.2(Jan 1882), pp.225—240.;ThomasWatters,“The Ta–yun- lun- ching- yu- ching”,China Review,Vol .10, No.6(May 1882), pp.384—395.
    ②Thomas Watters,“The Eighteen Lohan of Chinese Buddhist Temples”,Journal of Royal Asiatic Society,Apr.1898, pp.329—347. Thomas Watters,“The Kapilavastu in the Buddhist Books”,Journal of Royal AsiaticSociety, Jul.1898, pp.535—571.
    ③Henri Cordier,“Thomas Watters”, T’oung Pao, Vol.2, No. 1(1901),p.93.
    ④T.Watters,“Buddhism in China”,CR, Jun.1869, pp.1—7.
    ⑤T.Watters,“Buddhism in China”,CR, Jul.1869, pp.36—43.
    ①T.Watters,“Buddhism in China”,CR, Aug.1869, pp.64—68.
    ②T.Watters,“Buddhism in China”,CR, Sept.1869, pp.81—88.
    ③T.Watters,“Buddhism in China”,CR, Oct.1869, pp.117—122.
    ④T.Watters,“Buddhism in China”,CR, Nov.1869, pp.145—150.
    ③R.J.Eitel,“Buddhism Versus Romanism”,CR, Nov.1870, pp.142—143.
    ④R.J.Eitel,“Buddhism Versus Romanism”,CR, Dec.1870, pp.182—183.
    ①Joseph Edkins,“Handbook for the Student of Chinese Buddhism”, CR, Jan.1870, pp.215—218.
    ②Joseph Edkins,Chinese Buddhism: A Volume of Sketches,Historical, Descriptive, and Critical, p.xv.
    ③James Gilmore,“For and Against Mongolian Buddhism”,CR, Jan—Feb.1874, p.3.
    ①James Gilmore,“For and Against Mongolian Buddhism”,CR, Jan—Feb.1874, pp.3—9.
    ②James Gilmore,“For and Against Mongolian Buddhism”,CR, Jan—Feb.1874, pp.10—17.
    ②Evan Morgen,“The Christian Elements in Buddism”,CR, Jan.1911, pp.19—28.
    ③白晋,又作白进,字明远,法国耶稣会传教士,1687年来华。对其生平的研究,可见Claudia vonCollani(ed.),Eine Wissenschaftliche Akademie Für China:Briefe des chinaissionars Joachim Bouvet S.J.anGottfried Wilhelm Leibniz und Jean-Paul Bignonüber die Erforschung der chine-sischen Kultur, Sprache undGeschichte, Stuttgar:Franz Steiner Verlag, 1998.
    ④马若瑟,法国耶稣会传教士,1689年来华,曾用拉丁文对《道德经》作了注释,并糅合《易经》和《道德经》的内容写作《三一三》一书。见Theodore E.Treutlein,“Jesuit Missions in China During the Last Yearsof K’ang Hsi”,Pacific Historical Review,Vol.10,No.4(1941),pp.435—436.
    ⑤傅圣泽,法国耶稣会传教士,1699年来华,1729年完成了拉丁文和法文合译本《道德经译注》,可参见David E. Mungello ,“The Reconciliation of Neo-Confucianism with Christianity in the Writings of Joseph dePrémare, S. J.”,Philosophy East and West,Vol.26, No.4(Oct.1976),pp.389-410.
    ⑥雷慕莎,也称雷穆沙,法国近代著名汉学家。其关于道家的代表作为Le livre des récompenses et despeines《太上感应篇》(1816年)、Mémoire sur la vie et les opinions de Lao-Tseu,philosophe chinois duVIe.siècle avant notreère,qui a professéles opinions communement attribuéesàPythagore,àPlatonetaleurs disciple s《老子的生平和学说,这位公元前6世纪的哲学家,及其思想与毕达哥拉斯、柏拉图及弟子们的一致性》(1823年)。对其道家历史研究的评价,见Julia M. Hard,“InfluentialWestern Interpretation”in Livia Kohn、Michael Lafargue( ed), Lao-tzu and the Tao-te-ching . Albany:State University of New York Press, 1998, p.116.
