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     3、 CGI-58肠道特异性敲除APCmin/+小鼠用于研究肠道肿瘤发生发展。
     EDA通过维持CD133+/CD44+结肠癌亚群细胞的特性促进结肠癌恶性表型,Integrin/FAK/ERK信号途径介导的Wnt/β-catenin通路激活是EDA促进结肠癌“干性”特征的重要分子机制。结肠癌细胞分泌型EDA通过与淋巴管内皮细胞整合素受体Integrinα9相互作用促进出芽诱导因子Prox1的表达和细胞微丝蛋白的极性排列,显著促进淋巴管内皮细胞的迁移、出芽和成管。血管内皮细胞分泌型EDA通过诱导结肠癌细胞发生上皮-间质转化促进结肠癌的侵袭转移,FAK/Src/Snail信号途径介导了血管内皮细胞分泌型EDA与结肠癌细胞表面integrinα9β1受体相互作用促进细胞EMT和侵袭转移的效应。此外,鼻咽癌组织中EDA促进细胞放射抵抗,FAK/Akt/JNK信号途径介导了EDA对鼻咽癌放疗敏感性的影响。此外,我们的研究还表明,EDA可显著调控脂代谢相关基因CGI-58的表达。利用基因芯片对EDA过表达和对照细胞进行比较筛查发现,EDA过表达细胞中葡萄糖转运蛋白GLUT1及多种糖酵解关键酶显著上调,而脂代谢相关基因比较基因组学鉴定蛋白58(CGI-58)表达明显收到抑制。Western blots检测进一步验证发现,EDA过表达细胞中CGI-58蛋白表达水平显著下降。
     3. GI-58缺失诱导YAP/TAZ核转位激活Wnt信号通路。
     4. CGI-58缺失诱导黑色素瘤细胞去分化而促进其侵袭转移能力
     The etiology of cancer attributes to both genetic and environmental factors. Numerousevidence has been indicating the critical role of tumor microenvironment in regulatingcancer pathogenesis, but the underlying mechanism remains elusive. Cancer cells interactwith their extracellular matrix (ECM) during proliferation and migration. Fibronectin is animportant ECM glycoprotein in tumor microenvironment with several alternatively splicedvariants, including extra domain A (EDA). Previous studies have reported that theexpression levels of EDA are associated with the malignancy in several cancers, includingcolon cancer (CRC) as well as head and neck cancer, but the precise effect and molecularmechanism is still unknown.
     Metabolic reprogramming is a hallmark of malignant tumors. Many oncogenes andtumor suppressor genes have positioned at critical nodes of important metabolic networks,and their activities are hyper-responsive to metabolic perturbations. Additionally, inborn oracquired mutations of several metabolic enzymes are associated with development andprogression of several types of cancer, highlighting important roles of altered cellmetabolism in cancer etiology. A distinct metabolic phenotype possess during thedevelopment and progression of cancer, which is weakly associated with cancer subtype,but more strongly associated with tumor microenvironment-derived signature. Glycolyticbreakdown of glucose for ATP production in the presence of ample oxygen to fuelmitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation is a characteristic metabolic reprogramming inmultiple malignant tumors, and is known as “Warburg effect”. Although the Warburg effecthas been demonstrated to critically contribute to cancer pathogenesis, it is largely unknownhow cancer cells shift their energy metabolism to aerobic glycolysis.
     It has been revealed that tumor microenvironment is involved in regulating tumor metabolic reprogramming. Therefore, we presumed that EDA may play an important role infacilitating the development an progression of cancer via manipulating metabolicreprogramming. In this study, we established both full length form and shRNA formplasmid of EDA, transfected them into CRC cells, endothelial cells and nasopharyngealcarcinoma (NPC) cells, and the effect of EDA on the cancrt pathogenesis was investigated.In addition, we identified the lipid metabolism associated gene, CGI-58as a critical targetof EDA, and further used CGI-58intestine-specific knockout ApcMin/+mice,CGI-58-silenced and CGI-58-forced cells, and human CRC and melanoma tissues to revealthe novel role of CGI-58as a tumor suppressor in CRC and melanoma, and also as a switchof “Warburg effect”.
     Wnt signaling critically contributes to the development and progression of CRC, and isthe driven cause of the tumorigenesis of ApcMin/+mice. We further revealed the underlyingmechanism of the activation of Wnt signaling in the absence of CGI-58.
