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Enforcing the teacher performance evaluation policy in the compulsory education nationwide in China from 2009, has apparently aroused a heated public debate. The implementation of the policy is as much praised as blamed, partly in relation to the school's operational reason, partly to the broadly social systematical condition. Therefore, this study focuses on these two core issues, one is the matter of understanding the complexity of compulsory teacher performance evaluation policy from macroscopic social systematic view, the other is the matter of taking a great effort on school how to carry out this policy practically and efficiently at microcosmic action level. A series of key questions--where this policy derives from, why we need it, what status it stays around nowadays, what's the direction it should go, in what ways it would be operated to achieve the aims--are about to be explored deeply.
     The teacher performance evaluation, which varies in different countries, has just come out for nearly three decades. In Great Britain, it evolves from the teacher evaluation system for accountability, the one for professional development, PRP-model, to teacher performance management system. In the United States, it has been carried out through the teaching professionalized movement and merit pay reform. In China, the teacher performance evaluation system experiences almost four phrases:the initial constructive period, the reconstructive period, the institutionalized period and the new-developmental period. As a worldwide policy, teacher performance evaluation responses to the change of politics, economic, culture etc.
     Ideological trend influences teacher performance evaluation policy. In Great Britain and US, the reason to build and to transform the teacher performance evaluation system is attributed to the neo-liberalism, which has a great impact upon values, methods, standards, outcomes etc. In China, this system was born in complex social background with political, economical, cultural issues. Along with the society transformation from the Totalism, Chinese teacher performance evaluation policy grows with the governance of technocrat, transition of government's function, government performance construction, neo-liberalism etc. Being one part of Chinese public institutions reform, the system pursues the value of educational equity and balanced development. Basing on critical educational theory, civil society theories, and neo-authoritarianism, this study attempted to construct a systematic network with regards to the Party-Government, the neo-liberalism, the civil society, and the new public management theory, in order to explain the complexity of Chinese teacher performance evaluation policy.
     Literature review reveals that the current teacher performance evaluation system in practice can be divided into two forms, one is professional standard orientation, taking Great Britain and the state of Missouri in US as representatives; the other is administration orientation, as exemplified by the Taiwan area in China. All of them will provide significant experiences for Chinese current teacher performance evaluation development.
     The knowledge base of teacher performance evaluation spreads from management, pedagogy, to medicine or other related fields. Firstly, the concept of teacher performance derives from the management theory. In fact, modern performance management has successfully overcome the disadvantages of the traditional appraisal, which in some sense inspires us to explore the teacher performance evaluation in regards to the whole school systematic reformation perspective. Secondly, the variety of pedagogical studies about effective teaching, teacher evaluation, fourth generation evaluation contributes to further study. Furthermore, a great deal of experiences from medical work performance evaluation enriches the teacher evaluation in school-based environment too.
     Balanced teacher performance evaluation demonstrates several key features: multiple assessment objectives, multiple assessment participants, complete and concise procedure, flexible and feasible techniques, professional and suitable standards. This study constructs a procedural model for teacher performance management, including performance plan period, procedure control period, appraisal and improvement period. The performance plan period pays attention to producing the school developmental plan, to form the teacher performance evaluation program and assessment standards. In the second period, training teachers and collecting related information about their performance are necessary for the terminal evaluation. In the final period, school administers and teachers coordinately carry out terminal evaluation and give feedbacks and suggestions to improve performances in the future.
     There are some crucial technologies involving in the teacher performance management. Teacher performance evaluation should be based on the school developmental plan in regards to schools'missions, visions, goals, strategies. SWOT analysis is an important way of building school developmental plan. Then, one of the difficulties we face with is to develop performance evaluation indicators and standards. Remaking the Tyler Model, this study develops a tool to select performance indicators. Then KPI plays an important role in the process of decomposing the blueprints into personal evaluation indicators. Performance standards can be explored by means of quantitative and qualitative, absolute and relative ways, as well as SMART principles. Classroom observation is the main approach to collect materials, which includes some special procedure, framework, foci, and scales. Performance improvement adopts appropriate plan for teacher professional development based on correct attribution.
     In sum, only if we understand the value orientation of teacher performance evaluation and master special procedures and techniques, are we ready to apply this policy effortlessly and effectively.
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