    ⑦儒莲,又名茹理安或儒莲,是继雷穆沙之后法国最优秀的汉学家,1842年出版了全译法文本《道德经》。对其著述的评价,见(法)费赖之(Louis Pfister)著、冯秉正译:《在华耶稣会士列传及书目》。中华书局1995年。
    ⑧理雅各,英国伦敦布道会传教士,1843年来华。其于1891年翻译出版《东方圣书》第三十九、四十卷《道德经》与《庄子文集》。详见(法)费赖之(Louis Pfister)著:《在华耶稣会士列传及书目》。
    ⑨李约瑟,美国中国科学技术史专家,其道家历史论述可参见:《道家与道教》(The Tao Chia [Taoist] andTaoism),收入《中国科学技术史》(Science and Civilization in China)卷二《科学思想史》(History of ScientificThought),何兆武等译,科学出版社、上海古籍出版社1990年。
    ⑩史华慈,美国当代著名中国学学者,其道家历史论述可参见其著The World of Thought in AncientChina,Cambridge:Harvard University Press, 1985,pp. 194-211.
    ③(法)安田朴(Rene Etiemble)、谢和耐(Jacques Gernet)等著,耿昇译:《明清间耶稣会士和中西文化交流》,巴蜀出版社1993年版,第154页。
    ④W.Arthur Cornaby,“Lao-Tzu Redivivus”,CR, February 1906, p.67.
    ⑤W.Arthur Cornaby,“Lao-Tzu Redivivus”,CR, February 1906, p.71.
    ⑧Wing-Tsit Chan,The Way of Lao Tzu:Tao Te Ching. New York:Bobbs Merrill, 1963.
    ⑨参见Holmes Welch,Taosim: The Parting of the Way,台北泛美图书公司,1972年版,第166—170页。
    ①参见(美)李约瑟著,何兆武等译:《中国科学技术史》(Science and Civilization in China)卷二《科学思想史》(History of Scientific Thought),科学出版社、上海古籍出版社1990年,第145—148页。
    ①Henri Cordier,“Thomas Watters”, T’oung Pao, Vol.2, No. 1(1901),pp.92-93.瓦特斯于1901年1月10日逝世,高弟爱在汉学杂志《通报》上发表讣告,简述该人生平及著作。他的记载与《近代来华外国人名词典》略有出入,见中国社会科学院近代史研究所翻译室:《近代来华外国人名辞典》,中国社会科学院出版社1981年版,第501页。
    ②T.W.,“Lao-Tzu: A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Aug.1868, p.57.
    ④T.W.,“Lao-Tzu: A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Aug.1868, p.57.
    ⑤T.W.,“Lao-Tzu: A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Aug.1868, p.58.
    ⑦波蒂埃(Jean Pierre Guillaume Pauthier,1801—1873年),法国耶稣会传教士,其道家研究著述有:Memoiresur L'origine et la propagation de doctrine du Too, fondée parLao-tseu ,Pairs:Librairie Orientale deDondey-Dupré, Pèreet Fils,1831.
    ①T.W.,“Lao-Tzu: A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Aug.1868, p.57.
    ②T.W.,“Lao-Tzu: A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Aug.1868, p.57.
    ④T.W.,“Lao-Tzu: A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Aug.1868, p.57.
    ⑥T.W.,“Lao-Tzu: A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Aug.1868, p.57.
    ⑨T.W.,“Lao-Tzu: A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Aug.1868, p.57.
    ①T.W.,“Lao-Tzu: A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Aug.1868, p.58.
    ①T.W.,“Lao-Tzu: A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Aug.1868, p.58.
