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Storms gather without warning in nature, and bad luck befalls men overnight.Earthquakes, tsunamis and other natural disasters, civil strife and other man-made disasters, toxic chemical, nuclear leakage and other technical disasters have brought great threat to the safety of human life and property. When the impact of the disaster is beyond the borders of a country or beyond the ability for disaster relief of a country, the disaster relief cooperation (to seek international assistance or implementation of the international aid) becomes the only best choice of a sovereign state.
     One of the main purposes of Disaster Relief Diplomacy is to promote international cooperation to respond to disasters threaten and reduce the impact of disasters on human beings. Disaster Relief Diplomacy can also remodel a country's image, improve international relations. Disaster Relief Diplomacy is bound to affect international relations (international cooperation or international conflicts). The success of Disaster Relief Diplomacy will promote international cooperation improve international relations, while the failure of Disaster Relief Diplomacy will lead to international conflict, triggering an international crisis; similarly, the current international relations will also affect the effectiveness of Disaster Relief Diplomacy, particularly to carry out international Disaster Relief Diplomacy. If the international cooperation has a positive impact on Disaster Relief Diplomacy, the cooperation between countries will be easier, including disaster relief cooperation and its expanded cooperation; and if the international conflict has a negative impact on Disaster Relief Diplomacy, the cooperation between countries will be difficult to start or be greatly reduced, and even aggravate international conflicts.
     The main factors affecting the Disaster Relief Diplomacy include:first, a country's overall foreign policy. Disaster Relief Diplomacy is an important form of non-traditional diplomacy, but it must serve the country's overall diplomacy; second, the current state of international relations, especially the current relationship between the affected countries and donor countries, international relations under conflict will have a negative effect on Disaster Relief Diplomacy; third, the impact of disasters on the affected countries; fourth, the affected country's capacity to respond to disasters. If it is beyond the capacity of the affected countries, but badly needs disaster relief, the choice of Disaster Relief Diplomacy of the affected countries will be greatly reduced; fifth, the international aid and rescue capabilities of the donor country, including economic power, military power, international relief institutional mechanisms and so on. If it is beyond the capability of a country to respond to disaster relief, it will seriously affect the their choice of Disaster Relief Diplomacy. The United States has super power, with remarkable performance in disaster relief diplomacy. Depending on global military layout, USA can quickly be involved in international disaster relief, and Disaster Relief Diplomacy can be flexibly expanded according to the national interests of the United States. For some small countries, due to the limited strength, incomparable with the United States and other major powers,the choice of adopting Disaster Relief Diplomacy is very limited.
     In1980China began to accept international aid, and at that time China's Disaster Relief Diplomacy had a slow progress. Entering the1990s, the "International Decade" as an opportunity, China actively participated in international disaster relief. In the21st century, China has made great progress in Disaster Relief Diplomacy, especially the2004Indian Ocean tsunami, China launched the largest foreign aid in its history and conducted a successful Disaster Relief Diplomacy as a donor country. The earthquake in China in2008, as an affected country, China accepted the full forms of international assistance from accepting supplies to accept international rescue teams involved in disaster relief teams to the affected areas, which launched comprehensive Disaster Relief Diplomacy.
     China's Disaster Relief Diplomacy varies according to the change of Chinese diplomacy. Firstly, selecting the target countries on foreign aid has changed from the socialist-oriented countries to disaster affected countries and their ability to be the main consideration. Secondly, China's Disaster Relief Diplomacy has become more flexible and open. Thirdly, China's Disaster Relief Diplomacy has changed from material-oriented assistance to the combination of the material assistance with humanitarian aid.