     To further investigate the casual role of CGI-58as a tumor suppressor, we checked thedatabase of Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC), and found that anotherstriking frequent loss is reported in tumors derived from nervous system. Melanoma is acommon type of nervous system-derived cancer displaying highly aggressive malignancy.Little is known about the mechanism underlying the highly aggressive behavior ofmelanoma. It was shown that another lipolytic enzyme, MAGL, promots invasion andmetastasis of multiple cancers, including melanoma. Due to the abundant expression ofCGI-58in normal skin and the striking phenotype of skin lesions in CGI-58deficientpatients, we then throw an appreciation in investigating the potential role of CGI-58inmelanoma pathogenesis.
     To investigate the molecular mechanism underlying the oncogenic role of EDA incancer pathogenesis; To reveal the novel tumor suppressor role of EDA associatedmetabolic gene CGI-58in the development and progression of CRC, and further identifythe casual role of CGI-58as a tumor suppressor in regulating the differentiation ofmelanoma.
     Materials and methods:
     1. Tissue chips consisting of human CRC and melanoma specimens and human normal colon tissues were used for statistical analysis of clinicopathological features;
     2. EDA or CGI-58manipulations in cells were established by lentiviral particles;
     3. Intestine-specific CGI-58knockout mice were generated by mating CGI-58-floxedmice with B6.SJL-Tg(Vil-cre)977Gum/J mice, followed by crossing CGI-58f/+/Vil-cremicewith CGI-58f/+mice to get homozygous CGI-58floxed mice with Vil-cre transgene,
     1. EDA promotes the pathogenesis of CRC as well as NPC
     We found that tumor tissue and serum EDA levels are substantially higher in advancedversus early stage human CRC, and EDA levels are significantly correlated with the clinicalfeatures of CRC patients. We further demonstrated that EDA sustains the properties ofCD133+/CD44+CRC cells via activating integrin/FAK/ERK pathway to driveWnt/β-catenin signaling. Furthermore, we assert that CRC cell-derived EDA significantlyfacilitates migration, sprouting and tubulogenesis of co-cultured lymphatic endothelial cells,indicating an important role of EDA in lymphangiogenesis of CRC. Intriguingly, we alsofound that endothelial cell-secreted-EDA promotes the metastatic capacity CRC cells viainducing an epithelial-mesenchymal-transition (EMT). In addition, our findingsdemonstrated that EDA levels are significantly correlated with the clinical features of NPCpatients. EDA substantially aggravates the radioresistance of NPC cells, and FAK/Akt/JNKsignaling was found to be a critical signaling mediating EDA function in regulating NPCradiosensitivity. Very impressively, we revealed that EDA suppresses a well establishedintracellular lipolytic activator, Comparative Gene Identification-58(CGI-58).
     2. CGI-58deficiency promotes CRC development and metastasis by inducingaerobic glycolysis.
     Extensive loss of CGI-58is a hallmark of CRCs and is significantly correlated with theclinical features of CRCs. Silencing of CGI-58in normal fibroblasts induces malignanttransformation. Intestine-specific knockout of CGI-58in ApcMin/+mice robustly increasestumorigenesis and malignant transformation of adenomatous polyps. In colon cancer cells,CGI-58deficiency induces epithelial-mesenchymal transition by suppressing theAMPKα-p53pathway, which is attributable to increased aerobic glycolysis. In humanCRCs, CGI-58expression falls substantially and correlates negatively with malignantfeatures. Our study is the first to link CGI-58to CRC pathogenesis. It suggests that cancer cells may develop aerobic glycolysis by suppressing CGI-58-mediated intracellularlipolysis.
     3. CGI-58deficiency activates Wnt signaling in CRC via inducing the nucleartranslocation of YAP/TAZ independent of β-catenin.
     The phenotype of CGI-58knockout in ApcMin/+mice indicates an activation of Wntsignaling, we then sought to explore the underlying molecular mechanism. Wnt/β-catenin isa classic signaling involved in CRC development and progression. We found that theexpression and the translocation of β-catenin showed no changes in CGI-58deficient cells,while the expression and the translocation of YAP/TAZ were substantially increased inCGI-58deficient cells. Furthermore, the protein-protein interaction between CGI-58/ADRPand YAP/TAZ was demonstrated to mediate the activation of Wnt signaling in CGI-58deficient CRC cells.
     4. Melanoma silences CGI-58to promote invasion capacity via inducing celldedifferentiation
     The expression level of CGI-58is significantly correlated with the clinical features ofmelanoma. Aggressive melanoma cells showed substantially lower expression of CGI-58relative to non-aggressive melanoma cells. CGI-58deficiency induced reprogramming oflysophophatidic acid metabolism and the activation of Wnt5A signaling mediate thededifferentiation of melanoma cells, and therefore increased their metastatic capacity.