    ③T.W.,“Lao-Tzu: A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Aug.1868,p.58.
    ⑤T.W.,“Lao-Tzu: A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Aug.1868,pp.58-59.
    ⑦T.W.,Lao-Tzu,“A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Sept.1868,p.82.
    ③W.Arthur Cornaby,“Lao-Tzu Redivivus”,CR, February 1906,pp.67-68.
    ⑤T.W.,“Lao-Tzu: A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Aug.1868,p.68.
    ①T.W.,“Tao道:——An Essay on a Word”, CR, Jun.1871,p.32.
    ②T.W.,Lao-Tzu,“A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Oct.1868, p.107.
    ③有很多翻译界的研究者认为韦利率先把道翻译为“the Way”,见杨文滢:《英汉比照下的汉语模糊特征》,《广州大学学报》(社会科学版)第8卷第7期,第83页;李雪叶:《分析《道德经》第一章中“道”的不同译法》,《内蒙古农业大学学报社会科学版,2009年第9期,第372页。
    ④James Legge, The Text of Taoism :The Sacred Books of China, p.12.;T.W.,“A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Oct.1868, p.108.
    ⑤T.W.,“A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Oct.1868, p.107.
    ⑥T.W.,“A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Oct.1868,p.108.
    ⑦T.W.,“A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Oct. 1868, p.108.
    ①T.W.,“A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Oct.1868, p.107.
    ③James Legge,The Text of Taoism :The Sacred Books of China,p.13.
    ④Medhurst C.Spurgeon,“The Tao Teh King. An Appreciation”,CR, Sept.1899,pp.20-21.
    ⑤Medhurst C.Spurgeon,“The Tao Teh King. An Appreciation”,CR, Sept.1899,p.21.
    ⑥Cited in James Legge, The Text of Taoism :The Sacred Books of China, p.14.
    ①Medhurst C.Spurgeon,“The Tao Teh King. An Appreciation”,CR, Sept.1899,p.21.
    ②James Legge, The Text of Taoism :The Sacred Books of China, p.14.
    ③T.W.,“A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Oct.1868, p.107.
    ④Medhurst C.Spurgeon,“The Tao Teh King. An Appreciation”,CR, Sept.1899,p.21.
    ①Medhurst C.Spurgeon,“The Tao Teh King. An Appreciation”,CR, Sept.1899,p.21.
    ④T.W.,“A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Oct.1868, p.107.
    ①T.W.,“Tao道:——An Essay on a Word”, CR, June 1871, pp. 1-4.、July 1871, pp. 33-35.、September 1871,pp. 100-102.
    ②蓝袍子,“A New Theory on Tao”, CR, Sept.1885, pp.349-350.; Rho,“The New Theory of Tao”,CR, Sept.1885,p.391.
    ③又名甲柏连(1807-1873年),德国汉学家,1832年出版《满文语法成份》(Elémens de la grammaireMandchoue),1837年出版《三合便览》的第二部(Mandschu Mongolische Grammatik aus dem San-hopian-lan),1864年参与编辑《满德词典》(Sseschu, Schuking, Schiking in mandscyhuischer Ueberset zungmiteinem Mandschu-deutschen Wrterbuche)。
    ④Medhurst C.Spurgeon,“The Tao Teh King. An Appreciation”,CR, Sept.1899,p.20.
    ⑤Cited in Medhurst C.Spurgeon,“The Tao Teh King. An Appreciation”,CR, Sept.1899,p.21.
    ⑥Medhurst C.Spurgeon,“The Tao Teh King. An Appreciation”,CR, Sept.1899,p.20.
    ⑦T.W.,“Tao道:——An Essay on a Word”, CR, Jun.1871, pp. 1-4.;Jul.1871, pp. 33-35.;Sept.1871, pp.100-102.
    ①T.W.,Lao-Tzu,“A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Sept.1868, p.83.
    ②T.W.,Lao-Tzu,“A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Sept.1868, p.83.