     This paper mainly argues the present situation, assessment and outlook of China's Disaster Relief Diplomacy. The main forms of China's Disaster Relief Diplomacy include solidarity condolences, consultation and cooperation, disaster relief exercises and supporting for disaster relief. The main mechanisms of China's Disaster Relief Diplomacy include the United Nations disaster relief cooperation mechanism, regional mechanism (Asia disaster relief cooperation mechanism), sub-regional mechanisms (the mechanism of East Asia and the Shanghai Cooperation relief cooperation mechanism), trilateral mechanisms (Sino-Russia-India disaster relief cooperation mechanism,Sino-Japan-ROK disaster relief cooperation mechanism) and bilateral mechanisms (including China and the affected countries, China and the donor countries, China and non-affected countries). Implementation of China's Disaster Relief Diplomacy promoted China's national image, deepened cooperation between China and neighboring countries, and broadened the horizons of the Chinese global diplomacy. But there are also some obstacles, including imperfect legal mechanism, technical equipment imperfections and interference of political factors. In order to better promote Disaster Relief Diplomacy, China needs to create the right conditions, including the development of the theory, construction and improvement of mechanisms, and equipment and options of international disaster relief hardware. In terms of schemes of strategies, China will consider disaster relief cooperation as an opportunity to build a communication platform, to improve international relations, and to enhance national power (especially national soft power). Therefore, China should actively adopt disaster relief diplomacy, seek the right to speak for disaster relief diplomacy, and plan the layout on a global scale.
① Ilan Kelman, "Acting on Disaster Diplomacy", Journal of International Affairs, Spring/Summer 2006, vol.59, no.2.
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    ① "Greek-Turkish Rapprochement:The Impact of Disaster Diplomacy'?"by James Ker-Lindsay in Kelman and Koukis (2000)
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    ⑤ N. Emel Ganapati, Ilan Kelman and Theodore Koukis:"Analysing Greek-Turkish disaster-related cooperation:A disaster diplomacy perspective", Cooperation and Conflict,2010.
    ⑥ Ilan Kelman, "Acting on Disaster Diplomacy", Journal of International Affairs, Spring/Summer 2006, vol.59, no. 2.
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    ① Ilan Kelman, "Disaster diplomacy:Can tragedy help build bridges among countries?", UCAR Quarterly, Fall 2007, p.6.
    ② Ilan Kelman, "Acting on Disaster Diplomacy", Journal of International Affairs, Spring/Summer 2006, vol.59, no.2.
    ③ Gaillard, Kelman and Grillos, "US-Philippines Military Relations After the Mt Pinatubo Eruption in 1991:A Disaster Diplomacy Perspective", EJEAS,8.2 (2009) 301-330。
    ① [英]杰夫·贝里奇著,庞中英译:《外交:理论与实践》,北京人学出版社,2005年版。
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    ② G.R. Berridge and Alan James, A Dictionary of Diplomacy, New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2003, pp.255-256.
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    ⑤ 资料来源:《联合国秘书长潘基文访问中国地震灾区汶川映秀镇》,《中国新闻网》2008年05月24日14:53.参见网址:
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    ② Ilan Kelman, "Acting on Disaster Diplomacy", Journal of International Affairs, Spring/Summer 2006, vol.59, no.2.
    ① Ilan Kelman, "Acting on Disaster Diplomacy", Journal of International Affairs, Spring/Summer 2006, vol.59, no.2.
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    ② 亚洲备灾中心(Asian Disaster Preparedness Central,ADPC,以下简称备灾中心)是一个地区性的备灾中心,主要工作目标是减少亚洲及太平洋地区的自然灾害,以维护社会的安全与持续发展。备灾中心创立于1986年,是亚洲及太平洋地区在增进灾害认知及地方政府制度化灾害管理能力的一个重要信息中心。备灾中心与各国和地方政府通力合作对灾害做出回应并制订有关减灾政策。
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    ① 本文指广义的东亚,包括东北亚5国和东盟,它们是中国(包括中国港澳台地区)、日本、韩国、朝鲜、蒙古、印尼、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国、文莱、越南、老挝、缅甸和柬埔寨。
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    ② 资料来源:国际灾害数据库。
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    ① 国家自然灾害救助应急预案,2006年1月10日。
    ② 民政部自然灾害救助应急工作规程,2008年3月11日。 /20080500015846.shtml.
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    ④ 根据柴观珍,麻书涛:《建国以来我国接受国际救灾援助政策的演变及经验教训》,《衡阳师范学院学报》,2010年第4期等资料整理。
    ⑤ 参见孙绍聘:《中国救灾制度研究》,商各印书馆,2004年版,第140页。
    ⑥ 詹奕嘉:《唐山大地震后30年》,《世界知识》2006年第14期,第20页。
    ① United States Government Accountability Office, Hurricane Katrina:Comprehensive Policies and Procedures Are Needed to Ensure Appropriate Use of and Accountability for International Assistance U.S. Doc. No. GAO-06-460
    ② 姜世波:《国际救灾法:一个正在形成的国际法律部门》,《科学经济社会》2012年第2期。See Victoria Bannon et al, Legal Issues from the International Response to the Tsunami in Thailand (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies 2006), pp.12-15; see also International Federation Sri Lanka Study, supra note 1, at 8-9.
