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According to the statistics, 80% of China's urban road traffic accidents are caused by artificial factors. Risky merging and lane-changing have become the prominently adverse factors to the urban traffic safety. It attaches great importance in the traffic engineering area to problems such as how to select the characteristic indicators of risky merging and lane-changing, build a quantitative model to define these kinds of behaviors, and further analyze its characteristics based on the statistics. Both domestic and international studies have shown that, to apply statistical methods in analyzing the characteristics of risky driving behaviors has become a key factor to the prevention and control of the risky merging and lane-changing behaviors.
     The risky-driving-behavior extent index system was proposed based on the analysis of the characteristics of the risky drivers. The entropy evaluation model was applied to evaluate the degree of risky behaviors from the perspective of risk, universality and controllability, and further select the remarkable risky behaviors which include risky merging and lane-changing.
     Based on the research results at home and abroad, queuing theory is applied to calculate the expression of traffic flow parameters of merging. According to the video statistics, the indicators of risky merging behaviors were defined based on the cumulative probability distribution, and also the game model between merging drivers and the main road drivers at the point of the mixed was built. According the distribution of speed when the risky drivers merge, risky merging behaviors were divided into three types which were moving, buffering and waiting. The risky merging on urban roads was analyzed statistically with vehicles, road and traffic flow etc. as parameters.
     According to the full statistics, the factors influencing the risky lane-changing behaviors were analyzed from three points of view, the drivers, vehicles and road environment. Based on the video statistics, the indicators of risky lane-changing were defined based on headway of source and target lane from the perspective of the cumulative probability distribution. According to the impact of risky lane-changing behaviors to the traffic security, risky lane-changing behaviors were classified into three types including angled, extrusion and parallel, and they were analyzed statistically from the aspects of vehicles, road and traffic flow etc.
     Through comparing the similarities and differences between risky merging and lane-changing, several countermeasures were proposed both associatedly and dissociatively based on the behaviors, driver education, violation penalties and engineering design. Finally based on the limitation of the thesis, the author made some suggestions for further study in this area, such as improving the demarcations of risky behavior theories and methods, quantitatively describing the characteristics of risky merging and lane-changing, and proposing new management and penalties, etc.
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