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     1.对永生化山羊子宫内膜上皮细胞( hTERT-EECs )和子宫内膜基质细胞(hTERT-ESCs)进行生物学特性检测。结果显示细胞生长状态良好,保持正常细胞的特性:具有血清依赖性和接触抑制性,无悬浮生长能力和致瘤能力,染色体数目和形态符合山羊染色体的特征。
Endometrial is a dynamic hormone response organization, what is undergoing continuous cycle, including proliferation, differentiation and repair. The combined effects of progesterone (P_4) and 17β-estrogen (E_2) make the endometrial cells changed in morphology and biological characteristics in the gestation period. This change displays not only in morphology but also in the activation of proliferation and secretion. This study tried to reveal the role of the endometrial cells on the endocrine-immune regulation in local uterus by detecting these cells’effect on activation and function of lymphocyte. We used the immortalized goat endometrial stroma cells (hTERT-ESCs) and endometrial epithelial cells (hTERT-EECs) to establish a model in vitro. MTT assay was used to detect endometrial cells’growth curves and evaluate the effection of E_2 and P_4 on their proliferation. And on the basis of above, the effect of the interaction between hTERT-ESCs and hTERT-EECs, that of endometrial cells and peripheral blood lymphocyte was detected by ELISA method, and the role of E_2 and P_4 on the secretion function of these cells was also detected by ELISA.
     1. The biological characteristics of hTERT-ESCs and hTERT-EECs which established and kept in our lab were detected, and the result showed the cells were in good condition maintaining normal cellular characters, such as serum dependence, contact inhibition, chromosome number and morphology, and no suspension growth and tumorigenicity.
     2. Detected the effect of E_2 and P_4 on proliferation of the endometrial cells, and found that hTERT-EECs and hTERT-ESCs could growth faster under the treatment of E_2, while P_4 made the cells proliferate slowly what was indicated that E_2 could promote the cells’growth, but P_4 inhibited it.
     3. The effect of E_2 and P_4 on secretion of the endometrial cells studied. The result displayed when hTERT-EECs was single-cultured, E_2 made the contents of TNF-αand IL-2 in the culture solution reduced; IFN-γcontent increased and IL-4 lessened with P_4; and the combined action of E_2/P_4 made IL-2 reduce.
     When hTERT-ESCs was single-cultured, E_2 made IFN-γreduce; E_2/P_4 made TNF-αand IFN-γincrease; but single P_4 had no effect on these cytokines.
     When hTERT-ESCs and hTERT-EECs were coculture, the content of TNF-αin hTERT-EECs culture solution was reduced by E_2 and P_4 made TNF-αand IL-2 reduce; while the coactions of E_2/P_4 made TNF-αand IL-2 reduce but IL-4 increase. For hTERT-ESCs now, only E_2/P_4 combined action made IFN-γincrease.
     4. Detected the influence of E_2 and P_4 between the endometrial cells and PBL, the result was that when hTERT-EECs was cultured with PBL, E_2 made IL-2 and TNF-αof hTERT-EECs decrease; P_4 made IL-2, IFN-γand TNF-αreduce. Meanwhile TNF-αof PBL was reduced with or without gonad hormone.
     When hTERT-ESCs were cultured with PBL, the cytokines of hTERT-ESCs had no obviously changed regardless of E_2 or P_4. And for PBL, E_2 made IL-2 reduce; P_4 reduced the four cytokines; the combined action of E_2/P_4 made IL-2 and IL-4 reduce; and without hormone the TNF-αalso reduced.
     When hTERT-ESCs, hTERT-EECs and PBL were cocultured, IL-2, IFN-γand IL-4 of hTERT-ESCs were increased without E_2 or P_4. And the treatment by E_2 or P_4 all made IL-2 of hTERT-ESCs increased, but TNF-αwas reduced with E_2 and P_4 together. The change in hTERT-EECs was single E_2 or P_4 made TNF-αlessen, single P_4 made IFN-γreduced and IL-2 increased under the coactions of E_2 and P_4. And for PBL, the cocultures with the endometrial cells made TNF-αof PBL reduce whether the hormone appeared or not. While IL-2 also reduced when single P_4 and coactions of E_2 and P_4.
     This test indicate that E_2 and P_4 regulate the proliferation and secretion function of endometrial cells, and also effect the interaction of endometrial cells and peripheral blood lymphocyte. It would contribute to understand the endocrine-immunoregulation in the local uterus and the embryos implanted mechanism, and could provide new thought and method for the preventive treatment of reproductive obstacle disease resulted by immune factors.
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