    ③ Presentation of Johannes Richert, Head of National and International Cooperation Division, German Red Cross, to the European Forum on Disaster Response Laws, Rules and Principles (IDRL), Antalya, Turkey,25-26 May 2006.另见:姜世波:《国际救灾法:一个正在形成的国际法律部门》,《科学经济社会》2012年3月。
    ④ 魏华林:《中国雪灾损失与保险补偿问题研究》,《保险研究》2008年第3期。
    ⑤ 宋秀琚:《国际合作理论:批判与建构》,世界知识出版社,2006年11月版。
    ⑥ Victoria Bannon et al, Legal Issues from the International Response to the Tsunami in Sri Lanka (Internationa] Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies 2006), p.12; Victoria Bannon et al, Legal Issues from the International Response to the Tsunami in Indonesia (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies 2007), pp.20-22.
    ① 杨亚非:《广西北部湾经济区推进中国与东盟加强防灾减灾国际合作的战略选择》,《东南亚纵横》2012年第11期。
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    ④ 《东盟灾难处置和危机应对协定》,第3条第1款。
    ① Hans Morgenthau, "A Political Theory of Foreign Aid", American Political Science Review,56,2. June 1962, pp.301-309; Kenneth Waltz, Theory of International Politics, New York:Random House,1979, p.200.另见:施爱国:《印度洋海啸灾难与国际人道主义援助》,《国际论坛》2005年第3期。
    ② Ilan Kelman:Acting On Disaster Diplomacy, Journal of International Affairs, Spring/Summer 2006, vol.59, no.2.
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    ① 对外援助一般包括对外发展援助、紧急人道主义援助和军事援助等不同性质的援助。现实主义国际政治理论家汉斯·摩根索曾经将对外援助细化为人道主义援助、生存援助、军事援助、名望援助、贿赂、经济发展援助六种基本的对外援助形式See Hans Morgenthau, "A Political Theory of Foreign Aid", American Political Science Review,56,2. June 1962,p.301;另一研究对外援助的知名学者澳拉乌·斯多克则专门针对20世纪80年代以前由西方发达国家主导的国际发展援助,依据一种“国家内部因素外化理论”将其界定为人道主义、现实主义以及激进主义的三种国际主义。在斯多克那里,人道主义的国际主义从人道关怀出发,感到对于国界以外的人类苦难负有责任,希望福利国家的理想与实践能够跨国界延伸;现实主义的国际主义不主张干预他国内政,主张为了本国的私利而提供发展援助;激进主义的国际主义主张通过外援,积极输出包括价值观在内的意识形态,从而保证外援政策能够更加有效地为扩展国家利益服务。See Olav Stoke(ed.),Western Middle Powers and Global Poverty, The Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, Uppsala,1989.
    ③ 管文虎主编:《国家形象论》,电子科技大学出版社,1999年版,第23页。
    ① 张海波、童星:《巨灾救助的理论检视与政策适应——以“南方雪灾”和“汶川地震”为案例》,《社会科学》2012年第2期。另见:Russell R. Dynes, E. L. Quarantelli and Gary A. Kreps,3rd edition, A Perspective on Disaster Planning, Paper Series#11 of Delaware University Disaster Research Center, May 1981.