     1. Both CRC cell derived-EDA and endothelial cell derived-EDA significantlypromote the pathogenesis of CRC. EDA/integrin signaling are substantially attributable tothe malignancy of CRC, and may be potential specific targets in CRC therapy. EDA alsostrongly aggravates the radiosensitivity of NPC cells, and FAK/Akt/JNK signaling wasfound to critically mediates EDA effect on NPC radiosensitivity. EDA substantiallysuppresses the expression of a well-established cellular lipolytic activator, CGI-58
     2. CGI-58deficiency robustly induces tumorigenesis and malignant transformation bypromoting aerobic glycolysis, highlighting a key role of blockade of cellular fat catabolismin driving cancer development and progression, and revealing the switch role of CGI-58inWarburg effect. The strong negative correlation between CGI-58expression levels andmalignant features of human colorectal carcinomas suggest that CGI-58and the associated metabolites may serve as biomarkers for colorectal cancer metastasis and prognosis.
     3.CGI-58deficiency induced Wnt activation is YAP/TAZ translocation dependentinstead of β-catenin dependent. Our findings showed a novel correlation between lipolyticgene and Wnt signaling.
     4. CGI-58plays a casual tumor suppressor role in melanoma. CGI-58deficiencyinduces dedifferentiation of melanoma cells via triggering LPA metabolic reprogramming toactivate Wnt5A signaling, and critically contributes to the invasion and metastasis capacityof melanoma.
     5.Collectively our results establish a regulatory network between tumormicrocnviroment and tumor metabolism to further explain the oncogenic mechanismunderlying the development and progression of cancer.
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    Zhang H1, Bialkowska A, Rusovici R,et al. Lysophosphatidic acid facilitates proliferation of colon cancer cells viainduction of Krüppel-like factor5. J Biol Chem.(2007)282:15541-15549.
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    1. Tennant DA, Duran RV, Gottlieb E. Targeting metabolic transformation for cancertherapy. Nat Rev Cancer (2010)10:267-77.
    2. Sebastián C, Zwaans BM, Silberman DM, et al. The histone deacetylase SIRT6is atumor suppressor that controls cancer metabolism.Cell (2012)151:1185-99.
    3. Furuta E, Okuda H, Kobayashi A, et al. Metabolic genes in cancer: their roles in tumorprogression and clinical implications. Biochim Biophys Acta (2010)1805:141-52.
    4. Cairns RA, Harris IS, Mak TW. Regulation of cancer cell metabolism. Nat Rev Cancer(2011)11:85-95.
    5. Kaelin WG, Jr., Thompson CB. Q&A: Cancer: clues from cell metabolism. Nature(2010)465:562-4.
    6. Vander Heiden MG, Cantley LC, Thompson CB. Understanding the Warburg effect: themetabolic requirements of cell proliferation. Science (2009)324:1029-33.
    7. Yecies JL, Manning BD. Chewing the fat on tumor cell metabolism. Cell(2010)140:28-30.
    8. Menendez JA. Fine-tuning the lipogenic/lipolytic balance to optimize the metabolicrequirements of cancer cell growth: molecular mechanisms and therapeuticperspectives. Biochim Biophys Acta (2010)1801:381-91.
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    11. Lass, A., Zimmermann, R., Haemmerle, G., et al. Adipose triglyceride lipase-mediatedlipolysis of cellular fat stores is activated by CGI-58and defective in Chanarin-Dorfman Syndrome. Cell Metab (2006)3:309-9.
    12. Gabriela Montero-Moran, Jorge M. Caviglia, Derek McMahon, et al. CGI-58/ABHD5is a coenzyme A-dependent lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase. J Lipid Res(2010)51:709-19.
    13. Zhang H1, Bialkowska A, Rusovici R,et al. Lysophosphatidic acid facilitatesproliferation of colon cancer cells via induction of Krüppel-like factor5. J Biol Chem.(2007)282:15541-9.
    14. Chuang, C. C., Yang, R. S., Tsai, K. S., et al. Hyperglycemia enhances adipogenicinduction of lipid accumulation: involvement of extracellular signal-regulated proteinkinase1/2, phosphoinositide3-kinase/Akt, and peroxisome proliferator-activatedreceptor gamma signaling. Endocrinology (2007)148:4267-4275.

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