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China image oil painting coming into being and development, it is that Chinese oil painting develops process middle, west oil painting word order stretching, and the scene Chinese local territory emerging in correct.Write a shape , transparent complacent bosom taste image , the depiction highly valuing artistic conception and poetry, the aesthetics Taoist temple informs intention with Chinese image creating China-Israel, symbol , gimmick , phenomenon and history being tied in wedlock coming to express an actual life modern concept composing , showing in oil painting work trajectory. In the tableau shape and the thing secret being displayed changing the image the west abstract is shown among abstract implication, melting to enter oriental; Reality state and the false shape mingle to embody out Chinese tradition image aesthetics thought mutually mechanically, hitting the target in the present age Chinese oil painting creation applying and developing. This way is that the Chinese painter accommodates oneself to in self heart of hearts some, be also culture inheritance gene in the mother's body.China image splashing that oil painting has is free from inhibition bold and unconstrained momentum; Tactful poetry artistic conception expressing emotion; Space phenomenon actual situation appears faintly waiting for the behaviour language having enriched world oil painting , still has whose extended prospect in world art in the nowadays.
     So outside art of oil painting breed, after China has experienced development of a century, drift having accomplished culture already basically, from aspect such as subject matter , content , techniques of perspectives, the culture melting to have become a member of Chinese is vigorous , already tend to localization in the field of appreciation of the beauty inclining to and expressing way and so on. The present stage , a batch of the oil painting work highly valuing the image inclination experiencing having with the painter who puts into practice, fairly good melting has converged the Chinese and Western art spirit, makes Chinese oil painting unfold out having poetry, image scene heavy artistic conception is expressed. The main body of a book is analysed by the fact that generated US scientific principle or law is in progress systematically to image oil painting of Chinese; To image oil, painter and their work adopts to sum up classed research method; Orderliness process putting up image oil painting of Chinese coming into being , developing; Sum up , summarize that image oil painting of stage characteristic and scene appear.
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