    ③T.W.,Lao-Tzu,“A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Sept.1868, p.84.
    ①Medhurst C.Spurgeon,“The Tao Teh King. An Appreciation”, CR, November 1899, p. 544
    ⑤James Legge, The Text of Taoism :The Sacred Books of China,p.12.
    ①T.W.,Lao-Tzu,“A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Dec.1868, p.154.
    ②T.W.,Lao-Tzu,“A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Dec.1868,p.154.此外,表格六的“君主与臣民的关系”系引自该人著作,可以看出他的这种判断基础。
    ③T.W.,Lao-Tzu,“A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Dec.1868,p.154.
    ④T.W.,Lao-Tzu,“A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Dec.1868,pp.159-160.
    ⑤T.W.,Lao-Tzu,“A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Dec.1868, p.159.
    ⑥T.W.,Lao-Tzu,“A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Dec.1868, p.159.
    ⑦T.W.,Lao-Tzu,“A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Dec.1868, p.160.
    ①T.W.,“Lao-Tzu,“A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Dec.1868, p.160.
    ②T.W.,“Lao-Tzu,“A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Dec.1868, p.154.
    ③T.W.,“Lao-Tzu,“A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Dec.1868, p.159.
    ④T.W.,“Lao-Tzu, A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Feb.1869, p.209.
    ⑤T.W.,“Lao-Tzu, A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Feb.1869, p.209.
    ⑥T.W.,“Lao-Tzu, A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Feb.1869, p.209.
    ①T.W.,“Lao-Tzu, A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Feb.1869,p.209.
    ②T.W.,“Lao-Tzu, A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Feb.1869,pp.209-210.
    ③T.W.,“Lao-Tzu, A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Feb.1869,p.210.
    ④W.Arthur Cornaby,“Lao-Tzu Redivivus”,CR, Mar.1906, p.128.
    ⑤T.W.,“Lao-Tzu, A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Feb.1869,p.209.
    ⑥T.W.,“Lao-Tzu, A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Feb.1869,p.210.
    ①W.Arthur Cornaby,“Lao-Tzu Redivivus”,CR, Mar.1906,pp.124-125.
    ②W.Arthur Cornaby,“Lao-Tzu Redivivus”,CR, Mar.1906,p.125.
    ③W.Arthur Cornaby,“Lao-Tzu Redivivus”,CR, Mar.1906, p.130.
    ④T.W.,“Lao-Tzu, A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Nov.1868, p.128.
    ⑤T.W.,“Lao-Tzu, A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Nov.1868, p.128.
    ⑥T.W.,“Lao-Tzu, A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Nov.1868, p.128.另外,朱熹的这部著作
    ①T.W.,“Lao-Tzu, A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Nov.1868, p.129.
    ②T.W.,“Lao-Tzu, A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Nov.1868, p.128.
    ③T.W.,“Lao-Tzu, A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Nov.1868, p.129.
    ④T.W.,“Lao-Tzu, A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Nov.1868, pp.129-130.
    ⑤T.W.,“Lao-Tzu, A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Nov.1868, p.130.
    ①T.W.,“Lao-Tzu, A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Nov.1868, p.130.
    ②T.W.,“Lao-Tzu, A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Nov.1868, p.130.
    ③T.W.,“Lao-Tzu, A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Nov.1868, p.130.
    ④T.W.,“Lao-Tzu, A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Nov.1868, p.130.
    ①T.W.,“Lao-Tzu, A Study in Chinese philosophy”,CR, Nov.1868, p.130.
    ①“SYNOPTICAL Table of Chinese Dynasties”,CR, Aug.1870, pp.78—79.
    ①Brian Harrison, Waiting For China: The Anglo–Chinese College at Malacca 1818–1843, and Early 19thCentury Mission,p.97.
    ①E.C.Bridgman,“The Chinese Language”, The Chinese Repository, May.1934, p.11.