    ① 王缉思:《中美竞争,看谁先变增长方式》,载《环球时报》,2010年2月12日。另见:杨鲁慧:《环境外交中的国家意志与公共政策协调》,《世界经济与政治》2010年第3期。
    ② 杨洁勉:《中国特色外交的实践自觉和理论自觉》,《外交评论(外交学院学报)》2012年2月。“四点布局”是:大国是关键、周边是首要、发展中国家是基础、多边是重要舞台。“五大兼顾”是:国别/地区和领域、国家行为体和非国家行为体、传统和非传统安全、具体合作和体系建设、维权和维稳等方而的平衡与兼顾。
    ③ 杨洁篪:《新形势下中国外交理论和实践创新》,《求是》2013年第16期。作者为国务委员、中央外办主任。
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    ② 杨洁篪:《新形势下中国外交理论和实践创新》,《求是》2013年第16期。作者为国务委员、中央外办主任。
    ③ 朱锋:《中国特色的国际关系与外交理论创新研究——新议程、新框架、新挑战》,《国际政治研究》2009年第2期。另见:"The New World Order:How China Sees the World?", Economist, March 21,2009, Minxin Pei and Jonathan Anderson Debate Beijing's Rise, "Are China's Fifteen Minutes Up?", The National Interest, No.1000, March/April 2009,pp.13-30,Susan L. Shirk, China:Fragile Superpower, How China's Internal Politics Could Derail Its Peaceful Rise, Oxford:Oxford University Press,2008.
    ④ Ibrahim Mohamed Shaluf, "Disaster types", Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol.16 No.5,2007 pp. 704-717.
    ① 杨洁勉:《中国特色外交理论体系精髓和创新发展》,《毛泽东邓小平理论研究》2012年第7期。
    ② SAGE, "Codes and Declarations:Code of conduct for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in disaster relief, Nurs Ethics,19963:268。http://nej.sagepub. com/content/3/3/268.citation
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    ② 艾有福、徐保风:《论突发性灾害救济的公共伦理原则》,《桂海论丛》2004年第1期。
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    ④ 杨洁勉:《中国特色外交的实践自觉和理论自觉》,《外交评论》2012年第1期。
    ① Scott L. Kastner, "Global Implications of China's Rise", International Studies Review, Vol.10,No.4,2008, pp.786-794;Christopher A. McNally, China's Emergent Political Economy:Capitalism in the Dragon's Lair, London:Loutledge,2008;Jeffrey Lewis, The Minimum Means of Reprisal:China's Search for Security in Nuclear Age, Cambridge:MIT Press,2007; A very Goldstein, Rising to the Challenge:China's Grand Strategy and International Security, Stanford, Calif:Stanford University Press,2005; A Lastair Lain Johnston, "Is China a Status Quo Power?", International Security, Vol.27,No.4, Spring,2003, pp.5-56.
    ① 王缉思:《中国国际战略研究的视角转换》《中国国际战略评论2008》北京:世界知识出版社2008年版,第1-10页;王逸舟:《中国外交新高地》北京:中国社会科学出版社2008年版,第135-153页。
    ② 王毅:《探索中国特色大国外交之路》,《国际问题研究》2013年第4期。本文为外交部长王毅2013年6月27日在第二届世界和平论坛午餐会上的演讲。
    ③ 杨洁勉:《中国特色外交的实践自觉和理论自觉》,《外交评论》2012年第1期。对上述各种观念和理念的总结,参见秦亚青《关于构建中国特色理论的若干思考》,《外交评论》2008年第1期,杨洁勉《改革开放30年的中国外交和理论创黝,《国际问题研究》2008年第6期,杨洁勉《试论和平发展观的发展和挑助,《现代国际关系》2011年第5期。
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    ② 中华人民共和国国土资源部:《2012中国国土资源公报》,2013年4月。
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    ⑥ 根据张海滨:《应对气候变化:中日合作与中美合作比较研究》,《世界经济与政治》2009年第1期等资料整编。
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    ① ECAFE, Committee for Coordination of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in Asia Offshore Areas, CCOP Technical Bulletin, Vol.2,1969,p.2.
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    ① Joseph Santolan, "Tensions Escalate over the South China Sea".
    ② U.S. Defense Spending and East Asian Security, Asia defense. Aspx pp.94-95.
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    ① 图4.14和图4.15来自屈彩云:《宏观与微观视角下的日本环境ODA研究及对中国的启示》,《东北亚论坛》2013年第3期。
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    ⑥ 根据丁金光、史卉《中美环境外交的回顾与展望》,《现代国际关系》2010年第4期等资料整理。
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    ⑤ Femi Akomolafe, "No One Is Laughing at the Asians Anymore," New African, No.452,2006, pp.48-50.
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    ③ 中华人民共和国国土资源部:《2012中国国土资源公报》,2013年4月。
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