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Content: Entered the era of the knowledge economy, the rapid development of information society raise the higher demands on the survival and development . "Learning to learn is the the foundation of future survival " has become an indisputable proposition. In order to meet the mission of education entrusted by the times, we must be concerned on the students who are main role of the teaching and the subject of concern in their daily life, temperament. Only through arousing the students sense, and inspired the main spirit of them, and cultivate their capabilities of playing the main role , so that they can develop comprehensively in the teaching process, and lay a solid foundation for their future development. Therefore, our language teaching should comply with the requirements of the main ideas, and introduce activities of education to the teaching of language, promote a new concept of language teaching. In this paper, based on the main teaching and comprehensive teaching of the main theoretical results of the latest research, Discussion of the main content and features, in a bid to build the new models of teaching language, and strive to conduct a comprehensive and objective review of teaching of language standing in a dialectical position. This paper is made of the following four preliminary explorations:
     1.The main segment and brief account of the existing views. Language education situation in China calls for an activities education; International response to the main trends in education reform education; the main goal of China education reform is activities education.
     2.The main source of ideological education, the main content of implementing the main teaching theory. An education in both ancient and modern thinking in caused a widespread concern. The main teaching language is full play the main role in the students a teaching mode, which is the main idea of activities education , and absorb practice theory and epistemology occurred, dialogue, developing teaching philosophy, aesthetics accepted principles.
     3 .The main teaching language implementation. Mainly expounded the main teaching language in the implementation of the value, establish the main teaching language of the implementation strategy. Construction of the main teaching language model and tried to be reflected in reading, writing, oral communication three kinds of courses.
     4.the existing problems of the main teaching language implementation . The main teaching language in the implementation of corrective should be prevented there are three misunderstanding: Language Teaching exist loss of subjectivity, "four" classrooms; The creative writers and the main language of teaching subjectivity are ignored in language teaching; Autonomy, cooperation and the researches of learning language are not the all of the Chinese learning. Activities study, individual learning, acceptance anguage learning are also the important way of learning.
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