    ②Daniel W. Fisher, Calvin Wilson Mateer:Forty-Five Years a Missionary in Shantung,China : a biography[monograph], p.57.
    ③Joseph Edkins,“A Vocabulary of the Miau Dialects”, CR, Sept.1870, pp.97—99.; Oct.1870, pp.134—137.; Nov.1870, p.147.
    ④“A Vocabulary of the Miau Dialects”, CR, Nov.1870, p.149.
    ⑤C.Arendt,“On Chinese Riddles”, CR, Dec.1870,p.184.第一则谜语的谜底是“宝钗”;作者在文末说会再次发稿给出第二则谜语谜底,但未见其下文影踪。
    ⑥Editor,“Analysis of Chinese Characters”,CR, Dec.1867,p.142.
    ①该会先后培养出马礼逊、米怜(William Milne, 1785—1822年)、麦都思、伟烈亚力等知名汉学家,参见Alexander Wylie,Memorials of Protestant Missionaries to the China—Giving A List of their Publications andObituary Notices of the Deceased with Copious Indexes,pp.1—41.
    ②E.Box:“In Memories: Joseph Edkins, D.D.”,CR, Jun.1905, pp.282—289.
    ③Joseph Edkins,“Connection of Chinese and Hebrew”, CR, Jan.1871, p.203.
    ④Joseph Edkins,“Connection of Chinese and Hebrew”, CR, Jun.1871, pp.23—25.
    ⑤Joseph Edkins,“Connection of Chinese and Hebrew”, CR, Jan. 1871, pp.203—205.;Joseph Edkins,“Connection of Chinese and Hebrew”, CR, Apr.1871, pp.323—326.
    ⑥Joseph Edkins,“Connection of Chinese and Hebrew”, CR, Jun.1871, pp.23—25.
    ⑦Joseph Edkins,“Connection of Chinese and Hebrew”, CR, Aug.1871, pp.75—77.;Joseph Edkins,“Connectionof Chinese and Hebrew”, CR, Dec.1871, pp.182—186.
    ⑧Joseph Edkins,“Connection of Chinese and Hebrew”, CR, Jan.1872, pp.215—217.;Joseph Edkins,“Connection of Chinese and Hebrew”, CR, Feb.1872, pp.245—247.;
    ⑨Joseph Edkins,“Connection of Chinese and Hebrew”, CR, Mar.1872, pp.279—280.
    ⑩Joseph Edkins,“Connection of Chinese and Hebrew”, CR, May.1872, pp.287—290.
    ①Editor,“Manual of the Foochow Dialect”,CR,Jul.1871,pp.45—48.
    ③Editor,“Manual of the Foochow Dialect”,CR,Jul.1871,p.45.
    ④麦利和也常在《教务杂志》发表文章,见“Birth Place of Chu-Hi”,CR, May.1872,pp.309—312.;“The ClassicalLiterature of the Chinese”,Jan—Feb.1878, pp.49—62.麦氏1848年来华后在杭州传教,此后转赴福州,1859年底返回美国,1861年回到福州,后于1872年赴日本传教。1881年,返回福州创办鹤龄英华书院(Anglo—Chinese College),见Alexander Wylie,Memorials of Protestant Missionaries to the China—Giving A List oftheir Publications and Obituary Notices of the Deceased with Copious Indexes,pp.176—177.;Who was who inAmerica; historical volume, 1897—1942.
    ⑤怀德曾出版过一本英文福州方言研究著作《福州口语研究》(The Chinese Language Spoken at Fuh Chau),Methodist Quarterly Review, Jul.1856.;Hartwell, C. (Charles), 1825-1905.;夏察理曾任福州美部会会督,知名语言学家、福州语书籍的翻译者和写作者。他的研究著作多收录于哈佛燕京社传教士中文著述缩微胶卷。
    ②Henri Cordier,“Le Docteur Emile Vasilievitch Bretschneider”, T’ong Pao, Second Series, Vol.2,No.3(1901), pp.192—197.
