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     首先,研究了盐度突变和渐变过程中含水介质的渗透性变化和不同粘土矿物(高岭土、蒙脱石)对含水介质渗透性的影响,并结合粘土矿物在盐度突变过程中物理形态和化学性质的变化情况,应用胶体化学和界面化学理论对咸淡水过渡带水敏感性的机理进行了探讨。然后,深入分析了咸淡水过渡带水敏感性的影响因素,包括临界流速、临界盐浓度、临界盐浓度递减率、临界离子强度和pH值等。此外,针对水敏感性发生过程中大量微粒释放、迁移的现象,首次对水敏感性影响下重金属污染物和有机污染物去除的可行性进行了研究。最后,结合大沽河下游地下咸水体修复的工程实例,充分考虑咸淡水界面含水层的水敏感性,应用地下水模拟软件(Visual-MODFLOW Pro 3.1)对咸水恢复方案进行了数值分析。
     含水介质微粒释放试验表明:淡水和海水流速分别超过90m/d和55m/d时,水流剪切应力也会导致微粒释放,但释放量非常有限;NaCl溶液引起微粒释放的临界盐浓度为0.06±0.005mol/L,临界盐浓度递减率为0.012 mol/L;Ca2+的存在对微粒释放过程具有很强的抑制作用,溶液中Ca2+摩尔百分数为5%和10%时,引起微粒释放的临界离子强度分别为0.02mol/L与0.007mol/L,远低于NaCl溶液的临界盐浓度;pH值对微粒释放影响明显,酸性条件下微粒释放时间短,释放累积量少,碱性条件下,微粒释放时间长,微粒释放累积量大。
     微粒释放去除污染物试验表明:含水介质中的重金属污染物(二价汞离子)和有机污染物(苯酚),在水流淋洗和释放微粒携带作用下,分别有89.77%和85.71%和污染物迁移出砂柱,其中,因微粒释放而去除的污染物分别占59.5%和30.0 %。
Basing on the investigations of the natural geography, geology and hydrogeology conditions downstream the Dagu River, combining with the collecting, processing, chemical composition and physical properties analyzing of the samples( sand sample, water sample and clay mineral), the water sensitivity of the seawater-freshwater transition zone and its applications are studied by laboratory batch and column experiments in this paper.
     At first, the variation of the permeability for the aquifer’s media during abrupt and gradual salinity decrease processes is studied. At the same time, with the changes of clay minerals’physical forms and chemical properties during abrupt salinity decrease, the mechanism that different clay minerals (kaolin and smectite) have different influences on the permeability of porous media in salinity decrease process is explored and explained according to colloid and surface chemistry theories. Then, the impacting factors on the water sensitivity, such as critical fluid velocity ,critical salt concentration, critical ratio of salinity decrease, critical ionic strength and pH etc. are analyzed deeply. In addition, for first time, a feasibility study on heavy metal and organic pollutants’removal by the process of particle release and transfer is researched. Finally, combining with the engineer example of saline water resumption downstream the Dagu River, under the consideration of water sensitivity, the resumption scheme (pumping scheme) is simulated by the groundwater simulation soft-Visual-MODFLOW 3.1.
     The replacing experiments of freshwater and seawater indicate that abrupt salinity decrease will result in obvious water sensitivity in the aquifer media with the permeability’s rapidly and drastically decline and hydraulic conductivity decreased by 80.9%.But, in the gradual salinity(seawater ,50% seawater and 50% groundwater, 10% seawater and 90% groundwater, 5% seawater and 95% groundwater, and groundwater replacing in turn) decrease experiments, the permeability declines slowly and the hydraulic conductivity only decreases by 36%.
     Clay minerals’influence experiments on water sensitivity indicate that, during abrupt salinity process,the hydraulic conductivity of the sand column decreases from 0.81 m/d to 0.39 m/d when the weight content of kaolin increases from 1.5% to 12%, and the hydraulic conductivity decreases from 10-8cm/s to 0cm/s when the weight content of smectite increases from 3% to 4%. Photos scanning by electron microscopy show that most of the kaolin minerals are in a decentralized state and stack loosely together which attach to the pore wall or as the filling in the sand pores, but for the smectite minerals, crystal swelling and flocculation effects result in the form of a large amount of the micelle, which mostly block in the pores and bring about the hydraulic conductivity decrease by logarithmic grade.
     Particle release experiments show that the fluid shear stress can lead to the occurring of release phenomenon when the fluid velocity of seawater and freshwater is over 90m/d and 55m/d respectively, and there are only few particles released. For the NaCl solution, its critical salt concentration which can cause particle release is 0.06±0.005mol/L, and the critical ratio of salinity decrease is 0.012 mol/L. Ca2+ has a strong restraining effect on particle release process, for mixed solution of NaCl and CaCl2, the critical ionic strengths which lead to particle release decline to 0.02mol/L and 0.007mol/L when Ca2+ molar percentages are 5% and 10% respectively, which is far below the critical concentration of NaCl solution. Tests also indicate that the pH has significant impact on particle release and the release time and particle quantity is far less at acidic condition than alkaline one.
     Pollutant removal by the particle release experiments show that there are 89.77% of heavy metal pollutant (divalent mercury ion)and 85.71% of organic pollutant (phenol) move out of the sand columns under the effects of water leaching and particulate releasing, where there are 59.5% and 30.0 % pollutants remove due to particle release respectively.
     Numerical simulation results of the resuming schemes (pumping schemes) for underground saline water indicate that, under consideration of water sensitivity of the aquifer, the efficiency of the pumping resume scheme will be improved greatly, and the resuming time shorts by 1/3, the area of residual low concentration seawater body decreases by 81.3% and the total pumping quantity reduces by 20.9%.
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