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Modern western music can be described as a city culture, and the city lifestyle determines its unique spirit construction. The differences of the music functions, the music style and the status of the musicians in classicism and romanticism period, are related to the different cities which they live. As a cultural style, the western music recorded the process that the strong village relations was replaced by the city relations after human leaved nature into the city, and described in its own way the development of city culture and the character and quality of the residents. It can be said that the research of the history of the western music, had not divorced from the investigation of the city cultural landscape.
     As individuals, human essentially is the existence of city space, and is always busy with the production of the space and places, territories and regions, environment and housing. In the production process of the spaces, the human is always wrapped in a complex relationship with the environment, and itself is a unique space unit. On the one hand, our behaviour and thinking are all the times shaping the space around us, but at the same time, we live in the collective and social nature, produce a greater space and place. But the human space nature is a product of human motivation and the environment or context. The latitude of the space will disembogue the new mode of the thinking and interpretation to the traditions of marriage of the historic and sociology, and which will help us to think about the consensus, complexity and dependent of the society, history and space, to resurvey the development of the western music in a new dimension.
     In this paper, mainly through the analyze of the different cities in 18 and 19th-century musical development periods, we describe the landscape in city locations of the western music, explore how the music reflects the city souls, and how human create the city culture included the music, and then find out how the city as the natural habitat of the civilized human, plays a central role in development of the music, so as to demonstrate the decisive role of the city culture to the development of music.
[1]Henri Lefebrvre,The Production of Space,1992,pp170,173.
    [1]De la Laurencie,Le Gout musical en France,p6
    [2]"Tom,Jerry,and Logic Making the Most of an Evening in Vauxhall" by Robert and George Cruikshank,from Pierce Egan's Life in London(1821))(《汤姆、杰瑞和罗吉把在沃克舍尔度过大半个夜晚》罗伯特、乔治·克鲁依山科,来自皮尔斯·埃根(1772-1849年)的小说《伦敦生活》,1821。
    [1]《新格洛夫音乐词典》第18册,牛津大学出版社,2001,第417-418页。(The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians,published in twenty-nine volumes by Macmillan Publishers Limitedin the year 2001,Published by Oxford University Press,Inc..
    [2]Hans Engel,Musick und Gesellschaft,28
    [3]Henri Prunieres,L'Opera italien en France avant l.ulli(Paris:Champion,1913)3
    [1]Margaret Mullins,"Dance and Society in the First Half of theEighteenth Century," miscellanea musicological.Adelaide studies in musicology 7(1979)119.
    [2]Henry Prunieres,Le Balle de eour en France avant Benserade et Lully(Paris:H.Laurens,1913)143
    [1]《社会中的音乐:音乐社会学导论》伊沃·苏皮切奇(Ivo supicic)湖南文艺出版社2005 p136
    [2]Manfred F.Bukofzer,Music in the Baroque,395-396
    [3]Louis Striffling,Esquisse d'une historie du gout musical en France au 18siecle,162-163.
    [4]Willian weber,"Mass culture and the Reshaping Of European Musical Taste,1770-1870",6
    [1]Claude Rostand,La musique allemande,72
    [3]圣埃弗勒蒙:letters sur les operas,Oeuvres en prose,Paris:Didier,1066
    [2]安德烈:Essai sur le beau,Prais,1741
    [3]见拉莫:Nouveau systeme de musique theorique,Prais,1722Traite de l' harmonie reduite a ses principes naturels,Prais,1722
    [4]哈金斯:《音乐科学与实践的普通历史》 " A general history of the science and practice of music,London,1776"
    [1]汉斯·亨利希·埃格布雷特(Hans Heinrinch Eggebrecht):《西方音乐》,刘经树译,湖南文艺出版社,2005,第303页。
    [1]见汉斯.亨利希.埃格布雷特(Hans Heihrinch Eggebrecht):《西方音乐》,刘经树译,湖南文艺出版社,2005,第427页
    [1]H.Besseler:Mozart und die Deutche Klassik,Intern.Musikwiss.Kongre βWien-Mozart jahr1956,Kongre βbericht,Wien1958,S.47-54
    [2]恩里科·福比尼(Enrico Fubini):《西方音乐美学史》,修子建译,湖南文艺出版社,2005,第196页。
    [3]歌德,Kunst und Altertum
    [4]恩里科·福比尼(Enrico Fhbini):《西方音乐美学史》,修子建译,湖南文艺出版社,2005,第199页
    [1]Victor Cousin:La societe francaise au ⅩⅦe siecle,4~th.ed.,Ⅱ,296,cited in Michel Brenet,les concerts en france sous l'ancien Regime,40
    [1]参考 Heinrich Besseler's:Das musikalisches Horen der Neuzeit.Berichte uber die Verhandlingen der sachsischen Akademie er Wissenschaft zu Leipzig,Philolgisch-bistorische Klasse,CIV/6,Berlin,1959.