    ③E.Bretschneider,“The Study and Value of Chinese Botanical Works”, CR, Nov.1870, pp.157—163.
    ①E.Bretschneider,“The Study and Value of Chinese Botanical Works”,CR, Nov.1870, pp.290—292.
    ②Henri Cordier,“Charles Piton”,T’oung Pao,Second Series,Vol.6,No. 4(1905),pp.508—510.
    ③Charles Piton,“The Decree of B.C.403—A Historical Essay about the First Entry in the‘Chinese NationalAnnals’”,CR, Nov—Dec.1881, pp.430—437.
    ④该著英文名为Progressive Lessons in the Chinese Spoken Language, 1862年在上海出版。
    ①W.A.P.Matin,“Curriculum of Chinese Studies for the use of Young Missionaries”,CR, Aug.1894,pp.365—367.
    ②R.H.Maclay,“The Classical Literature of the Chinese”,CR, Jan—Feb.1878,pp.49—62.
    ③毕腓力的其他书籍,可参见Henri Cordier“, Lesēudes chinoises(1895—1898)”, T’ong Pao, Vol.9(1898), p.94.
    ④P.W.Pitcher,“Compend of Chinese History”,CR, Aug.1907,p.435.
    ①T.P.Crawoford,“A Compendium of History in Thirty Volumes, By Wong Shi—Ching, an Eminent Scholar ofthe Ming Dynasty, A.D.1526—1590”,CR, Mar—Apr.1881,p.78.
    ②T.P.Crawoford,“A Compendium of History in Thirty Volumes, By Wong Shi—Ching, an Eminent Scholar ofthe Ming Dynasty, A.D.1526—1590”,CR, May—Jun.1881,pp.193—201.
    ③T.P.Crawoford,“A Compendium of History in Thirty Volumes, By Wong Shi—Ching, an Eminent Scholar of t《》he Ming Dynasty, A.D.1526—1590”,CR, Jul—Aug.1881,pp.294—297.
    ①T.W.,“Lao-Tzu,“A Study in Chinese Philosophy”,CR, Jun.1869,pp.31-32.
    ②I.T.Headland,“The China Historical Society”,CR,Jul.1896,pp.335-336.
    ①Suzanne Wilson Barnett、John King Fairbank,Christianity in China:Early Protestant Missionary Writings,p.4.
    (08)Bulletin of the School Oriental and African Studies, University of London《伦敦大学亚非学院学报》,英国,1940——
    (09)China Quarterly《中国季刊》,美国,1960——
    (10)Comparative Studies in Society and History《社会与历史比较研究》,英国,1958——
    (11)Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies《哈佛亚洲研究》,美国,1936——
    (12)History of Religious《宗教史研究》,美国
    (13)Journal of the American Geographical Society《美国地理协会杂志》,美国
    (14)Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient《东方经济史与社会史杂志》,美国,1958——
    (15)Journal of the North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society《皇家亚洲文会华北分会会报》,上海,1858—1948年
    (16)Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland《英国皇家亚洲学会会报》,英国
    (17)Notes and Queries on China and Japan《中日释疑》,上海,1867—1869
    (18)North China Herald《北华捷报》,上海,1850—1910年
    (19)Pacific Historical Review《太平洋历史评论》,美国,1932——
    (20)Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London《伦敦皇家地理学会会报》,英国,1857——
    (21)T’oung Pao《通报》,法国,1890——
    (22)The American Journal of Theology《美国学术期刊》,美国
    (23)The Chinese Recorder《教务杂志》,福州:1867—1872年;上海1874—1941年
    (24)The Chinese Repository《中国丛报》,广州,1832——1851年
    (25)The China Review, or Notes&Queries on the Far East《中国评论》,香港,1872——1901年
    (26)The Far Eastern Quarterly《远东季刊》,美国,1941—1956
    (27)The Journal of Asia Studies《亚洲研究》,美国,1956——
    (28)The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland《大英人类学会杂志》,英国,1907—1965年
    (29)The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin《大都会艺术博物馆报》,美国,1905——
    (30)The Old Testament Student《旧约研究》,美国
    (01)Alexander Williamson, Journeys in North China, Manchuria, andEastern Mon golia: With Some Accounts of Corea . 2 vols. London:Smith, Elder, 1870.
