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With ICT widely applied in education, learners in the 21st century have been surrounded by e-learning environments. To find how we can enhance learning outcomes under the e-learning environments, we propose a construction model for e-learning environments which aims at developing learners’higher-order thinking. The theory of learning environments digitalization is the foundation of this model. Our research is based on writing instruction for primary students of Grade 5. We use action research , quasi-experimental research and survey research to analyze the effects of learning environments digitalization on enhancing learning outcomes.
     Firstly , through literature review , we reveal the development route of learning environments research has transferred from men to the environments and now returned to men. In the 21st century, higher-order thinking is regarded as the core of men’s ability. So, learning environments digitalization should aim at developing learners’higher-order thinkings.
     Secondly, based on the analysis of technical positioning in education, we try to propose a saying of "soul-entity" of learning environments from the aspect of intellectual technology and media technology. Under the theory framework of this saying, we find that the existing researches of learning environments’ingredients emphasis on different aspects. Therefore, we attempt to consider the learning environments’ingredients from the aspect of instruction theory and further discuss the goal and means of learning environments digitalization.
     Then, through writing instruction for primary students, we demonstrate from both theory and data that higher-order thinking in writing reflects thinking qualities, including critical thinking, flexibility, originality and insight. Empirical data contains students’higher-order thinking levels which is measured by the Ross Test of Higher Cognitive Processes, and students’writing ability which is measured by assessment scale for measuring thinking qualities in writing. Data analysis shows significant correlation between these two variables. Based on this, we apply action research to construct e-learning environments aiming at enhancing thinking qualities in writing. Our action includes design and implementation of ten classes around four special subjects.
     Finally, the study explores the improvements of students’learning outcomes under the e-learning environments aiming at enhancing thinking qualities in writing, including writing motivation, Chinese learning self-efficacy and computer attitudes. We use instruments to measure learners’learning outcomes on the same group before and after our teaching intervention. Data analysis shows significant differences between pretest and posttest, and data form posttest is better. In addition, we integrate the view of learning environments’ingredients from aspect of instruction theory with present tools for measuring classroom environments to propose an analytical framework to evaluate writing instruction for primary students in the e-learning environments. Data obtained through this framework shows students' perception of the e-learning environments is good.
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