    [2]Kurt Blaukopf:"Historische Typen des musikalischen Horen.Ein Beitrag zur soziologie des musikalischen Verbaltens",354-355
    [3]Michel Brenet,Les Concerts en France sous l' ancien Regime,230
    [4]Marcel Beaufils,Par la musique vers l' obscur,219
    [5]Hans EnRel quotes from his own Franz Liszt(Potsdam:1936)221
    [1]Gunter Kleinen:Jugend und musikalishche Subkultur,13
    [1]汉斯·亨利希·埃格布雷特(Hans Heinrinch Eggebrecht):《西方音乐》,刘经树译.湖南文艺出版社,2005,第628页。
    [3]Louis Bronarski:" La musique de Chopin et la musique de salon",La revue musicale CLXVIII(1936)236
    [1]资料来源于 Marianne Adelmann:" Music Europe",,Paddington Press LTD,1974
    [1]Schonberg,Harold,C.The Great Pianists:from Mozart to the present.NY:Simon & Schuster,1987.36.
    [1]资料来源于 Marianne Adelmann:" Music Europe",,Paddnngton Press LID,1974
    [2]恩里科·福比尼(Enrico Fubini):《西方音乐美学史》,修子建译,湖南文艺出版社,2005,第216-217页
    [1]Barry S.Brook," Piracy and Panacea in the Dissemination of Music in the Late Eighteeth Century," Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association,1975-1976,13
    [2]Cyril Ehrlich:" Economic History and Music",Proceedings of" the Royal Musical Association 103(1976-77)194
    [3]Stig Walin:" Sur les conditions generales de l' internationalisme de Mozart",Les influences etrangeres dans l'oeuvrede W.A.Mozart,coll.Work edited by Andre Verchaly,Prais:C.N.R.S.,1958.
    [1]Barry S.Brook:" The Symphonie Cbncertance:Its Musical and Sociological Bases",IRASM VI/1(1975)19-20
    [1]Hans Engel:" Musik und Gesellschaft.Bausteine zu einer Musiksoziologie" 306
    [1]伊沃·苏皮切奇(Ivo supicic):《社会中的音乐:音乐社会学导论》,周耀群译,湖南文艺出版社,2005,第83页。
    [1]唐纳德·埃格伯特(Donald Egbert):《艺术与政治中的“先锋”观》,载《美国历史评论》,1967.12:343
    [1]岶斯(Octayio Paz):《泥潭里的孩子:从浪漫主义到先锋派现代诗歌》 Children of the Mire:Modern Poetry from Romant icism to the Avant-Garde,Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1974,p149
    伊沃·苏皮切奇(Ivo Supicic):《社会中的音乐:音乐社会学导论》,周耀群译,湖南文艺出版社,2005。
    思里科·福比尼《Enrico Fubini):《西方音乐美学史》,修子建译,湖南文艺出版社,2005。
    Henri Lefebrvre,The Production of Space,1992.
    Henri Prunieres, L' Opera italien en France avant Lulli (Paris: Champion, 1913).
    The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, published in twenty—nine volumes by Macmillan Publishers Limited in the year 2001, Published by Oxford University Press, Inc..
    Margaret Mullins, "Dance and Society in the First Half of theEighteenth Century," miscellanea musicological.Adelaide studies in musicology 7(1975).
    Henry Prunieres, Le Balle de cour en France avant Benserade et Lully(Paris: H. Laurens, 1913).
    Manfred F. Bukofzer,Music in theBaroque.
    Louis Striffling , Esquisse d' une historie du gout musical en France au 18siecle.
    Willian weber," Mass culture and the Reshaping of European Musical Taste,1770-1870".
    H. Besseler:Mozart und die DeutcheKlassik, Intern. Musikwiss. Kongre β Wien-Mozartjahr1956,Kongre β bericht, Wien1958.
    Victor Cousin: La societe francaise au XVIIe siecle, 4th. ed., 11,296, cited in Michel Brenet.Les concerts en france sous l' ancien Regime.
    Heinrich Besseler' s: Das musikalisches Horen der Neuzeit. Berichte uber die Verhandlingen der sachsischen Akademie er Wissenschaft zu Leipzig, Philolgisch-historische Klasse, CIV/6 , Berlin, 1959.
    Kurt Blaukopf: "Historische Typen des musikalischen Horen. Ein Beitrag zur soziologie des musikalischen Verhaltens".
    Hans Engel quotes from his own Franz Liszt (Potsdam: 1936).
    Cunter Kleinen : Jugend und musikalishche Subkultur,13
    Louis Bronarski:" La musique de Chopin et la musique de salon" , La revue musicale CLXVIII 1936.
    Marianne Adelmann:" Music Europe" , Paddington Press LTD, 1974.
    Schonberg, Harold: The Great Pianists: from Mozart to the present. NY: Simon & Schuster, 1987.
    Barry S. Brook," Piracy and Panacea in the Dissemination of Music in the Late Eighteeth Century," Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association, 1975-1976.
    Cyril Ehrlich: " Economic History and Music" ,Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association 103(1976-77).
    Stig Walin:" Sur les conditions generales de l' internationalisme de Mozart" ,Les influences etrangeres dans l' oeuvre de W. A. Mozart, coll. Work edited by Andre Verchaly, Prais: C. N. R. S. ,1958.
    Barry S. Brook: " The Symphonie Concertance: Its Musical and Sociological Bases" , IRASM VI/1 (1975).
    Hans Engel: " Musik und Gesellschaf t. Bausteine zu einer Musiksoziologie", Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association, 1975-1976.
    Octavio Paz : Children of the Mire:Modern Poetry from Romanticism to the Avant-Garde, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1974.

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