    (02)Alexander Wylie,Memorials of Protestant Missionaries to the China—GivingA List of their Publications and Obituary Notices of the Deceased withCopious Indexes, Shanghai:American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1868.
    (03)Armstrong, In a Mule Litter to the Tomb of Confucius, London: James Nisbet& Co., 1896.
    (04)Barnett, S.W., Fairbank, The Place of Protestant Writings in China’s CulturalHistory, Christianity in China Formly Protestant Missionary Writings. Mass.Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1985.
    (05)Brian Harrison, Waiting for China: the Anglo-Chinese College at Malacca1818—1843, and Early 19th Century Mission . Hong Kong : Hong KongUniversity Press, 1979.
    (06)Donald F. Lach&Edwin J.Van Kley, Asia in the Making of Europe, Volume III:A Century of Advance., Book.4:East Asia, Chicago: University of ChicagoPress, 1998.( 07 ) Donald MacGillivray,A Century of Protestant Missions in China( 1807—1907 ) ;Being The Centenary Conference Historical, Shanghai:American Presbyterian Mission Press, 1907.
    (08)Daniel W. Fisher, Calvin Wilson Mateer:Forty-Five Years a Missionary inShantung,China : a biography [monograph], Philadelphia : WestminsterPress, 1911,
    (09)Ellen Widmer Daniel Bays, China's Christian Colleges : Cross-CulturalConnections, 1900-1950, Palo Alto : Stanford University Press, 2009.
    (10)Ernst von Hesse-Wartegg, Schantung und Deutsch-China. Von Kiautschou insheilige Land von China und vom Jangtsekiang nach Peking im Jahre 1898,Leipzig: J.J. Weber, 1898.
    (11)Franco Demarchi&Riccardo Scartezzini,Martino Martini, Trento Italy:Universitādegli Studi di Trento, 1996.
    (12)Gabriel de Magalh?es,A new history of the empire of China:containing adescription of the politick government, towns, manners and customs of thepeople, London : Printed for Holford, at the Crown in the Pall Mall, 1689.
    (13)George B. Endacott & Dorothy E. She, The Diocese of Victoria, Hong Kong.A Hundred Years of Church History 1849—1949,Hongkong : Kelly & Walsh,1949.
    (14)Heinrich Betz, Die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung der Provinz Schantungseit der Er?ffnung Tsingtaus (1898-1910) . Second, augmented ed.Hamburg: Walter Bangert, 1911.
    (15)Helen Legge, James Legge : missionary and scholar,London : Religious TractSociety, 1905.
    (16)Henri Baudet, Elizabeth Wentholt(trans.), Paradise on Earth:Some Thoughtson European Images of Non-European Man, Conn. New Haven:YaleUniversity , 1965.
    (17)Herbert James Allen, A Glossary of Reference on Subjects Connected withthe Far East, N.J. : Rowman & Littlefield, 1974.
    (18)Herbert James Allen, Chinese Sketches, Gardners Books, 2007.
    (19)Herbert James Allen, Confucianism and its Rivals,New York : AMS Press,1979.
    (20)Herbert James Allen, Early Chinese History. Are the Chinese classicsforged?.,London :S.P.C.K., 1906.
    (21)Holmes Welch,Taosim: The Parting of the Way,台北:泛美图书公司,1972年。( 22 ) Irwin T.Hyatt, Our Ordered Lives Confess: Three Nineteenth CenturyAmerican Missionaries in East Shantung, Mass. Cambridge:HarvardUniversity Press, 1978.
