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卢公明(Justus Doolittle 1824-1880),美国汉学家、美部会传教士。他在华活动20余载,参与了美部会在福州的开创性工作。他创办了格致中学、文山女中,出版了第一部系统介绍中国人社会生活的著作《中国人的社会生活》(Social Life of the Chinese)及编撰了中英文字典《英华萃林韵府》(Vocabulary and Hand-Book of the Chinese Language),是一位具传奇色彩的美国来华传教士。对于这样一位重要的传教人物,由于各种原因,国内学术界尚未见对其进行专门的研究。本文在充分搜集美国哈佛大学图书馆、汉密尔顿大学图书馆中有关卢公明的英文原始资料以及国内相关论著零星见载的中文资料的基础上,对卢公明来华活动的历史全貌进行了整体的窥探,通过这一晚清传教士与中国社会各层面发生反应的个案,进而讨论了由传教所透射出的中西文化交流的深层内涵。文章认为:作为晚清时期来华传教士群体的一员,卢公明颇具代表性,从他身上反映了传教士们对传教事业的追求,然而其中过程并非一帆风顺,而是充满崎岖曲折,不仅有来自中国社会环境造就的外在压力,还面临他们所属差会及其自身因素等内部障碍,在这双重困境下,传教局面很难取得突破。卢公明这一个案还反映了传教士群体在宗教性及世俗性双层面上的“福音事业”最终流产,其本人最后被迫放弃了传教工作。从某种意义上来说,中西两种异质文化的激烈排斥、难以调和导致了这一结果。
Justus Doolittle(1824-1880) was an American sinologist and a missionary of The American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mission (ABCFM). During the 20-odd years he stayed in China, he had taken part in the pioneering mission of ABCFM in Fuzhou. As a legendary American missionary in China, Doolittle set up Gezhi High School and Wenshan Women High School, published the works Social Life of the Chinese which systematically ushered to westerners the profiles of social life of the Chinese for the first time, and compiled a Chinese-English dictionary Vocabulary and Hand-Book of the Chinese Language. However, owing to various reasons, there has been no special studies in the domestic academia with regard to such an important missionary. This thesis attempts to systematically probe the overall history of Doolittle's activities in China based on the study of the original documents in English collected from Harvard University Library and Hamilton College Library and the collection of the fragmentary papers in Chine
    se about this missionary, aiming to reveal the profound connotation of cross-cultural exchanges between China and the western countries through the study of this case in which the American missionary contacted the various circles strata of Chinese society in the late Qing Dynasty. This thesis holds that as one of the missionaries who came to China in the late Qing Dynasty, Justus Doolittle is a typical case. We can see that they diligently strove after the success of the missionary cause. Nevertheless, because of the external pressure resulted from Chinese social background
    then and the internal barriers in themselves and the organization from which they came, they suffered a great number of difficulties. Hence, it is quite demanding for them to make any breakthrough in their missionary endeavors. Moreover, the case of Doolittle that he himself was finally forced to abandon the missionary assignment reflects that the abortion of the "Gospel Cause" is due to the reasons at both religious and secular levels. In a sense, it is the sharply different nature of Chinese culture and the western culture which are uncompromising and thus repel against each other that leads to such a result.
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