    (23)J.D. Young, Confucianism and Christianity: The First Encounter,HongKong : Hong Kong University Press, 1983.
    (24)J.S.McIlvaine,Grammatical Studies in the Colloquial Language of NorthernChina,Shanghai :American Presbyterian Mission Press,1880.
    (25)James Legge , Confucian analects. The great learning. The doctrine of themean,台北: Southern Materials Center, 1985.
    (26)James Legge , The Chinese classics : with a translation, critical andexegetical notes, prolegomena, copious indexes,Hong Kong : Hong KongUniversity Press, 1960.
    (27)James Legge ,The She King [or The Book of poetry ],台北: SouthernMaterials Center, 1985.
    (28)James Legge, The Text of Taoism :The Sacred Books of China, New York:Dover Publications, INC ,1891,
    (29)Jean Pierre Guillaume Pauthier,Memoire sur L'origine et la propagation dedoctrine du Too, fondée par Lao-tseu, Pairs:Librairie Orientale deDondey-Dupré, Pèreet Fils,1831.
    (30)John King Fairbank, Chinese thought and institutions, Chicago: University ofChicago Press ,1957.
    (31)John King Fairbank ,The Missionary Enterprise in China and America,Mass.Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1974.
    (32)John King Fairbank, The United States and China, Mass. Cambridge: HarvardUniversity Press, 1979.
    (33)John King Fairbank&Edwin O Reischauer&Albert M Craig, East Asia:tradition and transformation, Boston :Houghton Mifflin, 1973.
    (34)Julia M. Hard,“Influential Western Interpretation”in Livia Kohn、MichaelLafargue( ed), Lao-tzu and the Tao-te-ching. Albany: State University ofNew York Press, 1998.(35 ) Kathleen L.Lodwick,The Chinese Recorder Index: A Guide to ChristianMissions in Asia(1867-1941)(Volume one),Del. Wilmington:ScholarlyResources Inc.,1986.
    (36)Kenneth Scott Latourette, A History of Christian Missions in China, NewYork : Macmillan, 1929.
    (37)Lauren F. Pfister, Striving for“the Whole Duty of a Man”: James Legge andthe Scottish Protestant Encounter with China, Assessing Confluences inScottish Nonconformism, Chinese Missionary Scholarship, VictorianSinology and Chinese Protestantism,Frankfurt am Main ; New York : PeterLang, 2004.
    (38)Nicolas Standaert, Inculturation: the Gospel and cultures, Pasay City: SaintPaul Publications,1990.
    (39)Nirad C.Chaudhuri,The Life of Professor the Rt. Hon. Friedrich Max Müller,P.C., New York: Oxford University Press, 1974.( 40 ) Norman J. Girardot, The Victorian Translation of China:James Legge’sOriental Pilgrimage,Berkeley : University of California Press, 2002.
    (41)Olive Wendell Elesbree, The Rise of American Missionary Spirit in American:1790–1815. Pa. Williamsport: Williamsport Printing and Binding Co., 1928.( 42 ) Paul A. Cohen, China and Christian: the Missionary Movement and theGrowth of Chinese Anti-foreignism 1860-1870. Mass. Cambridge: HarvardUniversity Press, 1963.
    (43)Robert Coventry Forsyth,, (ed.), Shantung, the Sacred Province of China, inSome of Its Aspects; Being a Collection of Articles Relating to Shantung.Shanghai: Christian Literature Society, 1912.( 44 )Recorder of the General of the Protestant Missionaries of China, Held atShanghai , May10-24, 1877. Shanghai: American Presbyterian MissionPress,,1878.
    (45)Records of the General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries of China,held at Shanghai,May 10—24,1890, Shanghai:American Presbyterian MissionPress, 1890.
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